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Marketplace at Sears Seller Portal. What is the Seller Portal?. The Seller Portal is the tool in which our sellers manage their content, their account information, and fulfill orders. We can access the sellers seller portal by “Spoofing” in to their account. Seller Portal Basic Navigation.
What is the Seller Portal? • The Seller Portal is the tool in which our sellers manage their content, their account information, and fulfill orders. We can access the sellers seller portal by “Spoofing” in to their account
Seller Portal Basic Navigation Within the Seller Portal there are the following tabs and links • Home – Seller Dashboard which shows general account activity • Products – Create and edit product content (individually and in bulk) • Inventory – Manage available inventory (individually and in bulk) • Orders – Manage order fulfillment (including shipments, cancellations, and returns) • Seller Tools – Provides the seller with available reports, links, and wizards for use in their account. • Account Settings – Manage all account settings including business/billing/customer service info • FAQ – takes seller to our frequently asked questions page • Contact Us – Access the Contact Us form to submit questions to Seller Support that cannot be answered through the FAQ
Seller Portal ‘Home’ Tab Provides the seller a general overview of account activity. Account settings Activity within the account Performance metrics and sales info for account Promotions within the account Order Activity Assortment Competitiveness Shipping Alerts
Seller Portal ‘Seller Tools’ Tab - Reports The Reports option will provide sellers with the following three reports for FBM: Billing Invoice – will show any credit card activity within the account (any monthly fees) Remittance Info - provides sellers with all payment and claim activity (including PO, Invoice Date, Invoice Amount, EFT Date, EFT Amount) Removed Items Info – shows sellers any items that have been removed from sears.com and the reason for removal Miscategorized Items– shows sellers any items that have been hidden due to the system determining them to be miscategorized For FBS sellers you can view additional reports of Inventory Condition, Sales and Returns Summary, Fill Rate Summary and Detail, Returns by Vendor, Cancellations by Vendor, and Inventory Condition
Seller Portal ‘Seller Tools’ Tab - Ratings The Ratings option will provide sellers with a link to view their customer feedback that has been placed on previous orders.
Seller Portal ‘Seller Tools’ Tab – Deals & Promos The Deals & Promos option allows sellers to use an on-screen wizard to create a promotion for their products. Types of promotions available are free shipping, dollar off, and percent off. Sellers are also able to choose which products the promotion should apply to. Note: This wizard will only write to the current product records. Any new products or modified products will not be affected unless wizard is re-run.
Seller Portal ‘Seller Tools’ Tab - Storefront The Storefront option allows sellers to view a url to their sears.com storefront. This storefront is a personalized version of sears.com that shows all products offered by the seller where they are the featured seller.
Seller Portal ‘Account Settings’ Tab Provides the seller with the ability to view or modify account settings. Account Info – Business Name on Sears.com, login email, password Business Info – Business contact, returns address, Tax ID/SSN Billing Info – EFT information, Credit Card information Fulfillment Locations – Warehouse and/or Pickup locations Shipping Rates – use the sears.com default shipping rates or customize your own table Secondary Users – setup additional user logins Customer Info– provide customer-facing information (custom return policy, customer contact info) Email Notifications – choose which emails you’d like to receive
ON-SCREEN ITEM CREATION Seller Portal ‘Products’ Tab INDIVIDUAL ITEM CREATION To create product individually on screen, navigate to Products > Create > Single This launches a wizard to walk the seller through the item setup. Choose ‘Regular’ if the item doesn’t vary (for example a flat screen TV) Choose ‘Variation’ if you have an item that varies by some characteristic (for example a shirt would vary by size and/or color) Fill in all required information (hover over the question marks to learn more about each field)
ON-SCREEN ITEM CREATION (Categorization) Seller Portal ‘Products’ Tab INDIVIDUAL ITEM CREATION Based on the information entered on the first screen the Seller Portal will recommend item classes. If you do not see the correct item class, choose ‘Find Item Class’ and select from the selection tree. Once you have found the correct item class click the radial button next to it.
