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Space Technology

Space Technology . A look at the technology that has allowed humans to enter space. Generic Space Technology . Rockets Satellites Planets Telescopes Spacecrafts Space Suits . Rocket .

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Space Technology

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  1. Space Technology A look at the technology that has allowed humans to enter space

  2. Generic Space Technology • Rockets • Satellites • Planets • Telescopes • Spacecrafts • Space Suits

  3. Rocket • A rocket or rocket vehicle is a missile, spacecraft, aircraft or other vehicle which obtains thrust from a rocket engine.

  4. Satellites • A satellite is something that orbits around the earth • The moon is a natural satellite • A satellite aimed at the moon is called a moon probe. • IMP’s: satellites designed to measure the effects of the solar wind on earth

  5. Planets • A planet is something that travels in an orbit around the sun. • The earth is an example of natural planet • Luna One is an example of a man-made planet

  6. Telescopes • Magnifies images

  7. Early Space Crafts 1. two booster rockets help launch the shuttle 2. At 28 miles, the boosters fall away and parachute into the sea. 3. Main engine helps shuttle reach a high enough speed to escape earth’s pull, then the fuel tank falls away 4. In orbit, the shuttle is controlled by the thrusters

  8. Space Suit • A man-shaped balloon • Air tight cloth or metal • Oxygen is fed into the suit • Pressure of gas is high enough to keep body liquids from turning into gas • Able to rid the water and carbon dioxide has • Cooled • Shiny so suns rays reflect off of it

  9. Ships • Challenger • Columbia • Discovery

  10. Columbia • Considered to be the first space-worthy space shuttle for NASA • First flight: April 12, 1981 • Last flight: January 16th, 2003

  11. Discovery • First mission: August 30th, 1984 • Most famous mission: deployment of Hubble Space Telescope

  12. Ship Challenger • January 28th, 1986 • Broke apart 72 seconds into its flight • NASA did not embark on space missions for 32 months afterwards • Used as a case study in discussions about engineering safety

  13. Moon Landing • Russian craft Luna Nine • USA craft Surveyor One

  14. Project Gemini • Series of spaceflights from 1965-1966 • Purpose: develop techniques for future space missions • Pictured: Gemini 7

  15. Project Apollo • 1969-1972 • Missions to land people on the moon • Pictured Apollo 11

  16. International Space Station • Russian part joins with American part Unit • Continues to be built today • All sorts of countries involved: Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Japan, Italy, Russia, Sweden, UK, Spain, Norway, US, Netherlands, Switzerland

  17. Specific Technology

  18. Sputnik One • First man made satellite • Russian Satellite • Stayed in the atmosphere for 3 months

  19. Sputnik 2 • first satellite to carry a live animal : a dog named Laika • Russian satellite

  20. Explorer 1 • First American satellite • First of the long-running Explorer program

  21. Vanguard One • Told us the exact shape of the earth • First solar powered satellite

  22. Luna One • First man-made planet • First spacecraft to reach the vicinity of the moon

  23. Explorer 6 • Sent first picture of earth from space

  24. Tiros One • Television Infrared Observation Satellite • Series of early weather satellite

  25. Vostok 1 • First manned space flight • Manned by comosnautYuri Gagarin in 1961

  26. Mercury Freedom 7 • Took Alan Shepard into space • First American in space

  27. Mercury 4 • Piloted by Gus Grissom • He performed a suborbital flight

  28. Apollo 11 • Space flight that landed the first humans on the moon • July 20th, 1969 • USA beat the Soviet Union to the moon

  29. Apollo 13 • Third manned lunar attempt • Had to be aborted due to oxygen tank explosion

  30. Soyuz II • First crew to occupy space station • Stayed for 24 days • Upon leaving the space station an air leak occurred. • All the astronauts onboard died

  31. Vostok 2 • Manned space flight by GhermanTitov • Traveled 16 times around the earth in 25 hours

  32. Ranger Moon Probes • America’s first attempt to take close-up images of the moon’s surface • Series of missions

  33. Mercury Friendship • First American manned orbital flight • John Glenn made three orbits around earth

  34. Ranger 7 • First successful American lunar probe • Returned with over 4,000 close up shots of the moon’s surface

  35. VoskhodII • Crew: PavelBelyaevand Alexei Leonov • Alexei Leonov was the first person to leave the spacecraft • 12 minute “spacewalk”

  36. Gemini 4 • Manned by James McDivitt and Edward H. White • First successful American space walk: Edward White free floated outside of the spacecraft

  37. Salyut 1 • First space station

  38. Apollo 17 • Sixth and last lunar landing • First night launch

  39. Solar Maximum Mission • Helped scientists understand sunspot activity • One of the first space instruments that could be repaired by spaces in space

  40. Hubble Telescope • One of the largest and most versatile space telescope • Research tool • What it does: look at optical and ultraviolet universe • Pictured: Pillars of Creation, one of Hubble’s most famous images

  41. sources • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rocket • http://www.spacepictures.org/displayimage-288.html • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solar_Maximum_Mission • http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/planetary/lunar/ranger.html • http://www.howstuffworks.com/telescope.htm • http://www.nasa.gov/audience/foreducators/spacesuits/home/index.html • http://www.nasa.gov/centers/kennedy/shuttleoperations/orbiters/challenger-info.html • http://www.nasa.gov/centers/kennedy/shuttleoperations/orbiters/orbitersdis.html • http://www-pao.ksc.nasa.gov/history/gemini/gemini.htm • http://www.aviationnews.eu/2009/07/14/nasa-plays-audio-time-capsule-of-historic-apollo-11-mission/apollo-11-lift-off/ • http://history.nasa.gov/ap11ann/kippsphotos/5875.jpg • http://spaceflight.nasa.gov/station/ • http://www.space.com/news/laika_anniversary_991103.html • http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/explorer/index.html • http://www.astronautix.com/craft/vanuard1.htm • http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/planetary/lunar/lunarussr.html • http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/nmc/spacecraftDisplay.do?id=1959-004A • http://www-pao.ksc.nasa.gov/history/mercury/mr-3/mr-3.htm • http://spaceflight.nasa.gov/gallery/images/apollo/apollo13/html/s70-34852.html • http://www.nasm.si.edu/exhibitions/gal100/friend7.html • http://www.solarviews.com/eng/ranger7.htm • http://www.skyrocket.de/space/doc_sdat/voskhod-3kd.htm • http://users.skynet.be/satimage/satbase/satbase0002.htm • http://www.savethelut.org/MLDocs/ML_History.html

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