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New and Emerging Science and Technology. NEST. European Commission RTD.B.1 Anticipating Scientific and Technological Needs (NEST activity); Basic Research. Cornerstones of this Call Pathfinder Topics 2005/2006 Practical Aspects of Submission. Outline of presentation.
New and Emerging Science and Technology NEST European Commission RTD.B.1 Anticipating Scientific and Technological Needs (NEST activity); Basic Research
Cornerstones of this Call Pathfinder Topics 2005/2006 Practical Aspects of Submission Outline of presentation
“support research on specific topics that are identified during the course of implementation of FP6 on the basis of their urgencyand potential for future societal, industrial or economic relevance.” PATHFINDER: Mandate
Build and consolidate European capabilities on promising emerging (interdisciplinary) topics with high future potential for Europe in the long term. Annual calls for proposals; several topics per call Provide “early stage funding” - as ideas mature they should be translated into more conventional funding modes Up to 10 Mio. EUR or more per topic(for several STREPs + one or more CAs + SSAs) STREP = Specific Targeted Research Projects, CA = Coordination Action, SSA = Specific Support Action PATHFINDER: Implementation
Each PATHFINDER topic will be composed ofseveral STREP projects submitted individually (not as clusters) Proposals have to be submitted as FULL proposals(one stage selection process) Proposers need to choose clearly ONE PATHFINDER topic they are addressing Proposals evaluated/selected on their individual merits Projects funded within a PATHFINDER topic will be expected to develop a degree of interaction, exchange and cooperation STREP size expected: up to € 2.0 Mio. EC funding, up to 3 years, 4-6 partners STREP projects
Expect to fund one (exceptionally more) co-ordination action for each PATHFINDER topic Co-ordination actions will be evaluated and selected at the same time as the STREP proposals Developing a wider European Community of Knowledge on a specific PATHFINDER topic, e.g. by cross-disciplinary networking of European activities in relevant fields (including the NEST-funded projects on a topic), by exchange and training, by providing access to data, tools and unique infrastructure, etc. Role of co-ordination depends on topic An added task will be to provide a means and venue of interaction for the NEST-funded projects in the corresponding topic CA size expected: in the range of 1.0-1.5 Mio. EC funding, 15-25 partners, up to 3 years duration Coordination Actions (CAs)
Possibility of Support Actions open for each topic Support actions will be evaluated and selected at the same time as the STREP proposals Focusing on conceptual and practical questions of a specific PATHFINDER topic, e.g. science mapping and the definition of the field in question, future development prospects and trends (foresight), conference or large workshops (dissemination, networking) Role of support depends on topic Do not propose “general” support actions on “general” topics An added task will be to provide a means and venue of interaction for the chosen projects SSA size expected: funding up to € ~250’000, 1-2 years duration, at least 1 partner Support Actions
Call budget: 50 Mio. € 3rd NEST PATHFINDER Call: published on 27 October 2005, closing on 15 February 2006 The pre-proposal check service is open up to three weeks before deadline, i.e. until 25.01.2006 This is the last Call for NEST in FP6; there is no further call for NEST ADVENTURE and INSIGHT Key Dataon this Call
Tackling Complexity in Science Synthetic Biology Measuring the Impossible Cultural Dynamics (New topic) What it means to be human(only CAs and SSAs) PATHFINDER Topics open in this Call
www.cordis.lu/nest PATHFINDER initiative on Synthetic Biology Applying EngineeringApproaches to Biology Christian KRASSNIG 2005
Key Idea Systems Biology Science-based discipline that studies and analysis biological systems as systems of interacting units (from sub-cellular, cellular, cell networks, tissues, organs to complete organisms) Synthetic Biology Engineering/Technological counterpart to Systems Biology Hierarchical module-based approach (unit, part, system, system-of-systems): modifying or recombining sub-cellular biological building blocks to systems (devices) with new tailor-made functionalities not present in nature
Why this topic? • Systems biology provides knowledge how parts of the cell operate together - Synthetic Biology provides a true engineering approachto tailor sub-cellular biology as a system of interacting modules • New tools available such as computer models and bio-informatics, rapid synthesis, better experimental techniques to explore gene interactions • Foster a novel breakthrough in the ongoing biology revolution • Ensure that European industry is benefiting from its tremendous potential and impact (materials synthesis, energy production, sensing, …)
Main feature The DESIGN and ENGINEERING of biology-based (or inspired) PARTS or SYSTEMS with: New standardised functionalities NOT present in NATURE High level of internal complexity Logical or complex dynamical behaviour Synthetic Biology is primarily not concerned with investigating how nature works, but is ultimately about a new way of making things.