ON-SCREEN ITEM CREATION (Details) Seller Portal ‘Products’ Tab INDIVIDUAL ITEM CREATION Continue entering more product details in the ‘Details’ screen of the item setup. Here you can also set sales and shipping overrides for set periods of time. *Hover over the question marks if you have questions on any of the fields to learn more about it.
ON-SCREEN ITEM CREATION (Attributes) Seller Portal ‘Products’ Tab INDIVIDUAL ITEM CREATION Select any applicable attribute values from the dropdowns. Some attributes that show Required must be filled out. If you are unsure use the best fit attribute value.
ON-SCREEN ITEM CREATION (Images) Seller Portal ‘Products’ Tab INDIVIDUAL ITEM CREATION Provide an image url path to the product image. Once the image is valid you’ll see it appear on-screen. You may also choose to provide 6 additional feature images (optional) to help showcase your product.
Seller Portal ‘Products’ Tab INDIVIDUAL ITEM CREATION ON-SCREEN ITEM CREATION (Offers) In the Offers section you can indicate • price, • item condition, • item ID, • Shipping: • Free • Restrictions • Flat Rate • And if you have multiple item conditions you can add additional offers. • Note: if you are building a variation item you will have a variant step instead of an offers step
WHAT DIFFERENCES ARE THERE WHEN CREATING VARIATION PRODUCTS? Seller Portal ‘Products’ Tab INDIVIDUAL ITEM CREATION Variation products are those that allow items to be grouped together on sears.com and vary by characteristics like size, color, etc. Only certain subcategories allow for variations currently. If creating a variation there are a few differences: When on the initial Products > Create > Single screen, choose ‘Variation’ Provide a Variation Group ID After the ‘Images’ section of the item setup you are taken to a ‘Variants’ screen where you provide information for each specific sku of the variation
ON-SCREEN ITEM CREATION (Inventory) Seller Portal ‘Products’ Tab INDIVIDUAL ITEM CREATION Provide an initial inventory quantity for each location. Check the “Always available” box if the item will always be in stock You can also be able to set the item level Order Prep time for the item. If left blank it will be set to the default NOTE: If you have also entered a ‘pickup’ location under Account Settings > Fulfillment Locations you’ll be able to add inventory for that location as well.
ON-SCREEN ITEM CREATION (Review) Seller Portal ‘Products’ Tab INDIVIDUAL ITEM CREATION Allows you to review and edit all information you have entered prior to saving. Once you have verified everything is correct click the ‘Save’ button. Please note that once items are created, have inventory > 0, and are published it may take up to 72 hours for them to appear online.
Seller Portal ‘Products’ Tab BULK ITEM CREATION To create product in bulk, navigate to Products > Create > Bulk In Step 1 you are able to download the Item Class Commissions table. This is a reference file that shows you all areas of sears.com that you are allowed to sell in. Note the appropriate value in COLUMN A as you will need this when filling out your item template. Also Under Step 1 you can download the Attribute Library and Item Class/Attribute Mapping files. These both are to be referenced when using the Generic Template, which can be downloaded in Step 2. In Step 2 you are able to download the actual item class template used to fill in your product information. Choose the area of the site you’d like to list products in from the item class trees. To download multiple templates select all of the applicable templates then click Download in Background and choose the applicable option. You can also download a generic template to list multiple item classes on 1 sheet. To download select any item class then select download and choose Generic Template from the dropdown
Seller Portal ‘Products’ Tab BULK ITEM CREATION Once the item template is open, notice that there are several tabs: Data Definition – this serves as the glossary of what is required on the Data Format tab for each column. Data Format – this is where the actual item data goes. Refer to the Data Definition tab for data requirements. Attributes – this lists all available attribute values you can use (for the cells on the Data Format tab after the Feature Image #6 column. Sample files are located at the links below: REGULAR ITEMS http://searsmarketplace.force.com/servlet/fileField?id=0BEA00000004ChP VARIATION ITEMS http://searsmarketplace.force.com/servlet/fileField?id=0BEA00000004Ch5 GENERIC TEMPLATE (REGULAR & VARIATION) http://searsmarketplace.force.com/servlet/fileField?id=0BEA0000000PAwo
Seller Portal ‘Products’ Tab BULK ITEM CREATION Once your file is completed… In Step 3 browse to the location of your file and upload it. In the Upload screen you can upload multiple files as long as the Close window upon completion box is unchecked. *If you have any errors the ‘Check for Upload Errors’ text will appear next to the ‘Select Files to Upload…’ button. ***DON’T FORGET TO ADD INVENTORY TO THESE PRODUCT UNDER THE INVENTORY TAB.
