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The Mid Day Meal Scheme in Harda District, Madhya Pradesh has been approved and includes plans for work and budget for 2018-19. This update confirms the release of funds, payment of food grain costs, honorariums to Cook-cum-Helpers, and progress on various initiatives.
Mid Day Meal Scheme District : Harda Government of Madhya PradeshPanchayat & Rural Development Deptt.
Plan Approval by SSMC State Steering cum Monitoring Committee in its Meeting (SSMC) held on 20 February 2018 has duly approved Annual Work Plan & Budget for 2018-19 .
Confirmations Submiitted by State • a) Funds are released through e-transfer from State 100 % to Agencies and CCH through e-PO system. • Complied. • b) 100 % payment of cost of food grains has been made to FCI up to previous month of PAB meeting. • Total cost of food grain for 2017-18 - Rs. 2720.26 lakhs. • Bills raised by the agency (NAN) - Rs. 1436.20 • Claim Pending - Rs. 1284.06 lakhs. • c) All the pending bills of FCI for the previous years,if any have paid. • Nil. • d) 100% payment of honorarium has been made to Cook-cum Helpers on monthly basis up to the previous month of the PAB meeting through e-transfer into their bank accounts • Paid up to May 2018.
Action taken note on the committments given by the State Govt. during PAB meeting of 2017-18 • Delay in the release of central assistance: Steps would be taken for the timely release of central assistance to the schools/implementing agencies. • ATR:-No delay occurs after receiving central assistance. • 2. Supply chain management of food grains : Supply chain management of food grains would be streamlined to ensure timely and equitable availability of food grains in all schools. • ATR:- • NAN supplies food grain to implementing agencies through FPS • Transportation of food grains up to PDS shops by NAN. • Provision to supply foodgrains one month in advance through e-RO for smooth implementation of the Scheme. 4
Cont.... • LPG Connections in the Schools :At least 60% of the schools will have LPG connections during 2017-18. • ATR:- • 38,163 schools have LPG connections. • Rest of the schools LPG connections will be provided in the year 2018-19 depending upon the finances available . • 4. Less coverage of children : Necessary steps would be taken to improve coverage of children against enrollment. • ATR:- Efforts are on to improved coverage of children and retention by sensitization of PRI institutions. Regular agenda in Gram Sabha meetings . 5
Cont.... 5. Payment of honorarium to Cook-cum-helpers:The accounts of all cook-cum-helpers have been opened and their honorarium is being electronically transferred in their respective accounts ATR:- Complied. 6. Construction of Kitchen-cum-stores : All the sanctioned kitchen-cum-stores would be constructed by 31 March 2019. ATR:- Construction of 4778 Kitchen sheds are in progress. 7. Payment to NagrikApoortiNigaam : Payment of food grains pending bills wlll be made to NAN before 31 March, 2019. ATR:- Outstanding bills of Rs. 1284.06 lakhspending.as on date 6
Cont.... 8. Guidelines would be issued to all schools for keeping a record of meals and in kind donation provided by the community under mid day meal scheme. : ATR:- Complied. 9. Multi-tap hand wash facilities would be provided in all schools during 2017- 18 ATR:- Currently 18158 schools have Multi-tap facility. Efforts are on to cover schools by multi-tap hand wash facilities in phased manner. 10. The automated monitoring system for monitoring mid day meal scheme would be rolled out within the prescribed timelines : ATR:- IVRS (SMS based) rolled out in the State. Currently 12 District have ported their data successfully. 7
Coverage against Enrolment(April 2017 to Mar. 2018) (In Lakh)
Coverage against PAB approval(April 2017 to Mar 2018) (In Lakh)
Food Grains Lifting & Utilisation (April 2017 to March, 2018) (Qty. in MTs) Primary and Upper Primary
Cost of Food Grains (Rs. In Cr) Primary and Upper Primary
Cooking Cost Utilisation (April 2017 to March 2018) (Rs. In Crore.) Primary and Upper Primary
CCH – Engagement (April 2017 to March, 2018)
Honorarium of Cook-Cum-Helper (April 2017 to March, 2018) (Rs. In Crore.) Primary and Upper Primary
TA- Utilization (April 2017 to March. 2018) (Rs. In Cr.)
