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Kick-off meeting

Discussing major revisions in study programs, Qualifications framework, ECTS norms, electives, and first-year responsibilities. Sharing ideas on curriculum, teaching methods, and new organization structure.

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Kick-off meeting

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  1. Kick-off meeting School of ICT 23 November 2009

  2. Kick-off what? • Study programmes need to undergo major revisions • 15+5+5+5 • Qualifications framework • Meet ECTS norms • Electives • Study boards under schools now responsible for first year (Basisåret)

  3. Why? • Accreditation • Qualifications framework • Meet ECTS norms • Electives (at least 10 ECTS credits) • Responsibility for first year • (15+5+5+5) – ECTS labelling • Economy • 15+5+5+5

  4. Goals for this meeting • Common understanding of new organization • Framework conditions for revisions • Template for curricula • New ways of teaching (more effectively) • Sharing of courses • (Resources) • Share ideas on structure and content of first year • Meet members of other SICT study boards and intermediate committees

  5. Who are we?

  6. Agenda 10:00-10:15: Welcome and introduction 10:15-11:00: New organization etc. 11:00-11:45: New ways of teaching etc. 11:45-12:30: Lunch 12:30-13:00: Framework conditions for revisions of curricula 13:00-13:30: Teasers on first year of bachelor’s programmes 13:30-14:15: Group work 14:15-14:30: Break 14:30-15:30: Presentations and discussions 15:30-16:00: Round-off and continued process

  7. The new organization • Why schools? • Economic development • External pressure • What is a school? • SICT • The schools and their study boards • Transition from current to new organization

  8. Why schools? • Why do we need a new organization? • Economic development • External pressure • What is needed? • Strengthen management • Optimize use of resources • Strengthen collaboration among programs • Increase autonomy of educational units

  9. Development in funding (taxameter) Indekseret udvikling i taxametrene til uddannelse og fællesudgifter i perioden 1997 til 2006 (færdiggørelsesbonus inkluderet) i faste 1997-priser. Kilde: Notat af 12. januar 2006 fra Rektorkollegiet.

  10. Development in ”local funding”

  11. Central funding vs. local funding

  12. Points of break-even 2002: 33 2009: 70 Increase: 112%

  13. Development of surplus

  14. External pressure • Standardization across EU countries • ECTS • Grading • Quality assurance • Transparency • Accreditation (…) • Competition and collaboration • Marketing • Internationalization

  15. What is a School? • School = Group of collaborating study boards with focus on: • Management • Collaboration and democracy • Rational administration • Rational (high quality and high efficiency) teaching/learning

  16. Schools Structure Prodean of education Coordination committee Prodean of education Heads of schools Director of basic year … Study council: Head of school, chairmen and vice chairmen of study boards Study council: Head of school, chairmen and vice chairmen of study boards Head of school Study council: Head of school, chairmen and vice chairmen of study boards Head of school Head of school Head of school Study council: Head of school, chairmen and vice chairmen of study boards School Secretariat Study board Study board Study board Secretariat Secretariat Secretariat

  17. Study Council Media Technology Study Council Electronics & IT Computer Science

  18. Collaboration AAU Administration National authorities International Office Communications group (INS) ProdeanofEducations Career Center National educational institutions SICT Study Administration Secretariat Mass media Study board Study board Study board ”Consumers” ”Suppliers” Foreign universities I8 I16 I20 International bodies I22

  19. How many SICT students? • Approximately 1200 students • Three study boards • Computer Science (370 students) • Electronics & IT (365 students) • Media Technology (435 students)

  20. Four Schools School of … • Architecture, Design and Planning (A, F, L) • Michael Tophøj Sørensen • Engineering and Science (B, F, M, N) • Henrik Brohus • Information and Communication Technology (E, F) • Uffe Kjærulff • Medicine and Life Sciences (F, K, S) • Pia Elberg

  21. Study Boards IC IC IC Architecture, Design and Planning: • Architecture and Design (A) • Planning and Geography (F, L) • Land Surveyor (L) Engineering and Science: • Energy (N) • Civil Engineering (B) • Industry and Global Business Development (M) • Mathematics, Physics and Nanotechnology (F)