Seller Portal ‘Products’ TabMODIFYING ITEMS / DOWNLOADING EXISTING ITEMS Products can be modified in several ways: Individually: Under Products > Browse & Edit > Single … you are able to search for a product. Once on screen you can click the edit link and modify any fields on screen. Once you are complete be sure to save the product and then publish it under Products > Publish. In Bulk: Under Products > Browse & Edit > Bulk … you are able to upload a file with modified item information. This information will override any previous information for those items. Be sure to Publish the changes once the upload is successful. DOWNLOADING ITEM DATA: You can download your published items into a csv file under Products > Download Catalog. You can also download your items for a specific subcategory into a template so it can be easily modified and re-uploaded. *Navigate to Products > Browse & Edit > Bulk * Under step 2 choose the item class from the item class tree for the items you want to download * Click the checkbox next to ‘Include Item Information’ * Click the ‘Download Template’ button – now you can modify and re-upload with ease
Seller Portal ‘Products’ TabUpdate Order Prep/Lead Time • You can set item level SOPT in bulk through this screen To set the leadtime in bulk… Download the template Fill in all the required fields Upload the template The items should go into Publish for staging. Publish them to finalize the change The leadtime will be changed to reflect the time input for all items indicated on the sheet
Seller Portal ‘Products’ TabDownload Catalog • Through this screen you can download a catalog with all published items. You can use this to review item information or determine what items are published. • Note: This file will not show variations or attributes of items. Also, this does not reflect what items are online, just all items that are published in seller portal.
Seller Portal ‘Inventory’ TabINDIVIDUAL INVENTORY MANAGEMENT - FBM To Manage Inventory on screen, navigate to Inventory > Browse & Edit Inventory Once here, drill down into the products you’d like to see inventory for and click ‘Show Inventory’ Lastly, click the ‘edit’ link in the Quantity column to allow you change the quantity and save. • NOTES: *Quantity is divided into 3 different classifications: • On Hand - Is what you can edit to indicate what you currently have in stock • Reserved - Reflects the qty currently being held by open orders • Available - Is On Hand qty minus Reserved qty *Items with 0 inventory will not go online. *If you have multiple locations (warehouse and pickup) you’ll need to enter inventory for each location.
Seller Portal ‘Inventory’ TabBULK INVENTORY MANAGEMENT - FBM To Manage Inventory in bulk, navigate to Inventory > Manage Bulk Inventory Click on ‘Download inventory template’ which will open an Excel file. On the file look at the Data Format tab (this is where your data will go). Once the file is complete, browse to the file and upload it. Any failures are sent via email. NOTES: *Review the Data Definition tab for an explanation of the columns on Data Format *Be sure to enter inventory for each location. To find your ‘Location ID’ go to Account Settings > Fulfillment Locations in the seller portal
Seller Portal ‘Inventory’ TabINDIVIDUAL INVENTORY MANAGEMENT - FBS For FBS accounts in order to add inventory a shipment must be created and the items sent to our Dart Warehouse To create a shipment navigate to Inventory > Browse & Edit Inventory Once here, drill down into the products you’d like to add inventory for and check the box to the left of the item. Click the ‘Create New Shipment’ button.
