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Space Technology based Village Resource Centres (VRCs) for Rural Development

Explore the transformative impact of village resource centers in rural development, leveraging space technology for crucial areas like healthcare, agriculture, education, and more. Discover how these centers, established in partnership with ISRO, are enhancing societal development and promoting social inclusion.

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Space Technology based Village Resource Centres (VRCs) for Rural Development

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  1. Space Technology based Village Resource Centres (VRCs)for Rural Development VS Hegde & Remilla LN MURTHY Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) Lucknow October …, 2007

  2. … we must be second to none in the applications of advanced technologies to the real problems of man and society …” .. Dr. Vikram Sarabhai

  3. Space for Societal Development An Illustrative List of Applications REMOTE SENSING & GIS COMMUNICATIONS • Education/ Awareness • Healthcare/ Hygiene • Training/ Skill development • Info Dissemination • Strengthening Panchayat Raj • Rural Empowerment • Agriculture • Water Resources • Watershed development • Drinking water • Drought assessment, monitoring & proofing • Flood/ cyclone monitoring • Fuel wood/ fodder assessment • Land Information Systems • Wasteland mapping & monitoring • Groundwater prospecting • Potential Fishing Zone • Rural roads connectivity • ….

  4. VRC: The Roles of Partners ISRO Partner Agency Need Assessment PRA, RRA Infrastructure Building with Civil, Electrical facilities to house VRCs; Additional Multi-media Computers, etc. Manpower 2-3 Skilled Persons at each VRC Services Arrangements with Expert Centers & Experts, Hospitals & local Doctors, Teachers, … Contents, their updation, … Maintenance of Equipment After initial 3 years Connectivity VSAT, associated Communication Equipment, low-end AV Equipment Satellite Bandwidth Telemedicine Minimal h/w (EKG), s/w Tele-Education s/w NR Database Available and customized, along with minimal Query and Analytical tools Maintenance of Equipment First 3 years ... 'social inclusion' is the bottomline

  5. Interactive Video • Broadcast Technology • One way Broadcast & selective IP based Return Video • Seamless Access to Far-flung, Remote & Island territories • Synchronous as well as Asynchronous Learning … and a‘Partnership based’ Effort’ Unique Features of VRCs

  6. VRC: The Initial Networks Agriculture, Horticulture, Fishermen dominated areas Farmer Distress Hotspots Schools & Rehabilitation Centres; Involvement of Corporates

  7. Village Resource Centres (VRCs) Status As on October 01 , 2008 Set-up/ Functioning & Partners TN MSSRF, Amrita ,, Sathyabama Kerala Amrita, KSPB, MSSRF Kar Karuna, MYRADA,UAS Maha MSSRF, BAIF, Gomukh,RuralCom Rajasthan MSSRF, SDS, BMB&STC, TBS, Vatsalya, MGCS, SPWD, SBCT AP MSSRF, DHAN, Byrraju Gujarat SEWA, Abhiyan UP IIIT-A, NH, DA MP NCHSE, DA Delhi DA, IIIT-A Bihar SRI,DA Jharkhand KGVK, SRI,RKM Orissa CYSD, PREM, Agragamee, GV Assam ABITA Uttarakhand HIHT,SBMA, Chirag, INHERE Nagaland NASTEC WB RKM Sikkim RD&RM,DST HP HPVHA,YSPUHF Being Set-up A&NA&N Admin. TN DHAN,VITU Guj SEWA,AKRSP 6 24 1 18 2 1 18 1 30 12 8 21 1 19 26 10 24 15 11 44 18 Set-up: 444 34 Being Set-up: 58 66 4 37 21 40 5 1 ~ 50 Expert Centres/ Hospitals includes 8 at ISRO/ DOS Centres (IIRS, NRSA, NE-SAC, 4 RRSSCs SAC)

  8. VRCs: A Snapshot of Activities • Healthcare • Awareness creation - TB, Malaria, Chikungunia, Dengue • Child & women healthcare • Eye-care, dermatology, camps & consultations • Traditional/ herbal medicine • Cardiac Check - ECG Camps • Natural Resources Management • Water resources - ground & surface water assessment, management • Wasteland development • Watershed based planning • Alternate landuse plan • Soil health • Environmental aspects • Social Empowerment • Right to Information (RTI) • Domestic violence, sexual abuse • Disabilities • Career plan/ counseling • Birth/ death/ property registration • Governmental schemes • Job opportunities • Legal advisories • Education, Training, Skill Dev for Livelihood support • E-Learning, computer literacy • Supplementary teaching • Micro-enterprise, micro-finance, marketing • Skill dev - Nursing, Plumbing, Lab technician, Electrician • Agri. Dev. related • Interactive advisories - crop pest, diseases, fertilizer/ pesticide • Soil health, water management • Seeds, market, organic farming, kitchen gardening, weeds • Horticulture, floriculture • Crop insurance • Livestock management • Potential Fishing Zone (PFZ) • Other • Summer camps for children • Interactions with elected representatives of Panchayats/ Self Help Groups • Workshops • Screening of educational CDs • Rural Yellow Pages • Local News Papers • Display of rural/ cottage products

  9. ISRO-MSSRF VRC in TN: Activities >3000 Programmes >100,000 Participants • Interactive Advisories to Farmers • Rabi Pre-season Training Programme • Gingili, Ground nut, Oil seeds cultivation • Agro-meteorology related • Organic farming • Crop Insurance • Livestock Management • Potential Fishing Zone (PFZ) • Health camps • Interaction with authorities