  22. Study Boards IC IC INTERIM STUDY BOARD Information & Communication Technology: • Electronics and IT (E) • Media Technology (E) • Computer Science (F) Medicine and Life Sciences: • Health and Sports (S) • Chemistry, Environmental Technology and Biotechnology (F, K) • Medicine (S)

  23. SICT: Members and Representation • Electronics and IT • 5 staff + 5 stud.: • Esbjerg: 1 + 1 • I22-Aalborg: 1 + 0 • I8-Aalborg: 3 + 4 • Media Technology • 4 staff + 4 stud.: • Esbjerg: 1 + 1 • Ballerup: 1 + 2 • I8-Aalborg: 1 + 0 • I22-Aalborg: 1 + 1 • Computer Science • 5 staff + 5 stud.: • I11: 1 + 0 • I16: 4 + 5

  24. Transition (SICT) Elections 1/9-09 1/2-10 1/9-10 1/2-11 E-SN New chairman F-SN Head of ICT Study board Study board Study board Electronics & IT Intermediate committee Appointed study board Study board Computer Sci. Intermediate committee Appointed study board Study board Media Tech. Existing curricula New curricula

  25. Agenda 10:00-10:15: Welcome and introduction 10:15-11:00: New organization etc. 11:00-11:45: New ways of teaching etc. 11:45-12:30: Lunch 12:30-13:00: Framework conditions for revisions of curricula 13:00-13:30: Teasers on first year of bachelor’s programmes 13:30-14:15: Group work 14:15-14:30: Break 14:30-15:30: Presentations and discussions 15:30-16:00: Round-off and continued process

  26. Agenda 10:00-10:15: Welcome and introduction 10:15-11:00: New organization etc. 11:00-11:45: New ways of teaching etc. 11:45-12:30: Lunch 12:30-13:00: Framework conditions for revisions of curricula 13:00-13:30: Teasers on first year of bachelor’s programmes 13:30-14:15: Group work 14:15-14:30: Break 14:30-15:30: Presentations and discussions 15:30-16:00: Round-off and continued process

  27. Framework conditions for revision of curricula Adjustment of the programmes portfolio and revision of content Meeting ECTS norms Course sharing Qualifications framework (Kvalifikationsramme) Electives Framework conditions for freshman’s year (“Basisåret”)

  28. Adjustment of programme portfolio and revision of content

  29. Standard structure • Bachelor’s programmes • All semesters: 15+5+5+5 (or variants thereof; e.g. 10+5+5+5+5, where one of the ”5-modules” is project-based) • Master’s programmes • 1st and 2nd semester: 15+5+5+5 • 3rd semester: 25+5 or 30+0 • 4th semester: 30+0

  30. Meeting ECTS norms • 30 hours of work per ECTS credit • Today: 1 ECTS credit of course work = 20 hours of teacher-assisted learning (5 * 4 hours) + 10 hours of preparation • Physics and Nanotechnology: Ditto + 20 hours per ECTS credit for preparing for exams • 3 ECTS credit courses  5 ECTS credit courses

  31. Course sharing:Programme similarities • Four dimensions • Use & design • Analysis of interaction with IT systems, dialogue with users, design of it-systems, communication, aesthetics, etc. • Electronics & systems • Analysis, design and construction of analogue and digital circuits and systems, etc. • Software & data • Analysis, design and implementation of software systems, and analysis and manipulation of data, etc. • Organisation & market • Understanding, establishing and running enterprises, management, law, innovation, markets, etc.

  32. Programme similarities • Støttefag: • Matematik • Fysik • Statistik • Videnskabsteori • PBL • …

  33. Ex: 3rd – 6th semester of ITCS

  34. Course sharing: Sample overview Based on initial assumptions on new requisition norms this a minor surplus.

  35. More on economy… Let x be the number of students and p the number of hours given for teaching a “5-module” • 18x + 2x + 3(p + x) < 41x • p < 6x

  36. Qualifications framework (Kvalifikationsramme) • Knowledge (Viden) • Skills (Færdigheder) • Competences (Kompetencer) A template and a guide for describing curricula will soon be available!

