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Year 4 Curriculum Evening. Mrs Torley. The Daily Routine. Water Bottles. Children keep their water bottles on their desks. They can fill their water bottles with fresh water and have a drink after playtime/ dinnertime. Children can also access their bottles for a drink during lessons.
Year 4Curriculum Evening Mrs Torley
Water Bottles • Children keep their water bottles on their desks. They can fill their water bottles with fresh water and have a drink after playtime/ dinnertime. Children can also access their bottles for a drink during lessons. • They are encouraged to take them home each week to wash them.
Playtime Snack • Unfortunately KS2 children are not provided with fruit, so we encourage them to bring in their own healthy snack for playtime.
Homework in Year 4 • Homework is always an extension of the activities your child has been working on in class. • Homework may not always be recorded.
Class Assemblies Achievement assemblies take place every Friday at the end of the day. Two children are chosen each week to receive ‘pupil of the week’. Every effort is made to ensure each child will receive this award throughout the year. End of term achievement assemblies are on the following dates;
Parents evenings • 7th- 8th November • 27th- 28th February
Year 4 Rewards • House points • Stickers • Fantastic Five • Leaves • Wall of Fame
Year 4 Curriculum * Core Subjects - English - Maths - Science - ICT/ Computing - RE * Foundation Subjects - History - Geography - Art - Design & Technology - Music - French - Physical Education
Lessons in Year 4 Children are taught in structured lessons, which consists of 4 main parts: - Sharing of I can statement (linked to targets) - Whole class teaching (smartboards / powerpoints / practical and interactive) - Independent work (individual / paired / small group) - Plenary (summary of lesson) Assessment is continuous and tracked to ensure that each child’s unique needs are catered for. There will also be an assessment week in the Autumn, Spring and Summer term.
English Stories with a historical setting Explanations Cultural stories Stories with a dilemma Persuasive Texts Phase 1 – get to know genre Phase 2 – sentence / word work linked to genre Phase 3 – write own text linked to genre
Writing Focus • Vocabulary – adjectives, similes, descriptive phrases, interesting and ambitious words, verbs and adverbs • Connectives – and, but, so, then, because, if when, although, however, as well as, • Openings – First, Just then, Next, Finally, After a while, Also, Immediately, • Varying sentence openings – start with an adverb, a questions, in the middle of action • Punctuation - . , !, ? “ ” • Spelling – List of words for Y3/Y4 • Grammar – knowing terms (Reading reecord)
Writing Focus The man walked down the lane. The old man strolled down the cobbled lane. Suddenly, the old man strolledbriskly down the cobbled lane, with a wooden walking stick in his hand.
Guided Reading Guided reading sessions last half an hour and are set up as a carousel. I read with a guided group, while other children work independently in groups developing, consolidating and applying comprehension, spelling and grammar skills. The book the children bring home each week has not been read before in class.
Handwriting – Letter Formation Children will have regular weekly handwriting practice Joined handwriting, fluency, control, neat presentation
Spellings • It has became clear that the children are memorising spellings that they take home and so doing well in tests, but on the whole are struggling to apply rules to new words. • We will therefore practice the spelling rule on a Monday and some activities/ research based on the rule. They can also do this at home. • On Friday the children will do a test where they may need to apply the rule to new words or the spelling words they have learnt.
