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Missional Objective #1 • SPIRITUAL RENEWAL
SPIRITUAL RENEWAL Psalm 24:3-5 3 Who may ascend into the hill of the LORD? And who may stand in His holy place? 4 He who has clean hands and a pure heart, who has not lifted up his soul to falsehood And has not sworn deceitfully. 5 He shall receive a blessing from the LORD And righteousness from the God of his salvation.
SPIRITUAL RENEWAL Matthew 5:8 "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.
SPIRITUAL RENEWAL 1. For purity in our hearts and transformation of our lives. • Our desires • Our dreams • Our decisions • Our morals • Our motives • Are we doing the right things for the wrong reasons? • Are we doing things for the glory of God?
SPIRITUAL RENEWAL 2. For revitalization of our marriages and families • Our children • Our home • Our spouse
SPIRITUAL RENEWAL 3. For spiritual renewal in the Alliance family of churches and at all levels of leaders – local, association, district and national.
Our Vision Prayer • O God, with all our hearts we long to be: • A movement of churches; • transformed by Christ, • transforming Canada and the world. • By your grace and for your glory: • Renew and empower us through a fresh encounter with yourself; • Release us to be strategic in service, kingdom-connected in practice, passionate in pursuit of your mission and mercy; • Use us to fulfill your purpose for Canada and the world.
Missional Objective #2 • GLOBAL MISSION
GLOBAL MISSION 1. Four S Venture 2. Seamless Link Local Congregations District Mission Consultants International Workers/Missionaries Short-Term Teams
GLOBAL MISSION 3. Recruitment New recruits going for language study Two couples going to Desert Sand Need more workers for the harvest
GLOBAL MISSION 4. Financial Resources Sacrificial giving will increase Faith goal of Global Advance Fund will be met
Missional Objective #3 • CHURCH PLANTING IN CANADA
CHURCH PLANTING IN CANADA 1. Among English and French speaking people 2. Among Chinese, Filipinos, First Nations, Iranians, Koreans, Spanish, Vietnamese
CHURCH PLANTING IN CANADA 3. Among Buddhists, Hindus, Muslims, and Sikhs in our midst. Praise God for the early fruits this past year. Ask for needed resources Pray for effective initiatives and strategies
CHURCH PLANTING IN CANADA 4. Through Networks/Century 21 System Strategic Planning Networks Parent Church Networks Disciple-making Networks
Missional Objective #4 • JUSTICE and COMPASSION
JUSTICE and COMPASSION 1. To understand and uphold biblical justice. 2. To enable our congregations to engage in ministry to the poor. 3. To help each Alliance Church identify the specific area of people that belong to its parish and to take spiritual responsibility for them.
LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENTAUC and IBVIE • For leadership • For faculty • For students • For resources
ASSEMBLY ACTIVITIES • Business Sessions • Committees • Open Forums/Round Tables • Luncheons/Brunches • Public Services • Missions Rally • Networking and Fellowship
Our Vision Prayer O God, with all our hearts we long to be: A movement of churches; transformed by Christ, transforming Canada and the world. By your grace and for your glory: Renew and empower us through a fresh encounter with yourself; Release us to be strategic in service, kingdom-connected in practice, passionate in pursuit of your mission and mercy; Use us to fulfill your purpose for Canada and the world.