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International Cooperation in Science and Technology: DST's Strategic Plan 2015-2020

Presentation overview to the Parliamentary Portfolio Committee focusing on key achievements, strategic targets, and interventions to enhance efficiency of international cooperation in science and technology.

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International Cooperation in Science and Technology: DST's Strategic Plan 2015-2020

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  2. Overview of Presentation • International STI Cooperation in the DST Strategic Plan 2015-2020, NDP and MTSF • Purpose and Structure of Programme • Key Achievements 2014-2015 • Annual Performance Plan Strategic Targets 2015-2016 • Strategic interventions to enhance efficiency and impact of international cooperation

  3. Minister Pandor’s five high-level priorities • Grow and transform South Africa’s STI human capital. • Boost government-business-university investment in R&D. • Develop entrepreneurial skills to translate research results into new products and services to fight poverty, inequality and unemployment. • Ensure Africa’s successful hosting of SKA global radio telescope project. • Foster dynamic STI partnership portfolio with other African nations, develop Africa’s STI capacities. • International partnerships are essential to achieve all five of these objectives

  4. Priorities for International Cooperation in the DST Strategic Plan 2015-2020 • International cooperation is not an objective in its own right (except as an instrument for science diplomacy) but critical enabler for achievement of other national STI objectives. • Programme will continue to build a diverse and vibrant portfolio of international partnerships (including investment) to support national priorities, with special focus on: • Greater geographic diversity among international partners, increased focus on Africa; • Greater focus on innovation, commercialization and market-orientated research; and • Greater participation by South Africa’s historically disadvantaged institutes.

  5. International Cooperation in STI and the NDP and MTSF • The DST’s activities to promote international cooperation will align with the NDP’s Chapter 7 (“Positioning South Africa in the world”), and respond directly to MTSF outcome 11: “Creating a better South Africa and contributing to a better and safer Africa in a better world.”

  6. MTSF outcome/output indicators and targets (2014–2019) (1) • Foreign funding to grow and develop the NSI • The DST aims to make South Africa a preferred investment destination for multinational companies, international foundations, philanthropic organizations and development cooperation agencies. It will promote participation in competitive research and innovation funding programmes, such as the European Union’s Horizon 2020 programme, and prioritize foreign investment in joint ventures targeting commercialization and product and service development. • For 2014/15, the DST’s goal was to secure R354.6 million from international partners. The annual target of secured funds will increase annually to reach a cumulative amount of R2 billion over the next five years.

  7. MTSF outcome/output indicators and targets (2014–2019) (2) • International support for HCD in the NSI • International partnerships will be actively sought to achieve the DST’s HCD objectives, specifically PhD training, and to help build South Africa’s innovation management and entrepreneurial skills. Specific attention will be paid to the involvement of historically disadvantaged institutions. • The five-year target is to launch a comprehensive national programme, similar to Brazil’s “Science without Borders”, for international researcher (PhD) training. By 2019, the DST aims to secure 900 new international bursaries or fellowships for South African researchers to gain postgraduate qualifications.

  8. MTSF outcome/output indicators and targets (2014–2019) (3) • STI cooperation in Africa • The DST will step up its efforts to play a critical, but constructive leadership role to ensure various African regional and continental STI policies and initiatives are concretely implemented, with international partner support. • The five-year target is to ensure that the DST makes an annual, active contribution to the implementation of at least 45 major African (SADC or AU) STI partnership initiatives, as well as the Science, Technology and Innovation Strategy for Africa framework.

  9. MTSF outcome/output indicators and targets (2014–2019) (4) • Science diplomacy to support South Africa’s foreign policy • International STI cooperation is a valuable foreign policy tool for South Africa’s foreign policy, often enabling strategic political and economic relations. The DST has a direct contribution to make to the achievement of MTSF outcome 11, including sub-outcome goals (advancing South Africa’s national priorities in bilateral engagements; achieving an economically integrated Southern Africa; fostering a sustainable and economically integrated Africa; building strong and mutually beneficial South- South partnerships; and developing beneficial relations with strategic formations in the North). • The DST’s five-year target is to shape global STI governance strategically by ensuring that South Africa occupies 15 leadership positions in international STI governance structures.

  10. Purpose of Programme: International Cooperation and Resources • To strategically develop, promote and manage international partnerships that strengthen the NSI and enable an exchange of knowledge, capacity and resources between South Africa and its international partners, with a focus on supporting STI capacity-building in Africa. Furthermore, to support South African foreign policy through science diplomacy.

  11. Structure of Programme: International Cooperation and Resources • Three Chief Directorates: • International Resources • Multilateral Cooperation and Africa • Overseas Bilateral Cooperation • Two representatives based abroad at SA diplomatic missions • Brussels, Belgium (to EU) • Tokyo, Japan • Seconded official to SADC Secretariat, Gaborone, Botswana

  12. Chief Directorate: International Resources • International Resources works to increase the flow of international funding into South African STI initiatives as well as African regional and continental programmes. It does this by promoting investment and fostering strategic partnerships with, for example, the European Union, foundations and philanthropic organizations. • Three Directorates: • European Union Partnerships • Development Partnerships • Foreign Investment Promotion