Limited number of STREP proposals:30 proposals received (7 STREPs + 1 SSA funded) A lot of proposals not regarded as within the scope of the Call Lack of ambition in terms of the « technology vision » No particular interest in safety issues linked to the topic No Coordination Action(s) High-level Expert Group Report ftp://ftp.cordis.lu/pub/nest/docs/syntheticbiology_b5_eur21796_en.pdf Previous Calls1st Call – 2003, 2nd Call - 2004
What research will NOT be pursued ? • Research whose main focus is computational, combinatorial or biomimetic chemistry. • Research on functional genomics and proteomics. • Single-component genetic engineering and classical biotechnology, including classical metabolic engineering. • Research on structural biology and systems biology mainly aimed at the generation of basic knowledge. • Protein engineering or chemistry in its classical sense. • Research on tissue engineering. • Research on artificial organs and bionics implants, and other research on classical biomedical engineering. • Research related to Artificial Life (as the term is used by the ICT community e.g. life-like machines or computers).
Demonstration of mastering control over key biological processes. Development and application of robust modules amenable to standardisation. Combination of rigorous engineering methods and high-quality science, involving adequate expertise in core engineering disciplines. Demonstration of real capacity to drive new discoveries and theories and/or Proof of concrete applicability to model areas What researchwill be pursued ?
What researchwill be pursued ? • E.g. • Engineered functional building blocks, components or interfaces: e.g. sub-cellular modules, biosynthetic pathways, molecular machinery, molecular motors, transport modules, etc. Hierarchical interactions between different sub-cellular building blocks could be included. • Control, regulatory, and communication systems: e.g. robust genetic regulatory circuits, feedback mechanisms within components and modules to regulate their behaviour or communication, etc. Amenability to standardisation is an important feature.
Co-ordination of existing and future research projects. Networking of European activities in relevant fields Intellectual and material infrastructure requirements of synthetic biology Perspectives and strategies for innovation and industrial translation, including intellectual property Societal acceptance, including ethical, safety and regulatory aspects Co-ordination Action (CA)
PATHFINDER initiative on Measuring the Impossible Measuring phenomena which areintrinsically multidisciplinaryandmediated by human perception and interpretation Carlos SARAIVA MARTINS 2005
“Measure what is measurable, and make measurable what isn’t” Descartes (1596-1650) If you can not measure it and/or what it means => how can you improve it ?
Why this initiative? …becomes a general concern for science, business and public authorities … Science & Technology- strong cross-over between physical, biological and social sciences Business- products and services appeal to consumers according to parameters of quality, beauty, comfort which are mediated by human perception Public Domain- provide citizens with support and services whose performance is measured according to parameters of life quality, security or well being
Objectives Interdisciplinary research Novel investigative methods Significant advance in the scientific basis for rigorous measurements of phenomena Intrinsically multidimensional and mediated by human interpretation and/or perception
Measurement the perceived quality (quality of services, as perceived by subscribers, is no less important than the service itself) Measurement of attributes like comfort, feel of fabric or its texture Measurement of the individual disease probability (policy, legal and ethical issues associated) Happiness economics – the application of econometric techniques to the arena of human emotion Possible Examples (?)
e.g. food consumption and addictionChemical and physical analysis combined with empirical psychometric studies moves to …. … a more systemic understanding of the ways in which the physical world is mediated via the senses and the internal processing of signs in the human brain is it possible to measure and predict … … the role of memory in the appreciation of food?… the food-addictive behaviour? … food selection? ... how to make “healthy choice the easy choice” ?
