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Oil & Gas Exploration: The Adventure of Vagabond Ventures

Join the Vagabond Group in their pursuit of fossil fuels. Dive into geology, hydrocarbons, and exploration processes during a thrilling course. Discover how to succeed in finding and trapping oil and gas reserves.

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Oil & Gas Exploration: The Adventure of Vagabond Ventures

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  1. Please . . . .

  2. Vagabond Ventures Oil Group Searches For Fossil Fuels Winter Session 2013

  3. The Course Outline Oil & Gas Exploration The Basics: Week 1: Geology & History of Hydrocarbons Week 2: Oil & Gas Exploration Week 3: Petroleum Engineering $1,000,000 The Adventure: Week 4: ‘Vagabond Group’ proposes 2 prospects Week 5: ‘Vagabond Group’ plans production Week 6: the Payout?! A black-gold millionaire or dry hole hobo?

  4. Oil & Gas Exploration Requirements for success - Requirements for success - Exploration processes 1) Source 2) Reservoir 3) Migration Path 4) Trap

  5. Requirements for success where gas/oil are ‘stored’ reservoir rock (sandstone) - porous - permeable surface migration path Top of mature (generating) source rock source rock (shale) where the organic material is ‘cooked’ - organic rich - buried quickly - compressed/heated

  6. Requirements for success where gas/oil are ‘stored’ reservoir rock (sandstone) - porous - permeable migration path source rock (shale) where the organic material is ‘cooked’ - organic rich - buried quickly - compressed/heated

  7. Requirements for success reservoir rock (sandstone) migration path migration path source rock (shale) without a TRAP . . . the oil & gas escapes!

  8. Requirements for success reservoir rock (sandstone) TRAP = barrier to migration - anticline - thrust fault - normal fault - salt dome - facies change migration path source rock (shale) without a TRAP . . . - TRAPS the oil & gas escapes!

  9. Requirements for success -TRAPS Compressional forces can cause rock layers to BEND & FOLD . . . . Anticline possible oil/gas trap impermeable oil/gas sandstone shale

  10. Requirements for success -TRAPS Compressional forces can cause rock layers to FRACTURE . . . . Thrust Fault possible oil/gas traps impermeable oil/gas sandstone oil/gas shale NOT impermeable fault plane

  11. Requirements for success -TRAPS Extensional forces can cause rock layers to STRETCH & FRACTURE . . . . Normal Fault possible oil/gas trap impermeable oil/gas sandstone shale impermeable fault plane

  12. Requirements for success -TRAPS Intrusions into layered rocks . . . Salt Dome Possible oil/gas traps oil/gas sandstone shale salt layer

  13. Requirements for success -TRAPS Rock Properties within a rock layer can be different . . . . Facies Change possible oil/gas trap former river channel Imbedded in sedimentary rock layers

  14. Exploration processes Oil Exploration - Requirements for success 1) Source 2) Reservoir 3) Migration Path 4) Trap - Exploration processes - Geology - Geophysics - ‘Land’ work Exploration processes

  15. Exploration processes Geology Geophysics ? What’s the difference? Engineering Land Work

  16. Exploration processes from last week . . . Geology Geophysics What’s the difference?

  17. Exploration processes Geology ‘geo’ = earth ‘logy ’= study . . . uses field work and rock analysis to study the composition, processes, & history of the earth Brunton compass Geophysics ‘geo’ = earth ‘physics’ . . . uses physics and mathematics to evaluate the internal structure of earth hand lens Geoscience close

  18. Exploration processes Scientific Tools THE SCIENTIFIC TOOLS - well logs - subsurface imaging - contour maps USE THE TOOLS TO FIND OIL & GAS - look for TRAPS - look for RESERVOIRS

  19. Scientific Tools - well logs - subsurface imaging - contour maps next week . . . Seismic Data

  20. Scientific Tools Subsurface Imaging This is a ‘Seismic Section’, similar to a X-section What is this wiggle trace?

  21. Subsurface Imaging This is a ‘Seismic Section’, similar to a X-section Reflections from the top and bottom of rock layers How do we acquire these reflections? rock layers What is this wiggle trace?

