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Strategic Plan Working Group Process forward. 1. Start the development of the SP. Produce concept note to highlight the approach identified by the SPWG: twin track approach, building on the SP&Aichi Targets, keeping in mind the mechanics needed to deliver the SP.
1. Start the development of the SP • Produce concept note to highlight the approach identified by the SPWG: twin track approach, building on the SP&Aichi Targets, keeping in mind the mechanics needed to deliver the SP. • Develop a draft, building it up around the Strategic Goals & Aichi Biodiversity Targets (work from the bottom up) • Identify the relevance of each Aichi Target for migratory species • Highlight the relevance of migratory species considerations for each one of the Aichi Targets • Identify possible relevant targets for migratory species • Add introduction/rationale/Vision/Mission as a result of the drafting process & Target proposals • Add chapter on needs for implementation, monitoring, indicators etc based on the possible draft targets and on the results of the two Reports • Add an indicative content list for Companion volume that will support this chapter
Possible structure of a future Plan The Strategic Plan 1. RATIONALE • Scope: migratory species • The importance of issue (migratory species are biodiversity but are also one of the corner stones to keep biodiversity. Also importance for food security, livelihoods, etc) Much of the current SP can be recycled to avoid losing time: just need to update it in light of the CBD SP, the MDGs • The role of the CMS family in an evolving world 2. PURPOSE of the Strategic Plan [VISION] / [MISSION] 3. LOGICAL FRAMEWORK – Strategic Goals / Targets translating the Aichi Targets 4. ENABLING CONDITIONS Review through national reports + at each COP eg. Monitoring & Evaluation, Implementation mechanisms, Partnerships, Outreach (how to get the Plan used & by who?), etc. This should give the overall guidance for the implementation but connect to the Companion Volume for more details + link to CMS decisions/instruments Annex. The Companion Volume
2. Need extensive Consultative Process • SPWG members to be consulted • Draft SP in 3 CMS languages, explore possibility for Russian, Arabic? • SPWG members to actively involve their regions • Expert and/or regional consultations, possibly supported by the Secretariat together with the SPWG members? • Use planned meetings to engage Parties either individually or through back-to-back meetings. See list of planned meetings. • Secretariat to fundraise • Secretariat to draft letter on importance of process • Secretariat to increase its own communication and provide outreach material on the website (powerpoint, concept note, other) for use by SPWG members and other interested stakeholders to raise awareness • All CMS Family to be engaged, through the SPWG, through their meetings, through electronic means, through meetings back to back with other meetings • Civil Society individually + involved in the regional/expert meetings, as stakeholders in other meetings • Use all opportunities to get regional involvement. Also individual persons or organizations with convening power/interest in the regions
3. Finalization of drafting • The draft and the comments received through the consultations would be discussed in depth at the next SPWG meeting • After the next SPWG meeting, the consultant, possibly with the 4chairs (StC, ScC, SPWG+vice-chair) and Secretariat(s), should finalize the drafting of the SP. • This could go again for written consultations to the SPWG members & their constituencies for another round of comments. • After conclusion of that round, it would then be ready to be presented to the Standing Committee for a written procedure. • The StC could decide to send it on for adoption to the COP or send it back to the SPWG with comments before forwarding it to the COP
4. Outreach Besides the consultation process on the actual drafting, an outreach process will be necessary outside of the CMS community to ensure visibility and awareness. This could be done for example as follows: • Inform/involve the EMG Secretariat to link with UN • Actively inform the IMG-EMG mapping exercise of the ongoing process and highlight how CMS supports the Aichi targets but also how UN could help achieve CMS goals/objectives • Involve the CBD Secretariat as they are the custodians of the Aichi Targets and, as they report to UNGA on this, get them to lift the migratory species targets up to the UNGA as a direct contribution to the Aichi Targets and the UN Decade • Others?