  13. Chief Directorate: Multilateral Cooperation and Africa • The Chief Directorate advances South Africa’s participation in bilateral STI cooperation initiatives with other African partners, as well as in African multilateral programmes and broader multilateral STI partnerships, with a strategic focus on South-South cooperation. • Three Directorates: • Africa Bilateral • Africa Multilateral • Multilateral Cooperation • Specialist on Multilateral Environmental Agreements

  14. Chief Directorate: Overseas Bilateral Cooperation • The Chief Directorate Overseas Bilateral Cooperation promotes and facilitates South Africa’s bilateral STI cooperation with partners in Europe, the Americas, Asia and Australasia, especially for STI HCD and collaborative research and innovation. The Chief Directorate also secures their support for cooperation with other African partners. • Two Directorates: • Europe and Gulf States • Americas, Asia and Australasia

  15. Programme International Cooperation and Resources: Budget overview • Transfer: • 2014-2015 budget: R50 804 000 • 2014-2015 actual: R54 044 000 • 2015-2016 budget: R61 049 000 • Goods and Services: • 2014-2015 budget: R25 097 000 • 2014-2015 actual: R16 725 668 • 2014-2015 budget: R 19 064 000 • Compensation: • 2014-2015 budget: 43 418 000 • 2014-2015 actual: 36 914 673 • Number of posts: 70

  16. Key Achievements 2014-2015 • Foreign funds secured for investment in NSI • Target: R354 600 000 • Performance: R634 500 000 • National funds invested in international cooperation • Target: R84 300 000 • Performance: R119 600 000

  17. Key Achievements 2014-2015 (2) • Technical events enabling international knowledge transfer • Target: 32 • Performance: 56 • International STI initiatives championed by South Africa • Target: 19 • Performance: 26

  18. Key Achievements 2014-2015 (3) • DIRCO and Presidency-led STI related initiatives supported • Target: 24 • Performance: 24 • Recommendations from multilateral STI organizations translated in SA • Target: 5 • Performance: 5

  19. Key Achievements 2014-2015 (4) • African STI governance frameworks reinforced • Target: 6 • Performance: 7 • International initiatives facilitated to support STI in Africa • Target: 8 • Performance: 18

  20. Key Achievements 2014-2015 (5) • International human capital development opportunities enabled • Target: 44 • Performance: 67 • South African researchers and students participating in international human capital development opportunities • Target: 1456 • Performance: 2143

  21. Annual Performance Plan: 2015-2016 • Strategic Objectives: • Access international funds to support the growth and development of the NSI • Enhance South Africa's national STI capabilities through access to international knowledge, capacities and resources • Strengthen STI cooperation in Africa • Support South Africa's foreign policy through science diplomacy

  22. Access international funds to support the growth and development of the NSI • Strategic targets 2015-2016 • R380 million in international funds directly invested in STI in South Africa • R220 million invested by international partners in their own countries in cooperation with South Africa

  23. Enhance South Africa's national STI capabilities through access to international knowledge, capacities and resources • Strategic targets 2015-2016 • 50 South African students participating in international training programmes offering a postgraduate qualification • 400 international partner organizations collaborating with South African partners • 10 international technical exchanges to build or reinforce South Africa’s capacities in key STI domains

  24. Strengthen STI cooperation in Africa • Strategic targets 2015-2016 • 20 research, innovation and STI human capital development cooperation projects co-funded or supported in kind, by DST and at least one other African government • R50 million in international funds directly invested in African regional and continental research and innovation programmes • 7 AU or SADC STI initiatives, including programmes, projects or governance frameworks, endorsed at AU or SADC ministerial level supported

  25. Support South Africa’s foreign policy through science diplomacy • Strategic targets 2015-2016 • 4 formally recorded decisions made in intergovernmental STI forums influenced by South Africa • 2 leadership positions occupied by South Africa in international STI governance structures

  26. Strategic Interventions • DST and Economic Diplomacy • Promote science, technology and innovation foreign investment in South Africa (preferred destination) – dedicated strategy • Encourage multinational companies to locate R&D facilities in South Africa • Secure access for South Africa to international venture capital • Preparation of dedicated Strategic Framework for STI Partnerships in Africa • Better coordination with DST entities, i.e. NRF, TIA, ASSAf, CSIR, HSRC, CSIR but also broader NSI • Enhance public communication of international STI cooperation: organization of major event: South African Science Forum, December 2015 • Develop proxy indicators to measure impact of our work – i.e. joint, publications, patents, etc.

  27. Thank you / Key contacts: • Deputy Director-General: International Cooperation and Resources: • daan.dutoit@dst.gov.za; 076 511 2965 • Chief Director: Bilateral: neville.arendse@dst.gov.za • Director: America, Asia, Australasia: punkah.mdaka@dst.gov.za • Director: Europe, Middle East: khaya.sishuba@dst.gov.za • Chief Director: Multilateral and Africa: mmampei.chaba@dst.gov.za • Director: Africa: joseph.senona@dst.gov.za • Director: Multilateral: cecil.masoka@dst.gov.za • (Act) Director: Africa Multilateral: cheka.mailula@dst.gov.za • Chief Director: International resources (funding): isayvani.naicker@dst.gov.za • Director: Foreign Investment: kwanda.modise@dst.gov.za • Director: ODA and Philanthropy: lisa.dutoit@dst.gov.za • Director: EU partnerships: mamohloding.tlhagale@dst.gov.za

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