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Journal Evaluation. Impact Factor. The impact factor , often abbreviated IF , is a measure of the citations to science and social science journals . It is frequently used as a factor for the importance of a journal to its field.
Impact Factor • The impact factor, often abbreviated IF, is a measure of the citations to science and social science journals. • It is frequently used as a factor for the importance of a journal to its field. • The Impact factor was devised by Eugene Garfield, the founder of the Institute for Scientific Information, now part of Thomson, a large worldwide US-based publisher. • Impact factors are calculated each year by Thomson Scientific for those journals which it indexes, and the factors and indices are published in Journal Citation Reports. • The publication of each year covered occurs in the summer of the following year. For example impact factors for 2008 will be published in the summer of 2009.
Other Factors • Some related values, also calculated and published by the same organization, are: • the immediacy index: the number of citations the articles in a journal receive in a given year divided by the number of articles published. • the cited half-life: the median age of the articles that were cited in Journal Citation Reports each year. For example, if a journal's half-life in 2005 is 5, that means the citations from 2001-2005 are half of all the citations from that journal in 2005, and the other half of the citations precede 2001. • the aggregate impact factor for a subject category: it is calculated taking into account the number of citations to all journals in the subject category and the number of articles from all the journals in the subject category.
Calculation • The impact factor of a journal is calculated based on a two-year period. • It can be viewed as the average number of citations in a year given to those papers in a journal that were published during the two preceding years. • For example, the 2003 impact factor of a journal would be calculated as follows: • A = the number of times articles published in 2001-2 were cited in indexed journals during 2003 • B = the number of "citable items" (usually articles, reviews, proceedings or notes; not editorials and letters-to-the-Editor) published in 2001-2 • 2003 impact factor = A/B • (note that the 2003 impact factor was actually published in 2004, because it could not be calculated until all of the 2003 publications had been received.)
How to find IF • http://library.aut.ac.ir/
ISI Journal Selection • The evaluation process consists of evaluation of many criteria such as • Basic Journal Publishing Standards including • Timeliness of publication, • adherence to International Editorial Conventions, • English Language Bibliographic Information (including English article titles, keywords, author abstracts, and cited references).
How to find ISI Papers • http://science.thomsonreuters.com/cgi-bin/jrnlst/jloptions.cgi?PC=K
Examples • COMPUTING AND INFORMATICS Bimonthly ISSN: 1335-9150 SLOVAK ACAD SCIENCES INST INFORMATICS, DUBRAVSKA CESTA 9, BRATISLAVA, SLOVAKIA, 84237 impact factor: 0.34 • international journal of computer science and network security is not ISI and is not acceptable in aut • APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTATION Biweekly ISSN: 0096-3003 ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC, 360 PARK AVE SOUTH, NEW YORK, USA, NY, 10010-1710 impact factor: 0,821