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REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND PHYSICAL PLANNING PRACTICE IN HUNGARY. 1. LEGAL BACKGROUND OF PLANNING ACTIVITY. ACT ON REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND PHYSICAL PLANNING (1996) The regional development tasks of the State are: to bring underdeveloped regions up to the national standards,
LEGAL BACKGROUND OF PLANNING ACTIVITY ACT ON REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND PHYSICAL PLANNING (1996) The regional development tasks of the State are: • to bring underdeveloped regions up to the national standards, • to develop regions undergoing a restructuring process, • to reduce regional differences in public services, • to support the implementation of innovative regional development tasks, • to assist the implementation of regional land-use objectives In accordance with the regional development strategy the tasks of physical planning are : • to assign the future land use pattern based on capability, • to draw the future spatial structure and infrastructure systems, • to enhance the regional propositions of environment-, landscape- and nature protection • to harmonize the settlement level land use and structural intentions 2
Development plans Spatial / physical plans TERRITORIAL / REGIONAL PLANS National Development Plan, Sectoral action plans – approved by parliamentary, governmental, EU decisions National Spatial Plan– approved by act Development plans of significant areas Spatial plan of significant area (Budapest Agglomeration, Balaton resort area) - approved by act Development strategies, operational programmes of the Regions – approved by governmental, EU decisions Development strategies, development programmes of the Counties – approved by the county government - county decision Spatial plans of the counties - approved by the county government, conty regulation Microregional development strategies and programmes URBAN PLANS Urban development plans, Urban development programmes – local govermental decision Urban / physical plan • Structure plan • Zoning planSzabályozási terv • Building regulation local regulation
INVESTIGATION, EVALUATION Prepara-tory phase External environment Infrastructure system Social status Context of landuse, natural environment and economics Economic foundation Territorial structure SWOT ANALYSIS (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) STRATEGIC INTERVENTIONS Planning phase DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY Vision Pyramid of objects STARTEGIC PROGRAMME Priorities Measures Objectives of the Spatial Plan STRUCTURE PLAN ZONING PLAN OPERATINAL PROGRAMME Cycles of development and physical planning 4
Act on National Spatial Plan, approved in 2003 The main role of the plan: • definition of the regional rules of sustainable development (protection zones and land use restriction) • integration of the coutry into the European spatial structure • validationof European principles (ESDP) • accession to the European infrastructure systems (Helsinki corridors) • reservation of the territory of future development actions • harmonisation of the lower level planning
National Spatial Plan Land use and infrastructure systems 7
National ecological network • Environmental sensitive areas • Arable land with excellent soil fertility • Area of complex landscape rehabilitation • Subsurface water protection area • Catchment area of sensitive surface water National Spatial Plan Zones of regulation 8
Excpected results • Professional network of institutions involved in development of the catchment area • Common understanding of problems, possible solutions
Excpected results • Common information and data base • Analysis of the state and perspective of the area: national studies and a synthesis of these analyses • Elaboration of a common strategy towards the interlinked objectives of water management, land-use consolidation, environmental rehabilitation, nature conservation, economic diversification as well as social progress with the help of development and use of an integrated territorial assessment tool • Elaboration of local strategies in three pilot areas representing typical issues of the area, discussion, consultations • Formulation of policy recommendations for national, regional and specific local level
Excpected results • Development of an IT based model programme supporting spatial development decision making • Increasing awareness by dissemination of findings, outputs, results throughout the project and at the final stage.