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Key Highlights. ACCS 2011 BikeArlington Study. October 2011. Key Highlights – 2011 BikeArlington Table of Contents. Demographic Profile. 1. Most respondents bike at least a couple times a week and frequently bike on multi-use trails.
Key Highlights ACCS 2011 BikeArlington Study October 2011
1 Most respondents bike at least a couple times a week and frequently bike on multi-use trails.
More Than Eight in Ten Respondents Bike at Least a Couple of Times a Week Males are significantly more likely than females to bike daily. Q2. How often do you bike for any purpose? n = 868
Note: Values do not add to 100%. Respondents were able to choose more than one response. Nearly Three-Fourths Say They Bike on Multi-use Trails Most Often Arlington = 564 Non-Arlington = 304 Q6. In what Arlington area(s) or location(s) do you bike most often?
2 Motivations for biking vary, but exercise and recreation make up a large number of biking trips. Millennialstend to bike to save money and as an efficient means of transportation.
Note: Values do not add to 100%. Respondents were able to choose more than one response. Exercise Is the Main Motivation for Biking Younger and lower income respondents are significantly more likely to say saving money is their motivation for biking. Q5. For those trips that you choose to bike, what is your motivation to bike? n = 868
Note: Values do not add to 100%. Respondents were able to choose more than one response. Millennials Are More Likely to Bike to Save Money, Get to Their Destination Faster and Because They Have No Access to Other Transportation Millennials 1983 or later Generation X 1965-1982 Baby Boomers 1945 – 1964 Silent/GI 1944 or earlier Millennials = 120 Gen X = 396 Baby Boomers = 297 Silent/GI = 28 Q5. For those trips that you choose to bike, what is your motivation to bike?
3 Three-quarters of respondents report biking to work at least some of the time. Mean travel time is 39 minutes and mean travel distance is eight miles.
Note: Question was only asked of those who are currently employed. More Than Two-Thirds of Employed Respondents Bike to Work at Least Once a Week 68% Q10. How often do you bike to work? n = 803
Baby Boomers and Respondents Who Make Over $120,000 a Year Are More Likely to Bike More Than 10 Miles to Work Over Half of Respondents Bike Seven or More Miles One Way to WorkThe Mean Distance for Biking to Work Is Eight Miles Respondents do not vary the distance they travel based on their motivation for biking. Q11. How long is your typical one way bike to for from work? n = 665
Half of Respondents Travel Between 21 and 45 Minutes by Bike to Get to WorkThe Mean Travel Time Is 39 Minutes Q12. How much time does the biking part of your entire commute take? n = 668
4 Nearly three-quarters of respondents report that their employer offers assistance, information or facilities to encourage biking to work.
Employers Most Often Provide Assistance to Bikers in the Form of Showers and Protected Bike Racks Note: Graph represents the percentage of respondents who say this service is currently provided by their employer. Q17. Following is a list of biking facilities that might be available at your workplace. In the first column, check all the facilities that are available. For those that are not available, please indicate if you would like to have the facility. n = 663
Of Respondents Who Do Not Have These Services at Work Currently, 87% Say They Would Like Showers and 83% Would Like Connections to Bike Lanes Note: Graph represents the percentage of respondents who would like to have the facility at their workplace among those who currently do not have it. Q17. Following is a list of biking facilities that might be available at your workplace. In the first column, check all the facilities that are available. For those that are not available, please indicate if you would like to have the facility. n = varies
Showers Have Influenced More Than Half of Those Who Currently Bike to Work to Make That Decision Q18. Which of these facilities influenced your decision to bike to work? n = 632
5 About half of respondents would consider biking to a Metro Station and taking the Metro to work. Respondents would be most likely to use bike trail/lane connections and bike racks protected from the weather.
