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- HaNoi capital of Vietnam - Located in Red river Delta. - Area: 3.324,92 km2 - Population: 6.450.000 (2009). - Red river (the second largest river of Vietnam) flows throught Hanoi city, come into the sea with annual capacity (60 billions m3) - The city belows the water level - HaNoi is prevented by a solid dykes system. The dike system in Ha Noi has never been broke, even in big flood years 1971, 1996 or during the war
Total length Dyke : 3500 km LOW DELTA 97% of delta regions with dyke < 9 m 72% of delta regions with dyke < 3 m 58% of delta regions with dyke < 2 m Height in Hanoi: 15 m Dyke system in Ha Noi can stand for the flood level 13.5 m, higher than III alert : 2.5m
Ubarn flood in HaNoi can be devided into two categories 1. Local flood: very hight rainfall intensity occure and generate higher surface run –off that is in excess of local drainage capacity. Urban Flood and Inundation will happen Inundation Inundation
2. Riverini flood: heavy rainfall at upstream, big flood upstream happened and after that the watel level at downstream increase rapidly.
Climate change in Hanoi Dute to Climate change and global warming, HaNoi city may effect more big flood from upstream and heavy rainfall in city. The temperature in Hanoi rises up from 2000-2009 Maximum total rainfall in day at Ha Noi rises up from 2000-2009
Total rainfall in 6 hour at Meteorological stations in HaNoi has been increased for 10 years. Met_hydrological network in HaNoi
Climate change in Hanoi - Infuture, from 2010-2100, the temperature will increase 3o, total rainfall in dret season increase 20%, and in dry season decrease 40% Annual Temperature and % the changes of Rainfall in HaNoi from 2000 to 2100
Ubarnization, population growth and flood in Hanoi • In 10 years recent, the population of HaNoi go up very quikly. • -The boom of urbanisation has led the city a giant contruction field and inefficient solid wastes proceesing and consequencyly lead to inundation and stagnage of under ground water.
Landuse: Many pond and low land areas or small lakes regulation were replaced or narrowed by construction and building which leads to the reduction of water restore capacity. - The rainfall runoff happen qickly exceed the capacity of HaNoi’s drainage Depth in undation from 0.3-0.5m Surface runoff on the road at Nguyen Khuyenstr, HaNoi city (13/7/2010)
Some serious flood features in Hanoi city in recent times • Because of climate change, The intensity per hour and total rainfall in a day at Hanoi trend to increase. The inundation will occurred more than usual and takes long time. • - From 30 October to 1 November 2008, the extremely heavy rains over 500-600mm were recorded in Hanoi area (3 days). The rain in Hanoi was concentrated in a short period with the highest intensity in more than 100 years passed. • Deep inundation about 1,5-2,5m during 5-10 days in Hanoi. • 10 People died in this flood. • Total Points inundation in HaNoi are about 30
Inundation from 0,5m-1,0m, many areas from 1-1.5m. Boating in Ha Noi city in 2008
Traffic jam in Kim Ma street (2008) Hoan Kiem lake, 1 Nov 2008
Inundation 17/8/2009 The rainfall over 100mm caused inundation in Hanoi with deep about 0,5-1,0m. -The duration of inundation: 1days
- On the morning, 13 July 2010, from 6.45 Am to 10 Am, A heavy rainfall occurred. Total rainfall recorded in the central of Ha Noi from 100 mm- 153mm (3 hours). - There are 23 points inundation from 0.3 m -1m, especially many main streets at center HaNoi. • 3 People died in Ha Noi in this inundation. • Duration of inundation: 5 hours 13/7/2010 13/7/2010
13/7/2010 13/7/2010 Street or River? Kim Lien Tunnel
Some main reasons of HaNoi inundation • The old and low capacity of underground sewage irrigation cannot afford to discharge water when rainfall is higher than 172mm/2 days (86mm/1 days)- Stage I of the Hanoi drainage project (supported by JICA). But infact, many heavy rain occurred in short time with total rainfall is higher than 172mm.So, Ha Noi is always flooded Inundation occurred in HaNoi X>86 mm/day
2.Because of the ubarnization, landscape change by contruction. Surface runoff on the road appears earlier. 3. HaNoi haven’t got an ubarn flood management system and decision maker. The contaction between National Met-Hydrological Forecasting service and Some oganization (responsible for water resources) is not available.
Current status drainage of Hanoi • Four companyies have been established to assit the responsibility water resources. • Hanoi water Business Company, responsible for management, operation of water supply in urban areas of Hanoi city. • Hanoi sewerage and Drainage Company, responsible for operation and maintenance of the sewerage and drainage system • Environmental Company: collection and processing of domestic water • Design Copany for ubarn Public work, carriout all the design work for distribution pipeline and home connections
Current status drainage of Hanoi Drainage system in Hanoi include water from rainfall and wastewater.