Mouth feel measurement Food simulator Molecular gastronomy (New Scientist July 2005) (Nature Materials, Jan 2005)
Measuring attraction (Biology Letters 03/2005) • Filtering use two different mechanisms: • Facial likeness • Smell avoids inbreeding • (both humans and mice prefer mates with different MHC genes)
Fundamental scientific advances supported by interdisciplinary research and novel investigative methods for themeasurement of intrinsically multidimensional phenomena, and which are mediated by human interpretation and/or perception. Concreteandtangible objectives Well-posed specific problems and measurement challenges Linking measurements of physical attributes and quantities with issues of human interpretation and perception (e.g. human senses), including where appropriate cultural and other contextual issues Long-term impact in terms of advancing science, e.g. transferable methodological output What researchwill be pursued ?
What researchwill be pursued ? It is simply impossible to find out what a test measures, without knowing how it works Tables of correlations are unable to fill this gap, because what is lacking is not data, but theory A radical shift in orientation is needed in our thinking about measurements and validity Take full account of the contextual aspects (cultural, social, institutional, economic, political, etc.) Uncertainties of measurement and requirements for decision-making
What researchwill NOT be pursued ? • Development of improved measuring instrumentation, calibration of devices, inter-comparisons, primary measurements standards • Development of new infrastructures, major equipment or facilities • Research of pure philosophical/theoretical nature or tackling this issue in isolation of possible real-life problems and applications • Research associated with marketing or other areas that could be used to manipulate the customers • Research resulting in incremental development • Research intended to be kept confidential • Research of limited interdisciplinarity
Examples of selected projects (following 1st call) BioEmergences – towards the measurement of the individual susceptibility to diseases or responses to treatments BrainTuning – to resolve the neural determinants of music emotions. What are the biological determinants of music appreciation? Closed – Objective measurement of functional-aesthetic sound qualities of artefacts Fuga - Measuring the human experience of media enjoyment – the fun of gaming MONAT – Measurement of Naturalness SysPAQ – Measurement of perceived air quality
Examples of scientific areas involved e.g. BioEmergences (6 academic + 1 industrial partner) biology, toxicology, computational vision, applied mathematics, cognitive science, computer science, optics/physics) BrainTuning (6 academic partners) cognitive neuroscience, computational modelling, music acoustics, neuroimaging, psychology, music perception FUGA (6 academic partners) applied psychology, computer science, human-computer interaction, communication, psychotherapy, experimental psychobiology, media technology MONAT (6 academic + 1 industrial partners) cognitive neurosciences, psychology, metrology, mathematical modelling, sensor technology, neuroimaging
www.cordis.lu/nest PATHFINDER initiative on:Tackling complexity in scienceUnderstand complex real world problems by generalisation or transfer of complexity tools and techniques between disciplines and fields Alejandro MARTIN HOBDEY2005
Complexity is a critical challenge towards progress in many areas of Science (e.g. biology, cognitive science) Increasing need to understand behaviour of ever more complicated man made systems (e.g. electrical grid) – Technological Systems Same is true of natural phenomena such as weather, geology, etc – Natural Systems Also true of understanding human networks (social, political, enterprise, etc) – Social Systems Common approach and techniques emerging to dealing with complex problems in science and technology Why this initiative?
Bring together high level groups in Complex Systems Science and others in specific disciplines to tackle important problems where complexity is a key issue Extend and generalise techniques used in one area to other areas of science Help structure and co-ordinate the complexity field in Europe What researchwill be pursued ?
Use of tools and techniques of complex systems science such as: Representing complex systems as networks, and networks of networks, etc “Emergence”: key characteristic of complex systems Predictability and extreme events Transfer or extension of successful techniques from one area of science to another Projects should take a practical problem solving approach, grounded in real observation and experimental data What researchwill be pursued ?
Research of a purely theoretical nature ICT – IT related research (FET initiative) Purely industrial or engineering nature Research of limited interdisciplinary nature Financial research not related to social sciences (eg. Stock market analysis) Proposals whose primary focus lies in one of the other Pathfinder Initiatives Research in Thematic Priorities What researchwill NOT be pursued ?