  37. Electives • By law, at least 10 ECTS credits • Projects don’t count! • Possible model: • In at least two semesters, one of the three 5-credit modules can selected by tha student from a ”positive list”

  38. Framework conditions for freshman’s year (“Basisåret”) • First semester • 15+5+5+5 or 10+5+5+5+5 with one ”5-block” being project-oriented • shared math course (A version and B version) • intro to POPBL etc. • joint ”IKT package” (maybe ”A version” and ”B version”) • Second semester • 15+5+5+5 and more subject specific

  39. Agenda 10:00-10:15: Welcome and introduction 10:15-11:00: New organization etc. 11:00-11:45: New ways of teaching etc. 11:45-12:30: Lunch 12:30-13:00: Framework conditions for revisions of curricula 13:00-13:30: Teasers on first year of bachelor’s programmes 13:30-14:15: Group work 14:15-14:30: Break 14:30-15:30: Presentations and discussions 15:30-16:00: Round-off and continued process

  40. Some questions to consider in the groups Should there a “P0”? If yes, what should happen in “P0”? How should the “P1” project work be organized? Within each programme? Across programmes? Other? How to ensure a good contact to later semesters (“the real university”)? How to best ensure a smooth transition from high school to the university? How is the “Aalborg model” best introduced? Does it make sense to have all SICT students follow the same activities (except math) in the 1st semester? How to define “context” in ICT programmes? How should it be incorporated in the curriculum? …

  41. The groups

  42. Agenda 10:00-10:15: Welcome and introduction 10:15-11:00: New organization etc. 11:00-11:45: New ways of teaching etc. 11:45-12:30: Lunch 12:30-13:00: Framework conditions for revisions of curricula 13:00-13:30: Teasers on first year of bachelor’s programmes 13:30-14:15: Group work 14:15-14:30: Break 14:30-15:30: Presentations and discussions 15:30-16:00: Round-off and continued process

  43. Next step Feedback from groups and plenary session to be collected in report Report to be sent to SN/OU by Friday 4 December Comments on report by Tuesday 22 December Working group to be established in January

  44. Transition (curricula) • Scenarios • All students follow new curricula in E10 • BSc: • 3rd semester E10: Old curricula +5th semester E10: New curricula • 3rd semester E10: Old curricula + 5th semester E10: Old curricula • MSc: • 1st semester E10: Old curricula + 3rd semester: New curricula • 1st semester E10: Old curricula + 3rd semester: Old curricula

  45. Plan

  46. Mathematics working groups • SICT model • Aalborg • “A level” (all except MED, INF, BaIT) • One representative from each main area (SN) • One representative from the Math Dept • “B level” (MED, INF, BaIT) • One representative from MED and one from INF/BaIT • One representative from the Math Dept • Ballerup • “A level” (ITCNM) • “B level” (MED)

  47. Mathematics working groups • SICT model 1 • “A level” (all except MED, INF, BaIT) • One representative from each main area (SN) • One representative from the Math Dept • “B level” (MED, INF, BaIT) • One representative from MED and one from INF/BaIT • One representative from the Math Dept

  48. Mathematics working groups • SICT model 2 • Aalborg • “A level” (all except MED, INF, BaIT) • One representative from each main area (SN) • One representative from the Math Dept • “B level” (MED, INF, BaIT) • One representative from MED and one from INF/BaIT • One representative from the Math Dept • Ballerup • “A level” (ITCNM) • “B level” (MED)

  49. Mathematics working groups • SICT model 2 • Esbjerg • “A level” (all Esbjerg programmes with Math A) • One representative from each main area (SN) • One representative from the Math Dept • “B level” (MED) • One representative from MED • One representative from the Math Dept

  50. Mathematics working groups • Schools model (one group per campus) • “A level” • One representative from each school • One representative from the Math Dept • “B level” • One representative from each school with Math B prog. • One representative from the Math Dept

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