MME- Utilization (April 2017 to March, 2018) (Rs. In Cr.)
Automated Monitoring System has been operationalised • 12 districts have successfully ported their data on mdmhp.nic.in portal. 3 Districts have started sending their daily SMS data.
Annual and Monthly Data Entry for F.Y. 2017-18 Annual MIS % Monthly MIS %
Emergency Medical Plan / Contingency plan 3-Member committee (SDM, CDPO, BRC’s) Committee will inspect the place within 3 hours and send the report within 24 hours District Magistrate Send the report to Head Office, Bhopal within 24 Hrs State Coordinator (MDM)
First Aid Box . District : Jabalpur
Cont… • There is a contingency plan in every school. Contact numbers of local health worker, sector supervisor and doctor of the concerned health centre's painted on the wall. • In case of any incident of contamination / food poisoning, after giving first-aid on the spot affected students to be taken to nearest health centre at the earliest and inform the district authorities immediately.
Coverage of Students Working Days
Requirement of Food Grain (In Mts) Requirement of Cost of Food Grain (In Lakhs)
Requirement of Cooking Cost (In Lakhs) Requirement of Transportation Assistance (In Lakhs)
1.8 % (10.16Cr) of the central share of the recurring components budget/fund (919.21 Cr) is reserved for MME.50 % is retained for salary, office expenditure, monitoring and evaluation, publicity, capacity building and other administrative expenses etc . • Rest 50% is transferred to SMCs for various expenses like forms and stationery, training of CCHetc. Separate and detailed Plan of MME for 2018-19
Requirement of CCH and their Honorarium 23115.70 Honorarium Required (In Lakhs)
Requirement of Kitchen Cum Store Requirement of Kitchen Devices & Replacement
Proposal For 2018-19 (Primary & Upper Primary)
Drought Requirement (Primary & Upper Primary) • No. of Districts - 18, • No. of Tehsil -133
Total Budget 2018-19 • Recurring Assistance : Rs. 92937.96 lakhs • Non Recurring : Rs. 19143.25 lakhs • Total Budget : Rs 112081.21 lakhs
MDM PORTAL • The MDM Scheme is being implemented through MDM Portal created with the help of NIC, Bhopal • Cooking cost to SHG and honorarium to CCH is being electronically transferred to their respective bank accounts • Food grain is being allotted to SHG’s /Agencies through eRO. Food grain is calculated school wise and sent to the government fair price shops (PDS) mapped with the concerned schools through NAN Portal
Distribution of Milk • Realising the need of providing additional nutreint to children milk prepared from milk powder is being provided to children of primary schools and Anganwadi from 15th July 2015. • Milk provided to children of primary schools 32.13 lakh and Anganwadi 26.60 lakh for 2017-18 • 100 ml milk prepared from 10 gm milk powder in five flavors Chocolate, Pineapple, rose, strawberry and Elaichi is being served to children three days in a week.
District : Bhopal District : Jabalpur
Swachch Kitchen Shed Competition • Swatchh Kitchen Shed Competition is held every year on the basis of certain paramenters and provison of first three prizes of Rs. 50,000, 30,000 and 20,000 has been made. • This intervention has created healthy competition amongst various Stake holders viz. Schools , SHG , CCH ,etc • In the State MDM is mostly implemented by SHGs of poor and weaker sections women, About 77,095 SHG are working.
Gas Connection • 38,163 schools have LPG connections. Rest of the schools LPG connections will be provided in the year 2018-19 depending upon the finances available . District : Burahanpur 47
Involvement of MahillaPanch • MAHILLA PANCH have been advised to supervise and monitor MDM in their village right from procurement of raw material to serving of meals to students. 48
Book Keeping • September, is celebrated as AbhilekhSandharan Month for the verification of records and SHG’s. 49