Current status drainage of Hanoi Downtown of HaNoi city: 1. The main drainage directions are To Lich river and Nhue river. +at To Lich basin: Pumping water to Red river by Yen So station with capacity 45 m3/s; Dong My station and throught Thinh Liet Dam. Yen So station with 11 water pumps
Current status drainage of Hanoi Downtown of HaNoi city: + at Nhue basin: Pumping water to Nhue river by Dong Bong, Xuan Dinh, Thanh Binh station with capacity 23 m3/s (while need 114 m3/s) Red river
Current status drainage of Hanoi Downtown of HaNoi city: 2. 10 Small trenches for irrigation and 32 small river in city gather the overflow on the road.
Measures to mitigate the Hanoi ubarn flood, inundation and climate change adaptation in Hanoi 1. Structural measures: Cooperation between National, Province, District, commune must be well (including infrastructures, equipments, and operation & management) Plan and protect upstream forests
Some results of strutural measure for ubarn flood in HaNoi 4 big reservouirs system upstream Hong river delta have reduced the volume of flood and maximun of watel level at HaNoi station in flood. Son La operated (3 bil for flood control) TuyenQuang res operated (3 bil for flood control) HoaBinhreservouis operated (3 bil for flood control) ThacBareservouis operated (0.5 bil for flood control)
Measures to mitigate the Hanoi ubarn flood, inundation and climate change adaptation in Hanoi 2. Non-Structural measures:
Investment project for Irrigation in Ha Noi • The stage I of Irrigation project in Ha Noi from 1998-2005, Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) funded : • + Resolved the inundation in HaNoi with the rainfall less than 172 mm/2days (50mm/2h) • + Built the drains through the dike 45m3 / s; discharged into the Red River channel 90m3/giay; Yen So lake regulation 3.78 millions m3. • + Dredging and river embankment 4 main small rivers: To Lich, Lu, Set and Kim Nguu (33km).
Investment project for Irrigation in Ha Noi • The stage II of Irrigation project in Ha Noi from 2008-2011, Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) funded: • + Increase the capacity of pump Yen So staion from 45 m3/s to 90 m3/s (8millions m3/day) • + Resolved the inundation in HaNoi with the rainfall less than 310 mm/2days • + Improved 12 regulation lakes
Investment project for Irrigation in Ha Noi 3. The project "Construction and renovation of three pump stations and drainage Co Nhue, west of Hanoi Dong Bong" by the Belgian Government funding has been approved by the city allocated to Sewerage Company Hanoi investor. (Co Nhue pump will be built with a capacity 12m3/s, Dong Bong I, Bong Dong II pump is 9 m3/s in 2012)
Forecasting and warning inundation in HaNoi Foreign Country: -Project: Water quality monitoring work under dry and wet wether conditions in the downtown of Hanoi city, Dr. Hiroaku Furumai, Research Center of Water Environment Technology, University of Tokyo. Pilot Point is downtown of Ha Noi, simulated the inundation in 2003 and 2008.
Strengthening of the forecast capacity • In Vietnam • Using Quantitative Pricipitation forecast (from Numberical Weather Model, radar and sattelite) as the input of hydrological model) • Forecasting the water level at Ha Noi station with the lead time from 24 hours to 48 hours using hydraclic model.
URGENT PROJECT IN VIETNAM FROM 2011-2013 • BUILDING THE RAINFAL AND FLOOD EARLY WARINNING SYSTEMS, FORECASTING AND WAINING DETAIL HANOI INUNDATION from 2011-2013. • +Modenization the Met_hydrological network observation • +Supplied the hight technology for Mydro_Meteorological nowcasting.
- Weather forecasting in short time using HRM and ETA hight resolution model 14kmx14km. Pilot selection: HaNoi Capital • Using distributed hydrological model MARINE (French) for Flood forecasting and warnining in short time. Pilot selection: Hong -Thai Binh river system. • Using hydraulic model MIKE 11, MIKE 21, MIKE Urban and MIKE GIS Flood forecasting and warnining in inudation in downtown HaNoi.
- Building 412 rainfall stations (28 points for Muity-reservoirs operation - Improvement the infrastructure for 25 hydro stations at Hong river -Improvement and rebuilt 127 Meteorology auto- stationst in the North to meet the density of stations: 30-60km
Improvement and rebuilt 127 Meteorology auto- stationst in the North to meet the density of stations: 30-60km. • - Upgrate the rain gause network in Hanoi for nowcasting(rainfall, flood, inundation)
Making hazard map: flood and inundation Map in Hanoi -Terrain survey and inundation points investigation in HaNoi (total day Rainfall>100 mm) Depth inundation 0.3-0.5 m Depth inundation 0.5-0.7 m Depth inundation 0.7-1 m
- Setting up hydrological urban model for caculating and early wairning flood and inundation in Hanoi - Digitize floods and inundation mapping in hight resolution ( for all city, for districts…)
Diagram of flood and inundation warning in Hanoi Rain gauge, radar, settalite Via: wesite, TV, radio, Voice of Vietnam traffic channel. To: govement, central and local,Central Committee for Flood an,d Storm Control in Hanoi,Hanoi sewerage and Drainage Company Hydrological model forecast Flood bulletin, inundation Map in realtime