Biology, Health, MedicineBio-complexity, Cellular signalling and regulation processes, animal biology (BIOPHOT, STARFLAG, EMBIO, BRACCIA, etc) Social SciencesEmergence and robustness of social institutions, financial markets, etc (COMPLEXMARKETS, COL-PLEXITY, CAVES Environmental SciencesPredictability and distribution of extreme events in natures, such as earthquakes, floods, weather, ecology (E2C2) Particularly encouraged:Projects that help to bridge the gap between physical sciences, and social and other natural sciences Examples of scientific areas involved
There is a “General Coordination Action” linking together the already funded PATHFINDER projects in the initiative: “GIACS” Expected that new funded projects will have some link to GIACS in some formal or informal way Expected that newly proposed CAs focus on particular scientific areas or approaches to complexity Possible Co-ordination Actions
Not sufficient for a problem to be “complex”, “very complex” or “complicated” As “all simple problems have been solved”…. That would leave everything in Science, practically…! Need to read and address WP and Ref Doc! Important take home message to proposers!
www.cordis.lu/nest PATHFINDER initiative on Cultural Dynamics from transmission and change to innovation Shamila NAIR-BEDOUELLE 2005
Why this initiative ? • Culture impacts all sectors of human lifee.g. poverty, global change, education, epidemiology, policy, business, criminality, innovation, management • Increasingly strongInteractions between culture and technologye.g. global communication networks, media, information divide • Understanding culture, its continuities and discontinuities should be a major concern of scientific analysis.
The research supported by this initiative through Specific Targeted Research Projects will be aimed at bringing together concepts, data and analytical methods and tools from different fields of science, technology, the social sciences and humanities, to promote a better understanding and predictive capacity relating to transmission, change and innovation in human culture. Objectives
Characteristics • More than collecting data on social behaviour, research should provide meanings to facilitate understanding: i.e. the search for understanding the meaning and/or impact of culturally perceived values and practices on individual and group decisions • Inter-individual (social/institutional) and intra-individual (cognitive, biological, environmental) • Who gets what from whom, how, when and why?
What research will be pursued ? • Research including the cognitive correlates of cultural phenomena: culture control vs. resistance; effects of cultural variables on behaviour ; • Interactions between cultural markets: public policies, trade integration, culture and power • Interactions between culture and technology: Cultural changes brought about by modern technologies (influence and resistance to these) • Research on new predictive models linking and understanding diverse phenomena: health epidemics, consumer behaviour, economic markets, social networks
Cross disciplinary understanding of cultural dynamics: science, technology, humanities, concepts, data and analytical methods Conceptual and analytical advances - potential for generalisation New mechanisms and assessment methodologies to predict cultural dynamics: multi-lateral / cross cultural research Cross-disciplinary networking, in relation to particular areas of cultural dynamics, or particular research methods or analytical approaches, and of European activities in relevant fields What researchwill be pursued ?
What research will NOT be pursued ? • Pure empirical research • Single component data collections e.g. social behaviour • Classical research on cognitive systems in general • Research which could be carried out under the TPs • Research which is mono-disciplinary
www.cordis.lu/nest PATHFINDER initiative on “What it means to be human” Why are humans so different? Shamila NAIR-BEDOUELLE 2005
What features make human cognitive abilities unique? What are the origins of these features? Why are humans so different? Key Questions
Why this initiative? • Today, a more integrated understanding of the human mind/brain and its specific features should allow to open up new scientific opportunities(by linking genetic and biological dimensions to the behavioural and ultimately social and cultural) • It provides a way to bring together cognitive sciences and related disciplinary areas that can all contribute to explore the opportunities at the interface
focus on higher cognitive faculties, (thinking, reasoning, using language, decision-making) and individual cognitive development(in the context of social and cultural factors) take a comparative and evolutionary perspective (how we have become what we are) be highly interdisciplinary In all cases however, the research must address the key question: why are humans different? Project Characteristics