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Explore the history, definition, pros and cons, innovation, recommendations, and references related to Longer and Heavier Vehicles (LHV) used in cross-border transport across Europe. Learn about the benefits and challenges of LHVs and how they impact fuel efficiency, emission levels, driver shortage, congestion, and safety.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Welcome Cross-border LHV in Europe Author: Lambert van der Meulen Jr. M.Sc. 0031(0)612251096 Commissionedby: Gebr. Versteijnen

  2. table of contents • History • LHV Definition/ configurations • Pros and Cons LHV’s • Elaboration Pros and Cons • Innovation surrounding countries • Recommendations from researchers • References

  3. History • a pilot scheme was introduced in the Netherlands in 2000 and ended in 2003. 15 combination participated in this test.(B. Rakic en J.P. van ’t Hoff, 2002). • 2004-2006 second test LHV’s 100 combination participated in this test.(ARCADIS, 2006). • 2007-2011 final testing stage 118 combination and 206 companies participated in this test. (Marieke Honer en Loes Aarts, 2010).

  4. LHV Definition/ configurations • LHVs (LongerandHeavierVehicles) • 25,25 meters long • Maximumtrain weight of 60 tonnes

  5. LHV Definition/ configurations

  6. LHV Definition/ configurations • Vehicle configuration TriCS benefits • No dolly required • Safety, manoeuvrability same as standard trailer • PIEK certificate available • Less CO2 emission and Fuel consumption • Saves time and costs • 87 trolleys in one trip

  7. Pros and Cons LHV’s • Pros (Aarts, 2015), (ARCADIS, 2006), (Rakic et al 2002), (Honer et al, 2010) and (Monitoring Traffic Safety, 2011) • Increase fuel efficiency • Decrease of CO2 and Nox • Decrease axle load • Decrease of driver shortage • Decrease of congestion • Cons (according the opponents of the LHV)(M. Roggermann et al, 2007) • Dangerous • Environmentally damaging • Absolute CO2 emissions in transport • Expensive • Modal shift

  8. Elaboration Pros and Cons • Pros • Increase fuel efficiency up to 33% (2010) • Decrease of CO2 and Nox3-6% and 2-4% (2010) • Reduction of 20 million km per year, 16 million kg CO2 per year (2010) • Decrease axle load more axles to distribute the weight (2010) • Decrease of driver shortage shortage 55,000 (2015) • Decrease of congestion 0,7 – 1,4% (2006)

  9. Elaboration Pros and Cons • Cons (according the opponents of the LHV) • Researchers have proven otherwise! • Dangerous • 2182 truck accidents in 2013 (including fatal accidents) • 19 accidents with LHV’s during 2007-2010 NO FATAL, slightly injured only • 10 accidents with LHV’s during 2011-2013 NO FATAL, slightly injured only • From these accidents, no specific problems have emerged that deal with the greater length and behavior of LHVs • Environmentally damaging (Modal shift) • Absolute CO2 emissions in transport (Modal shift) • Increasing the amount of LHV will not effect the transport by rail or ship • Just in time principle • Origin / destination • Short distance / network distribution • Expensive (Road damage) • LHV have more axles, better weight distribution is less road damage

  10. Innovation surrounding countries

  11. Recommendations from researchers • continue with the current commitment of the Ministry of Transport to allow cross-border transport with LHVs (NEA, et al (Oktober 2010).

  12. Recommendations

  13. References • Monitoring Traffic Safety, Longerandheaviervehicles, Ministry of Infrastructure and Environment,July 2011 • http://www.transport-online.nl/site/53368/aantal-ongevallen-met-vrachtwagens-in-2013-gedaald/ • NEA, Manfred Kindt, Arnaud Burgess en Rudy Groen.. (Oktober 2010). Langere en Zwaardere Vrachtvoertuigen in de praktijk.Rijkswaterstaat - Dienst Verkeer en Scheepvaart. 81 (1), 105 • Martin Roggermann, Philippa Edmunds,AndreasGeißler . (2007).nomegatrucks.Available: https://www.nomegatrucks.eu/. Last accessed 3-6-2015. • Loes Aarts. (januari 2015). LZV-ongevalsanalyse 2011-2013 Inclusief overzicht conclusies LZV-ongevallen in de periode 2007-2013. ARCADIS Nederland BV, Rijkswaterstaat, Water, Verkeer en Leefomgeving. al (1), 35. • ARCADIS. (2006). MONITORINGSONDERZOEK VERVOLGPROEF LZV.MINISTERIE VAN VERKEER & WATERSTAAT, DIRECTORAAT GENERAAL RIJKSWATERSTAAT, ADVIESDIENST VERKEER EN VERVOER. al (1), 116. • B. Rakic en J.P. van ’t Hoff. (2002). Praktijkproef LZV Resultaten van een proef met langere en/of zwaardere voertuigcombinaties op Nederlandse wegen. Rijkswaterstaat Adviesdienst Verkeer en Vervoer. 1 (1), 127. • Marieke Honer en Loes Aarts. (2010). Langere en Zwaardere Vrachtvoertuigen in de praktijk. Rijkswaterstaat - Dienst Verkeer en Scheepvaart. al (1), 105.

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