Seller Portal ‘Inventory’ TabINDIVIDUAL INVENTORY MANAGEMENT - FBS Enter the Ship Date and Estimate Arrival Date Enter Carrier, Shipping Method, and Tracking number Fill in the ship from address. This can be auto-populated from the Fulfillment Location Enter the exact quantity of items being shipped *The Bill of Lading provides the ship to location. This can be printed at any point Click the Complete Shipment button to send the information to the warehouse Send shipment. *Once received the inventory should be input within 48 to 72 business hours
Seller Portal ‘Inventory’ TabBulk Pricing Upload Under Step 1 you can download the pricing template. Within the template you are required to enter the Item ID and the Standard price then you can set the Sale Price, Free Shipping, MAP, and Item Level Shipping Costs. Once all the information you would like to change is entered in the template you can upload it under Step 2. *Once uploaded you will need to go to Products > Publish to Publish the price changes.
Seller Portal ‘Orders’ TabFINDING ORDERS Locate any new orders from within the Orders tab, with the Filter set to Active. You can also search for an order by using the PO Number, PO # with Date, Customer Order #, Item Name, Date Range, or Customer’s full name Orders that are no longer open and are older than 30 days will appear on the ‘Older Orders’ Filter. When you have found the order you’d like to take action on (ship/cancel/return) click on the PO number link.
Seller Portal ‘Orders’ TabFINDING ORDERS Once in the PO make note of the following: The type of order (to ship or have available for pickup if you are a local marketplace seller). The expected ship date and/or pickup time including the shipping method the customer paid for. The customer address and contact information. The items and quantities ordered.
Seller Portal ‘Orders’ TabSHIPPING ORDERS To ship an order (or prepare it for pickup): If you have more than one package, click the ‘Add a Package’ button until you have the correct number of packages. Check the items being added to each package and the qty. When finished adding items/quantities, complete the order by generating an ASN. Print the Packing Slip(s) (and box label if it is a pickup order. *If you’re account is not setup for automatic invoicing, complete the Invoice step.
Seller Portal ‘Orders’ TabCANCELLING ORDERS To cancel an order: Select the Cancel Order section Check the item(s) that should be cancelled. Select a Cancellation Reason Select the quantity (if applicable) Press the Orange ‘Cancel These Parts Of My Order’ button
Seller Portal ‘Orders’ TabRETURNING ORDERS To return parts of an order: Expand the ‘Returns’ section Check item being returned Fill in the qty of pieces returned Click on the ‘Mark as Returned’ button and choose return reason The following reasons will refund the item and shipping DAMAGED-IN-SHIPMENT ARRIVED-TOO-LATE NOT-AS-PICTURED-OR-DESCRIBED The following return reasons will only refund the item DUPLICATE-SHIPMENT WRONG-QUANTITY-ORDERED WRONG-MERCHANDISE-ORDERED TOO-SMALL TOO-LARGE NOT-SATISFIED-WITH-SIZING NOT-SATISFIED-WITH-COLOR PRODUCT-QUALITY-NOT-ACCEPTED WRONG-ITEM-SHIPPED WRONG-QUANTITY-SHIPPED DEFECTIVE-PRODUCT
FAQ • Contains answers to most general marketplace issues. • The information is broken into the following topics • What’s New? – Displays recent Newsletters with important updates for sellers • Account Setup – Gives initial information for getting started on Marketplace on Sears • Accounting – Gives general information on payment questions • Item Creation & Inventory – Gives information on creating and updating item information and inventory • Online Experience – Gives information on sears.com experience for Marketplace • Orders – Gives information about orders • Performance – Gives information and tips on improving performance and sales • Product Ads – Provides details on the Marketplace at Sears Product Ad Program • Shipping – Gives information on shipping products • XML – Provides the latest URLs used for XML, samples, troubleshooting information, and guides
Seller Portal Contact Us Form • Within the Seller Portal, sellers will now have two separated links. • The ‘FAQ’ link will direct sellers to the pre-existing FAQ site hosted by Salesforce. • The ‘Contact Us’ link will direct sellers to a form for case submission.
Contact Us Form • As the seller chooses their ‘Topic’, the available ‘Subtopic’ options will change • Since the link was initiated from the Seller Portal, the Business Name and Account ID fields will pre-populate and cannot be changed. • The seller is given the option of sending themselves a copy of the request • The email will include a Case number and a Salesforce Thread ID • A case is generated in salesforce based on the contact form submission