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Present Progressive. Por Señora Chinchilla. When you want to say an action is happening now , use the present progressive. For example: I am eating. She is writing a letter. The teacher is talking. To form this tense, use the formula: ESTAR + “ING” ending of the verb
Present Progressive PorSeñora Chinchilla
When you want to say an action is happening now, use the present progressive. For example: I am eating. She is writing a letter. The teacher is talking. To form this tense, use the formula: ESTAR + “ING” ending of the verb Ex: Yoestoycomiendo. = Iameating. Túestásbebiendo. = You are drinking.
Don’t forget!!! Present tense of ESTAR:
To form the “ING” ending of the verb, drop the ending in the infinitive and add –andoor iendo. • AR Verbs: hablarhablando • ER Verbs: beber bebiendo • IR verbs: vivir viviendo • ando • -iendo ESTAR I AM WATCHING YOU!
Let’s practice: Yoestoycomiendo. I am eating. He is washing the dishes. They are studying. We are taking out the trash. Élestálavando los platos.. Ellosestánestudiando. Nosotrosestamossacando la basura.
**Irregular “ING” Forms: **Some of the verbs you know have irregular “ING” forms:** Ir ____________ I am going. Leer ____________ The boy is reading. yendo Estoyyendo. leyendo El chicoestáleyendo.
The verbs venir and ir are not usually used in present progressive. • Vienes a la fiesta? Are you coming to the party? • No, voya la biblioteca. No, I’m going to the library.
First two answers (“B” answers may vary) • A- B- 2. A- B- Pon la mesa. Lo siento (I’m sorry,) estoyjugando al tenis. (varied answers) Lava el coche. Me gustariaperoestoycomiendo. (varied answers)
More practice!Directions: Rewrite the sentence to tell what the people are doing now! • Diana/ comprarropa • Roberto y suhermano / leer unarevista • Luis / abrir un libro • Paco y yo/ pasar un rato con los amigos • Tú / bailar con tus amigos • Nosotros / leer unanovela Diana estácomprandoropa. Roberto y suhermanoestánleyendounarevista. Luis estáabriendoun libro. Paco y yoestamospasandoun rato con los amigos. Túestásbailandocon tus amigos. Nosotrosestamosleyendounanovela.