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Digging Into DEA Data. This Is YOUR Time To Show YOUR Accomplishments!. DEA/FCAT is YOUR game!. You are the greatest teachers!. 4d. Can You Relate?. By continuing to focus on DEA data, we are able to have our FINAL PUSH before FCAT/DEA . What Reports Will Help Me Impact Instruction?.
This Is YOUR Time To Show YOUR Accomplishments! DEA/FCAT is YOUR game! You are the greatest teachers!
Can You Relate? By continuing to focus on DEA data, we are able to have our FINAL PUSH before FCAT/DEA.
What Reports Will Help Me Impact Instruction? • PDF Teacher Report contains many reports that allow you to: • Identify class needs • Identify student needs • Use information to form small groups
Class Summary Report How might you use this report to guide instruction? Displays class proficiency by subcategories Compares class performance between Test 1 and Test 2
Ways To Use The Class Summary Report • Provides a “snapshot” of the class performance • Allows you to compare growth in Reporting Categories from Test 1 to Test 2 • Quickly identify Reporting Categories of strength or weakness • This report is a starting point as you drill down to further analyze student performance
Student Skill Report Displays individual student performance for each reporting category. This report can be used to identify individual students or groups of students who are having difficulty with this category. Student 1 Table Talk: Looking at the data, who would you identify as “bubble students”? Where should instruction be focused to support struggling students as well as enrich high performing students? Proficiency by Subject allows you to identify students who are “bubble students.” These are students who missed, maintained, or advanced a level by one or two questions.
A Closer Look At The Student Skill Report • Table Talk: • What do you notice about student performance in the Reporting Category of Information? • Looking at this data, how would you group these students? Why? Student 1 Hmm… Let me think about this!
Ways To Use The Student Skill Report • Identify individual student strengths and weaknesses • Identify high performing students to provide enrichment • Identify “bubble students” • Create small, instructional groups • Create leveled stations
What Reports Will Help Me Impact Instruction? • Interactive Item Summary allows you to: • View the question from the assessment • Locate additional instructional resources • Comparative Growth Report allows you to: • Compare student progress from Test 1 to Test 2 • Identify Below, Average, and Above Average Growth
Interactive Item Summary Report Click on Q# to read the question from the DEA test. By looking at the question, classroom instruction (ex: bell ringer ) can be aligned to the assessment. This follows Backward Design- using the assessment to guide instruction. Click on the Reporting Subcategory to group standards by complexity. By grouping standards by subcategory, trends can be observed. Example, are students answering all “Easy” questions correctly, but missing all “Hard” questions? Click on the blue + sign to show how students answered the question. After analyzing the question (Q#) and how students answered (blue +), learning misconceptions can be identified. Misconceptions may include- learning does not mirror question, different vocabulary, or learning has not reached the complexity shown in the assessment. Click on the Reporting Category to locate additional resources (video clips, lessons, etc.) within Discovery Education to assist in teaching this standard.
Comparative Growth Report Shows ranking of each student in class based on performance Scale Score comparison between Test 1 to Test 2 Displays student growth. Each dot represents one or more students. Type of growth between Test 1 and Test 2- Below, Average, or Above Average
Ways To Use These Reports • Interactive Item Summary • After ALL students have tested, the teacher can PROJECT(NOT PRINT) the questions from the Interactive Item Summary for classroom instruction. This could be used as a bell ringer. • Find resources in DEA to support a tested standard. • Comparative Growth Report • Identify students who are making Below, Average, or Above Average Growth. Of all of the reports shown today, which do you find most valuable? Why?
In PLCs, You Will Use The Small Group Instruction Guide To… Identify students of common need for small group instruction. Based on data, students can be in more than one group. Identify the Reporting Category Focus for the Group- This is a broad category, such as Information What instructional strategies will you use with this group? What resources will you need (FCAT Test Specs, materials within DEA, etc.)? How do you plan to progress monitor your groups? 1a, 1b, 1c, 1d
PLC Work Time In your grade level PLCs, analyze YOUR class DEA data (ELA or Math) to complete the DEA Small Group Instruction Template.