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HISTORICAL ENROLLMENT. Expand student access including online/hybrid learning and community college transfers and reverse transfers Improve student success through increasing retention rates, graduation rates, and completions. PERFORMANCE. Retention Rates. Graduation Rates.

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  2. Expand student access including online/hybrid learning and community college transfers and reverse transfers • Improve student success through increasing retention rates, graduation rates, and completions

  3. PERFORMANCE Retention Rates Graduation Rates Cohort: 6 years prior Cohort: 1 year prior

  4. PEER ANALYSIS CHARACTERISTICS • Enrollment • Pell Grant Recipients • Revenue • Research Expenditures • Tuition • ACT Scores • Types of Degrees Produced



  7. Expand private partnerships and program alignments with business and industry. • Facilitate student and employer connections prior to graduation

  8. Company Overview

  9. STUDENT DATA – THE PAST Institution Transcript Students Employers 10

  10. STUDENT DATA – CONSUMERIZATION Multiple Institutions Community Colleges Skills & Credentials Students Employers Online Courses Certifications

  11. ACADEMIC PRODUCTS • Applications to help students improve success in college Personal Ed Plan Q&A Stream Course Data Schedule Planning

  12. PROFILE & SKILLS PLATFORM Public profile for students to consume data and tell their story Student Profile Skills & Credentials Jobs match for students

  13. INSTITUTION & EMPLOYER PRODUCTS Institution & employer solutions to improve student job outcomes Self-serve job posting Talent Search Talent Scout

  14. SYSTEM MARKETPLACES 216,000 students / 325,000 alumni 95,000 students / 175,000 alumni 35,000 nursing students

  15. Maximize faculty expertise/excellence, uniqueness, and collaborations • Grow university research and commercialization and technology transfer

  16. MASTER PLAN RESEARCH ADVISORY COMMITTEE (MPRAC) Strategic Inventory of Louisiana Research and Innovation Assets

  17. Builds Upon Industry’s Views of Important University Assets: One Size Does Not Fit All Areas Industry Assessment of Needs/Priorities (qualitative based upon industry interviews): ●Critical ◕Very important ◐SomewhatImportant ◔Minimally important ○Unimportant. * - Based upon interviews of selected companies and not an industry’s qualitative and quantitative assessment of Louisiana’s assets.

  18. Emerging growth Sectors present Opportunities for Collaboration between industry and higher education

  19. COMPARATIVE DATABASE • Publication of scholarship work • Citations to published journal articles • Research funding by federal agencies • Honorific awards bestowed upon faculty members

  20. Louisiana Employer Needs Academic/Career Path Insight & Tools Demand Demand University Students, Graduates & Academic Programs H.S. Students Engage Earlier in College/Career Path Supply Supply Supply Faculty/Research Expertise & Tech Transfer Real-Time Employer Field Insight Data Demand Demand Supply Global Recruitment & Research Opportunities Workforce Pipeline and Forecasting Data

  21. www.ulsystem.edu

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