2. What is “Reverse Logistics”? Definition:
The return of goods fromthe marketplace to the vendor for any reason
3. Who receives these returned goods? Manufacturer
Retail Store
Sales Department
4. Reasons for return:
6. Common commodities found in “Reverse Logistics”
7. Benefits of Return Logistics Verification of return or replacement
Incident control
Investigate product failure
Quality control
Improve economies of scale for reuse, recycling, or disposal
Sustainability impact – reduction in transportation miles from retail stores
8. Benefits of Return Logistics Maintain safety and value of the product (eliminating unauthorized sales in flea markets, garage sales, and over the Internet)
Recycling or remanufacturing
Limit waste generation
Ensure proper disposal (“Green initiative”)
9. Can these be hazardous materials? YES!
In some cases,
products entering reverse transport
need to be shipped in accordance with regulations governing the safe
transport of dangerous goods.
10. How Reverse Logistics Works: Packaging used?
Normally the most convenient.
Is this packaging adequate?
Are materials placed in the packaging safely?
Are chemicals segregated to prevent unintended reactions?
11. How Reverse Logistics Works:
12. Transportation is Regulated Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration(PHMSA)
a department of the
US Department of Transportation
13. Preparation for Transport:
“Hazmat employee” §171.8 and Part 172, Subpart H
Opportunity to introducenew section in 49 CFR
14. DOT/PHMSA’s position:
16. COSTHA’s ROLE in REVERSE LOGISTICS: We now need to examine the reverse logistics process where:
the person packing the returns may not be a trained hazmat employee;
the packaging may not be the same as when it was originally shipped;
the person preparing the returns may not be aware of the hazards associated with transportation;
the items shipped may be subject to EPA Hazardous Waste rules.
17. Win – Win Outcome:
18. Goals and objectives:
19. Goals and objectives: Partner with PHMSA and EPA to:
Develop acceptable and achievable standards
Introduce rulemaking
20. Desired Outcomes:
21. Moving Forward with Reverse Logistics:
22. Open Mic
26. QUESTIONS? Contact Information:
7803 Hill House Court
Fairfax Station, VA
Phone: 703/451-4031 Fax: 703/451-4207
Email: mail@costha.com