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State IT Agency Briefing on Quarterly Performance

Review of State IT Agency's transformation, accountability, and alignment with government priorities. Highlights financial and auditor general resolution, emphasizing improved procurement and service delivery.

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State IT Agency Briefing on Quarterly Performance

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  1. State IT AgencyBriefing on Quarterly Performance to Parliamentary Portfolio Committee on Telecommunications and Postal Services 17 March 2014

  2. Contents 1.Overview 2. Summary Performance 3. Financial Performance 4. Resolution of findings raised by the Auditor General 5. Conclusion 6. Questions

  3. Overview • SITA has developed a transformation strategy to make the agency work • Accountability and good governance are at the core of SITA’s operations • The organisation continues to align its objectives with the priorities of the Department of Telecommunications and Postal Services (DTPS) as well as the National Development Plan agenda • SITA’s continues to strive to improve the service delivered to customers so that the business grows and ultimately delivers value for government • Transforming, updating, and modernising our procurement process is key • SITA’s performance measures are crafted from the fundamental pillars of the SITA strategy namely: • Customer centricity • Improve core IT services with a strong focus on eGovernment and Security • Improve organisational health Organisation Procurement Core IT Services E-Government Security

  4. Summary of Performance as at 31 December 2014 126 quarterly targets on the Corporate Balanced Scorecard Numerous interventions and corrective actions have been identified and were implemented to ensure favourable performance in the current financial year.

  5. Overall Organisational Performance (3rd Quarter 2014/15)

  6. Revised APP • The strategic objectives are unchanged • The measures have been reduced from 40 to 14 • The organisation is now focused on impactful measures • Implementation is happening during this last quarter of 2014/15 • The fourth quarter report 2014/15 will be informed by these changes

  7. Financial Performance

  8. Resolution of findings raised by the Auditor General • There were a total of 55 Audit Findings (Management Letter Points (MLPs)) reported in the 2013/2014 Auditors-General’s report. • Upon receipt of the Auditor-General’s report in August 2014, the Audit, Risk and Compliance Committee Chairperson convened a workshop with all Executives to discuss the resolution of the MLPs. • During the meeting, the root causes for the findings as well action plans and implementation dates were identified with the view of addressing and preventing a repeat of the findings. • Monitoring and verification of the resolution of the MLPs is carried out by Internal Audit, which reports functionally to the Audit, Risk and Compliance Committee. • The monitoring of the status of MLPs is automated and all Lines of Business have access to the system.

  9. Resolution of findings raised by the Auditor General • Lines of Business have identified process owners and MLP Liaison officers for each division to ensure that action plans identified are implemented. • Progress on the status of implementation of the MLPs are reported monthly to EXCO and regularly to the Audit, Risk and Compliance Committee and Board (as a Standing Item on the agenda). • The resolution of the Auditor-General MLPs form part SITA’s Corporate Balanced Scorecard for 2014/2015 (under the Governance and Administration Perspective). • As at the end of February 2015, 45 findings have been resolved representing 82% of the 2013/2014 MLPs. • The remaining 10 MLPs have implementation dates for March 2015.

  10. Status of specific matters raised by the Auditor-General as reported to the Portfolio Committee on 17 October 2014

  11. Status of specific matters raised by the Auditor-General as reported to the Portfolio Committee on 17 October 2014

  12. Status of specific matters raised by the Auditor-General as reported to the Portfolio Committee on 17 October 2014

  13. Conclusion

  14. Thank You

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