Note: Distance away from the Metro did not affect respondent interest in biking to the Metro station and then taking the Metro to work. About Half of Respondents Would Consider Biking to a Metro Station and Taking the Metro to Work Q19. Would you consider riding your bike to a metro station, parking your bike, and riding the Metro to work? n = 666
Respondents Would Be Most Likely to Use Bike Trail and Bike Lane Connections at a Metro Station Q20. Which of the following facilities would you use at a Metro station? n = 517
6 The largest safety concern for cyclists is sharing the way with vehicles, both day and night. Women are more likely than men to feel unsafe at all times of day and from all types of dangerous situations.
Respondents Generally Feel Safe Biking in the DayThe Most Concern About Safety in the Day Is Sharing the Way with Vehicles Sharing the way with vehicles Q7. How safe you feel in regards to each of the following when you bike during the day? n = 868
Women are Significantly More Likely to Feel Unsafe than Men Note: Percentages indicate those reporting they feel unsafe. During the Day At Night Q7. How safe you feel in regards to each of the following when you bike during the day? n = 868
Concerns About Safety Intensify Slightly When Biking at Night Q8. How safe do you feel in regard to each of the following when you bike during the evening or at night? n = 868
Note: Values do not add to 100%. Respondents were able to choose more than one response. More than Half Say Encounters with Aggressive or Inattentive Drivers are a Safety Issue when Biking Q9. What safety issues, if any, do you encounter when biking? n = 751
7 Three-fourths of bikers have noticed sharrows, but fewer are certain of an increase in safety for bikers due to the sharrows.
About Three-Fourths Have Noticed the Sharrows in Arlington Q31. Have you noticed any sharrows in Arlington? n = 868
Four in Ten Say Sharrows Make Streets Safer for Bicyclists Q32. To what extent are sharrows making the streets safer for bicyclists? n = 663
8 More than three-quarters are aware of BikeArlington and slightly more than a third of those consider themselves familiar with it.
More Than Three-Quarters Are Aware of BikeArlington Note: Graph represents the percentage of respondents who “have used” services and who “have not used services, but are aware” to demonstrate awareness. Q23. Following is a list of transportation organizations and services available in Arlington. n = 868
And of Those Who Are Aware of BikeArlington, More Than One-Third Are Familiar with It Note: Data represents the level of familiarity among those who are aware of BikeArlington. Q24. How familiar are you with BikeArlington? n = 671
Seven in Ten of Those Who have Heard of BikeArlington, have Used its Services Note: Graph represents the percentage of respondents who have used services among those who have heard of the services. Q23. Following is a list of transportation organizations and services available in Arlington. n = 868
9 Overall satisfaction with BikeArlington is high. Respondents are likely to use and recommend BikeArlingtonservices.
Nearly Eight in Ten are Satisfied with BikeArlington Services 79% Q34. How satisfied have you been overall with the services that you have used from BikeArlington? n = 463
Note: Respondents were only asked to rate the services they have used. Respondents Are Most Satisfied with Bike to Work Day, Bike Maps, and Bike Lanes and Trails Note: Services and resources with an “n” less than 30 are excluded due to small sample size. Q30. Based on your experience, how satisfied are you with each of the following BikeArlington services and resources? n = varies by service
Note: Data represents the likelihood to use BikeArlington services among those who are aware of BikeArlington. Nearly Eight in Ten of Those Who Have Used BikeArlington are Likely to Continue to Use its ServicesAbout Half of those who Have Not Used BikeArlington Services Are Likely to Start 79% Q35. How likely are you to use the services of BikeArlington? n = 666
Note: This question was asked only of those who are aware of BikeArlington. More Than Half of Those Who Use BikeArlington Have Already Recommended BikeArlington Services to Someone Q37. Have you ever recommended BikeArlington services to someone? n = 666
10 Nearly half of those who use BikeArlington services report making a change in their biking behavior since beginning to use BikeArlington services.
Note: This question was asked only of those who have used BikeArlington services. Nearly Half Made a Change to Their Biking Behavior Since Using BikeArlington Services 47% of respondents report making at least one of these changes to their biking behavior. Q38. Since you first started using BikeArlington services, have you made any of the following changes in your biking behavior? n = 463