  10. ISRO-MSSRF VRCs in TN: Activities… contd. >3000 Programmes >100,000 Participants Key Factors that contributed .. • Tele-Education • - Awareness Camps • - Computer Literacy • - Functional/ Adult Literacy • Alternate Livelihood related • Micro-Enterprises • Marketing • Rural Yellow Pages • Accounting Software Training • Virtual Congress on Medicinal Plants • Blend of Technologies • Integration of Expertise/ Core Competence • Peoples’ Participation

  11. 11 Nodes - Kerala (7), TN (2), 1 Exp. Centre; 1 Hospital • 3 in Schools, 3 in PHCs, 1 in Orphanage, 2 in Tsunami Relief Camps • Emphasis on School-centric & Awareness creation Programmes • >750 Programmes conducted; reaching out to >15,000 beneficiaries • E-Learning • Workshops on Tribal Dev. • Awareness in IT Applns, Fisheries, Floriculture, Forest, Environment, Personality Dev., … • Healthcare ISRO- AMRITA VRCs in TN & Kerala: Activities

  12. MYRADA VRCs, Karnataka: Activities 15 VRCs, 2 Expert Centres, 2 Hospitals > 100 Programmes in 5 months; > 11,500 Participants • Emphasis on Human rights & Societal empowerment • Programmes included: • Right to Information (RTI) • Birth Registration • Domestic violence with Women & Sexual abuse • Disabilities • Health awareness classes on HIV/ AIDS, Common Diceases, … • Career plan • Summer training camps on Pot/ Block Painting, Flower arrangement, …

  13. Karuna Trust VRCs in Karnataka: Activities VRCs located in PHCs 19 VRCs, 1 Expert Centre, 2 Hospitals > 85 Programmes in 4 months > 6000 participated Programmes included: • Traditional/ Herbal medicine • Awareness creation in various diseases • Health Insurance • Training/ Skill building in Healthcare - Medical Officers, Primary Healthcare Workers, … • Community Microfinance

  14. 13 Nodes - 10 VRCs, 1 Expert Centre, 2 Hospitals Healthcare/ Awareness • Chickenguniya, Malaria, Eye Diseases, TB cure, Dental diseases & care,… • Womens’ Health - Gynec. Problems, Breast Cancer, Safe Delivery of Child, .. • Child Healtcare & Diseases, …. • Balanced Diet, Nutrition values of Indian Food, Nutrition for Pregnant Women, …. Live stock • Contageous diseases & miscarriages in animals • Increasing milk production from cattle Cropping Advisories • Drip & Sprinkle irrigation, Salinity control, Organic farming, Land & seed Preparation for sowing, …. • Diseases in Mung, Groundnut, Bajra, Cumin crops, …. • Crop insurance & Farmer credit card for Dry farming • Soil testing Societal Empowerment • Role & Responsibility of Panchayats, … Gujarat VRCs: Activities

  15. Gujarat VRCs Pre- Arranged Consultation for Dermatology Treatment

  16. Some Success Stories - from Gujarat VRCs Ttreatment for Skin ailment - Kutubbhai Fakruddin Parmar of Kauka village of Dholka Blk, Ahmedabad dist. Increasing Milk Production - Tele-treatment for buffalo - Jasiben from Simej village, Ahmedabad dist in interactive session with Anand Agri Univ.

  17. Sathyabama Univ. VRCs, TN: Activities Emphasis on Vocational Training [for livelihood support] 15 VRCs, 2 Exp Centres, 1 Hospital In all 304 Boys 570 Girls • Training Courses in: • Lab Technicians (26 Boys; 232 Girls) • Nursing Assistant (9 Boys; 336 Girls) • Electrician (234 Boys; 3 Girls) • Plumber (35 Boys) • Each Course - 6 Hrs/ Week • Participants - Max 20/ Course/ VRC Puthalam

  18. VRCs and Village Knowledge Centres (VKCs) Layered Approach for Aggregation & Reaching the Services - MSSRF Model External Connectivity Coordination, Content Generation, Web-casting,Capacity Building, M&E, ... • Main Hub - MSSRF • Data Managers • Connectivity & Content Info portal web-based, interactive Connectivity, Trained Personnel, Need Assessment, Boundary Partnerships, Intra-net Access, Contextual Contents, Delivery of Services - Advisories, Community News Paper, Field Level Services, Block level Hub VRC Lower-end Connectivity, Knowledge Workers,Knowledge & Info. Access, Delivery of Services - Notice Boards, Cable TV Network, In-person Interactions, Community-level Interventions, … Hub & Spokes Model for VKCs Info. Users [Rural Families]

  19. VRCs: ISRO’s Plans for Near Future • VRC - A major player in National Knowledge Empowerment Movement • ISP in remote areas - Islands • A part of multi-tier rural knowledge network, with backhaul links to WiFi/ WiMax hotspots, other terrestrial networks • ISRO/ DOS Centers as VRC Expert Nodes; links to NRC/ NRDB/ NDEM portals/ servers • Content Server for contextual knowledge & services, with search engine/ tools in local/ regional languages • Links with national/ global weather/ disaster alert/ information networks • A few VRCs in friendly neighboring countries ~ 4000 VRCs in larger clusters [at least one VRC - in each Rural/ semi-Urban Block/ Taluk of the country] Eventually State/ Regional Hubs/ Servers

  20. ... thanks

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