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This ESPON Seminar workshop focuses on the practical use of integrated strategies for territories. Presenting strategies at regional, metropolitan, and cross-border levels, discussions will explore the added value of integrated approaches, concepts and experiences, and how these strategies can contribute to current policy challenges. This workshop is designed to provide key messages useful for policy makers in the context of Cohesion Policy 2014-2020, Europe 2020 Strategy, and Territorial Agenda 2020.
Inspire policy making by territorial evidence ESPON Seminar “Territories Acting for Economic Growth: Using territorial evidence to meet challenges towards 2020” Workshop 1.A Building and using Integrated Territorial Strategies
This workshop will deal with the practical use of integrated strategies for territories. Integrated strategies for territories are relevant and have been implemented at different scales and across borders. The workshop aims at presenting interesting strategies at regional level, for polycentric metropolitan regions and in cross-border cooperation. An important focus in the workshop discussions will be on key messages useful for policy makers in the context of Cohesion Policy 2014-2020 and in policy development promoting policy orientations of the Europe 2020 Strategy and the Territorial Agenda 2020. Setting the scene
Questions the presenters should seek to address What is the added value of integrated approaches to the development of territories? What concepts and experiences exist in building integrated territorial strategies for macro-regions and across borders? How could integrated strategies be further promoted and contribute to current policy challenges? Setting the scene
14:00 Welcome and introduction by moderator, Sandra Di Biaggio 14:10 Integrated strategies in regional development – Graziella Guaragno (max 20 min) 14:30 Project presentation METROBORDER – Thiemo Eser(max 20 min) 14:50 Project presentation ULYSSES – Jens Gabbe (max 20 min) 15:10 Remark and opening up of discussion by moderator, Sandra Di Biaggio 15:40 Final reflections and closure by moderator, Sandra Di Biaggio Indicative running times