  22. The Seismic Method surface (land or water) energy sourcereceiver depth ? Travel Time velocity rock layer reflection point Travel time (sec)/2 X velocity (ft/sec) = DEPTH (ft)

  23. The Seismic Trace source receiver Seismic Trace surface rock layers

  24. the 2-D Seismic Line The Seismic Trace energy source receivers rocklayers Depth (ft)

  25. the 2-D Seismic Line How do we aquire these data?

  26. Acquisition – on Land listening devices . . . cable truck geophones cables on the ground jug hustlers

  27. Acquisition – on Land What about an energy source?? listening devices . . . cable truck geophones cables on the ground jug hustlers

  28. Acquisition – on Land energy source - Vibroseis truck What about an energy source?? cable truck geophones cables on the ground jug hustlers

  29. Marine Acquisition Acquisition – on Land energy source - Vibroseis truck sea surface sea floor

  30. Marine Acquisition Acquisition on Land listening devices . . . energy source . . . Boat cable with hydrophones airgun

  31. Marine Acquisition Acquisition on Land listening devices . . . energy source . . . Boat cable with hydrophones airgun

  32. Seismic Survey Layout – 2D Marine Acquisition Acquisition on Land listening devices . . . energy source . . . Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat

  33. Seismic Survey Layout – 2D line spacing is usually ¼ - ½ mile apart

  34. Grid of 2-D Seismic Lines Seismic Survey Layout – 2D line spacing is usually ¼ - ½ mile apart

  35. Grid of 2-D Seismic Lines each seismic line becomes part of the data grid using the grid we identify rock layers & make ‘contour’ plots of each layer

  36. Grid of 2-D Seismic Lines Contour Plot from a 2-D Survey each seismic line becomes part of the data grid using the grid we identify rock layers & make ‘contour’ plots of each layer

  37. Contour Plot from a 2-D Survey We use these plots to find possible oil traps BUT . . . . . With large spaces between the lines, the contours could be wrong! What to do??? The trap could be bigger . . . or smaller!!

  38. 3-D Seismic Surveys Contour Plot from a 2-D Survey We use these plots to find possible oil traps BUT . . . . . With large spaces between the lines, the contours could be wrong! What to do??? The trap could be bigger . . . or smaller!!

  39. 3-D Seismic Surveys 2-D Survey versus 3-D Survey

  40. 3-D Seismic Surveys listening devices . . . Steering devices

  41. 3-D Seismic Surveys listening devices . . . reels of hydrophone cables

  42. 3-D Seismic Surveys listening devices . . . reels of hydrophone cables

  43. 3-D Seismic Surveys listening devices . . . energy source boat cable length =7 mile spread=1 mile

  44. 3-D Seismic Surveys energy source : airgun array boat cable length =7 mile spread=1 mile

  45. 3-D Seismic Surveys energy source : airgun array . . . deploying an airgun

  46. 3-D Seismic Surveys energy source : airgun array . . . deploying an airgun What do we get from a 3-D survey?

  47. It’s Now a 3-D Seismic Cube Horizontal slices Vertical slices 3-D Seismic Surveys Remember the 2-D Seismic Grid? Empty spaces What do we get from a 3-D survey? How does this help?

  48. It’s Now a 3-D Seismic Cube geoscience & engineering applications water layer salt layer reservoir layer possible oil/gas source rock layer

  49. 2-D vs 3-D seismic acquisition in the Gulf of Mexico No. traces 1983 1995

  50. Exploration Processes THE SCIENTIFIC TOOLS - well logs (next week) - subsurface imaging - contour maps USE THE TOOLS TO FIND OIL & GAS - look for TRAPS - look for RESERVOIRS - look for TRAPS: - anticlines - fault traps – normal & thrust - salt domes - change in rock type (facies) - look for RESERVOIRS: - attribute analysis Finding Oil and Gas

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