Number and place value • Count in multiples of 6, 7, 9, 25 and 100 • Find 1000 more or less than a given number • Count backwards through negative numbers • Recognise place value • Order and compare numbers • Round any number to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000 • Estimate numbers • Solve practical problems using increasingly larger numbers • Read Roman numerals to 100. • Add and subtract numbers with 4 digits using columnar addition and subtraction • Estimate and use inverse operations to check answers • Solve two step problems in context • Recall multiplication and division facts up to 12x12 • Multiply and divide mentally • Multiply 2 and 3 digit numbers using formal written method • Recognise and show common equivalent fractions • Count up and down in hundredths • Add and subtract fractions • Recognise and write decimal equivalents • Round decimals to the nearest whole number • Compare numbers with decimals • Solve money and measure problems involving fractions and decimals
Understanding Shape • Compare and classifiy geometric shapes, including quadrilaterals and triangles • Identify acute and obtuse angles and compare angles • Identify lines of symmetry • Complete a symmetric figure Measuring • Convert between different units of measure • Measure and calculate the perimeter of a shape • Find the area of shapes • Estimate, compare and calculate different measures, including money in pounds and pence. • Read, write and convert time between analogue and digital clocks • Solve time problems Statistics • Interpret and present data using appropriate graphical methods including bar charts and time graphs. • Solve difference problems using information presented in graphs. • Position and direction • Describe positions on a 2D grid as coordinates in the first quadrant • Describe movements between positions as translations of a given unit to the left/right and up/down • Plot specified points and draw sides to complete a given polygon
Calculating Strategies Strategies for adding • Putting the larger number first and counting on 6 + 27 = 27 + 6 = • Using knowledge of number bonds 6 + 8 + 4 = 6 + 4 + 8 = 10 + 8 = 18
Addition 14 + 25 = Partitioning into tens and ones 14 + 25 = 10 + 20 = 30 4 + 5 = 9 30 + 9 = 39
Addition Column method 94 +25 119 8 6 +25 11 1 1
Subtraction Counting on on an empty number line 65 – 34 = 10 10 5 6 34 40 50 60 65
Subtraction Column method 65 – 34 = 74 – 46 = 7 4 4 6 • 65 • 34 • 31 6 1 _
Partition the second number e.g. 45 – 23 = 45 – 20 = 25 25 – 3 = 22
Multiplication Partitioning into tens and ones 23 x 5 = 20 x 5 = 100 (2 x 5 = 10) 3 x 5 = 15 100 + 15 = 115
3 4 x 3 10 2 1
On a number line 48 ÷ 4 = 1 1 10 0 40 44 48
Short division 1 3
An extra 5 minutes?! It will really aid the children if they can confidently and rapidly recall number facts such as: • Know all times tables to 12 x 12 and division tables (fluency – times tables book) End of Y4 • Number bonds to 100 and 1000 • Place value – what’s the digit worth? • Partitioning numbers – Th H T U • Confidence with calculation methods (column addition and subtraction) • Doubles and halves
Science • Living things • Changes of state • Sound • Electricity • The water cycle • Digestive system
Computing The children have access to weekly sessions in the IT Suite and Ipads. • E Safety • Computer Science • Emailing • Digital Literacy • Databases
Religious Education Religious Education is based on the new “Come and See” programme. Autumn Term People, Judaism, Reconciliation, Advent Spring Term Community, Giving and Receiving (Eucharist), Self Discipline Summer Term New Life, Building Bridges, God’s People
PE PE lessons take place on a Wednesday afternoon • P.E kit is needed for all PE lessons. Please ensure that all items, including plimsolls, are labelled. • The children are following the ‘real PE’ programme where they will look at: • Personal skills • Social skills • Cognitive skills • Creative skills • Applying physical skills • Health and Fitness • MUSIC • Music lessons take place on a Friday 9:45- 10:30 with Mrs Bell. The children will study the following: • Ostinato • Christingle, keyboard skills • Vivaldi- the Four Seasons • Easter Production • Program Music
French • The children have an hour of French every Monday morning. • This is taught by Mrs Thomas. Grammar: Regular verbs, adjective endings, adverbs and connectives Key questions and answers: Family, Weather, Animals, Time, Daily Routine, Birthdays Vocabulary: Family, Weather, Animals, Time, Daily Routine, Months, Seasons
Talking Partners The children are paired up into talking partners. The children sit next to their talking partners during teaching time, if this is necessary. • It encourages children to listen to other children, promoting speaking and listening skills. • It provides less confident children the opportunity to share ideas first. • Social benefits – children talk to and work with children in their peers group who they may not have previously worked with.
Marking • All children’s work is marked with 2 positive comments if relevant. • A challenge / next step is also identified. Assessment The children are no longer assessed according to levels. They are assessed against Year group expectations and so when tested they may appear as emerging, expected or exceeding.
Year 4 – “An open door” • I am in school most mornings by 8:15am and usually leave at SILLY O’CLOCK! • Please come and see me about anything that is concerning or worrying you. • Contact the office to make an appointment.