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Access ≠ equity : how MOOCs are like exercise bikes or President Obama

Access ≠ equity : how MOOCs are like exercise bikes or President Obama . Dr Phillip Dawson Office of the PVC (Learning & Teaching) Monash University. http:// www.slate.com /articles/technology/ future_tense /2013/11/ udacity_coursera_should_celebrities_teach_moocs.html.

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Access ≠ equity : how MOOCs are like exercise bikes or President Obama

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  1. Access ≠ equity:how MOOCs are like exercise bikes or President Obama Dr Phillip Dawson Office of the PVC (Learning & Teaching) Monash University

  2. http://www.slate.com/articles/technology/future_tense/2013/11/udacity_coursera_should_celebrities_teach_moocs.htmlhttp://www.slate.com/articles/technology/future_tense/2013/11/udacity_coursera_should_celebrities_teach_moocs.html

  3. General Telephone, print ad from 1963

  4. http://blog.coursera.org/post/64907189712/a-triple-milestone-107-partners-532-courses-5-2http://blog.coursera.org/post/64907189712/a-triple-milestone-107-partners-532-courses-5-2

  5. Who is a typical Coursera student? • Enrolled in 2 computer science MOOCs • Employed full-time • Has watched ~10 hours of videos • Has completed ~5 quizzes and submitted 2 assignments • Probably from US/UK or BRIC

  6. http://www.alexa.com/siteinfo/coursera.org

  7. https://theconversation.com/moocs-and-exercise-bikes-more-in-common-than-youd-think-9726https://theconversation.com/moocs-and-exercise-bikes-more-in-common-than-youd-think-9726

  8. “Success starts with opportunity” License: CC-BY-NC-SA from Barrack Obama’s Flickr

  9. Faulty reasoning • Anyone can afford home exercise equipment, therefore we all exercise and the gym industry collapses. • Barrack Obama is President, therefore social disadvantage from racism is over. • A student in a developing nation was dux of a MOOC, therefore MOOCs provide educational equality

  10. “a future where everyone has access to a world-class education” (Coursera mission statement) “Access without support is not opportunity” tamuccmarcom’s Flickr http://www.flickr.com/photos/80429560@N03/7747388444/sizes/o/in/photolist-cNBoEQ-9b3eS5/

  11. Support is costly

  12. Total Coursera VC = $65m $65m / ~5m students = ~$13/student http://chronicle.com/blogs/wiredcampus/mooc-company-snags-43-million-in-venture-capital/44667

  13. How do they scale?

  14. Access ≠ equity

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