AND YOU !!, when youassumethat thebattlealreadybegan !!
A DOUBLE life doesn't save anybody, chooses a life that saves lives. NOT MORE LUKEWARMNESS
Our generation ignores that walks toward THE DEATH. It is your duty to teach them the one in route to the TRUE LIFE.
God doesn't swallow himself your stories. DARE TO LIVE WITHOUT AMBIGUITIES
The medicine will be able to cure any wound in your body... but those that hurt truly, those of the soul... Christ can only cure them.
It causes of the death: NOT TO HAVE LISTENED OF GOD And other time you remained silent all the verbs that you should speak
Jesuscontinuesalive For you, for yours, for all... there is hope
This message was published by David. If you want to make a comment write an e-mail to: rescatepereira@gmail.com “Y conoceréis la verdad, y la verdad os hará libres“ Joh 8:32 “ And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free “