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Essential VERB TENSES in French. Future. Present. Past. Immediate Future I am going to play. Perfect I played I have played. Present I play I am playing. Imperfect I was playing I used to play. Simple Future I will play. Essential VERB TENSES in French. Future. Present. Past.
Essential VERB TENSES in French Future Present Past ImmediateFutureI am going toplay PerfectI playedI have played PresentI playI am playing ImperfectI was playingI used to play Simple FutureI will play
Essential VERB TENSES in French Future Present Past ImmediateFutureJe vais jouer PerfectJ’ai joué PresentJe joue ImperfectJe jouais Simple FutureJe jouerai
Putting a verb into the Perfect Tense Q Is it a MR AND MRS TV APE verb? Monter TomberRetourner VenirArriver AllerNaître PartirDescendre EntrerMourirResterSortir + Devenir+ Revenir+ Rentrer
Then it uses the auxiliary verbêtre MonterRetournerArriver NaîtreDescendreMourirResterSortir Tomber Venir AllerPartirEntrer MontéRetournéArrivé NéDescenduMortRestéSortiTombé Venu AlléPartiEntré MontéeRetournéeArrivée NéeDescendueMorteRestéeSortieTombéeVenueAlléePartieEntrée MontésRetournésArrivés NésDescendusMortsRestésSortisTombés Venus AllésPartisEntrés Je suisTu esIl estElle estNous sommesVous êtesIls sontElles sont +
Putting a verb into the Perfect Tense Q Is it a REFLEXIVE verb? se leverse réveillerse laverse dépêchers’habillerse couchers’amuser
Then it uses the auxiliary verbêtre with the reflexivebit Je mesuisTu t’esIl s’estElle s’estNous noussommesVous vousêtesIls sesontElles sesont + Past Participle with agreement -e -s -es
Putting a verb into the Perfect Tense If it’s not a MR AND MRS TV APE verb use AVOIR J’aiTu asIl aElle aNous avonsVous avezIls ontElles ont + Past Participle NO agreement
The Imperfect Tense • used to …… • was / were …… ing • descriptions in the past I used to play the piano I was watching television, when …… She had green hair and was wearing a red hat ……
Formation of the Imperfect Remove the –ons (and the nous) Add the correct ending for the subject you want Take the nous form of the present tense – in all but one verb this form ends in -ons Je JeTuIl/ElleNousVousIls /Elles ais aisaisaitionsiezaient Nous arrivNous faisNous allNous avNous regard arrivfaisallavregard ons ait Il ons ons ons Ils aient ons
The ‘simple’ Future tense (I will …) Start with the stem – it always ends with an ‘r’ Je -aiTu -asIl/Elle -aNous -onsVous -ezIls/Elles -ont mangerfinirdescendr e Je mangerai , tu finiras, ils descendront
Irregular future stems allerenvoyervenirêtrefaireavoirpouvoirsavoirvoir iraienverraiviendraiseraiferaiauraipourraisauraiverrai J’ Je