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FORMING LATIN VERB TENSES. How to turn any* Latin verb into any tense. * Any regular verb; these are irregular in the present, imperfect and future: sum, possum, volo, nolo, eo, fero. INFINITIVES. You know that a verb’s infinitive is important for 2 reasons:
FORMING LATIN VERB TENSES How to turn any* Latin verb into any tense. * Any regular verb; these are irregular in the present, imperfect and future: sum, possum, volo, nolo, eo, fero
INFINITIVES • You know that a verb’s infinitive is important for 2 reasons: • It tells you which conjugation the verb belongs to • It give you the present stem, to which you add tense signs to make IMPERFECT and FUTURE
INFINITIVES amo, teneo, peto, capio, audio, amAre >> stem ends in –A tenEre >> stem ends in -E petere >> stem ends in –t* capere >> stem ends in –i audIre >> stem ends in -I
MAKE THE PRESENT TENSEadd person endings to the stem amo amas amat amamus amatis amant peto petis petit petimus petitis petunt teneo tenes tenet tenemus tenetis tenent audio audis audit audimus auditis audiunt
MAKE THE IMPERFECT TENSEadd –ba-+endings to the stemfor 3rd and 4th conj, “glue in” the –ba- with an “–e’” amabam amabas amabat amabamus amabatis amabant tenebam tenebas tenebat tenebamus tenebatis tenebant audiebam audiebas audiebat audiebamus audiebatis audiebant petebam petebas petebat petebamus petebatis petebant
MAKE THE FUTURE TENSE #1-2add –bi*-+endings to the stem amabo amabis amabit amabimus amabitis amabunt tenebo tenebis tenebit tenebimus tenebitis tenebunt *notice how the –bi- changes to –bo in 1st sg, and to –bu in 3rd pl
MAKE THE FUTURE TENSE #3-4add –a/e+endings to the stem audiam audies audiet audiemus audietis audient petam petes petet petemus petetis petent capiam capies capiet capiemus capietis capient
3 PERFECT TENSES • use a PERFECT STEM FROM THE 3RD PRINCIPAL PART amavi = I have loved tenui = I have held petivi= I have sought cepi = I have taken audivi= I have heard amo, amare teneo, tenere peto, petere capio, capere audio, audire
MAKE THE PERFECT TENSEadd PERFECT person endings to the stem tenui tenuisti tenuit tenuimus tenuistis tenuerunt amavi amavisti amavit amavimus amavistis amaverunt cepi cepisti cepit cepimus cepistis ceperunt audivi audivisti audivit audivimus audivistis audiverunt
Let’s look at those PERFECT ENDINGS again tenui tenuisti tenuit tenuimus tenuistis tenuerunt i isti it imus istis erunt cepi cepisti cepit cepimus cepistis ceperunt audivi audivisti audivit audivimus audivistis audiverunt
These PERFECT ENDINGS are used only on the PERFECT TENSE • Compare them to the normal personal endings used on other tenses -i -isti -it -imus -istis -erunt -o -s -t -mus -tis -nt
MAKE THE PLUPERFECT TENSEadd -era-+ normal endings to the PERFECT stem tenueram tenueras tenuerat tenueramus tenueratis tenuerant amaveram amaveras amaverat amaveramus amaveratis amaverant ceperam ceperas ceperat ceperamus ceperatis ceperant audiveram audiveras audiverat audiveramus audiveratis audiverant Translate all forms into English with “HAD ……ED”
MAKE THE FUTURE PERFECT TENSEadd –eri-+ normal endings to the PERFECT stem tenuero tenueris tenuerit tenuerimus tenueritis tenuerint amavero amaveris amaverit amaverimus amaveritis amaverint cepero ceperis ceperit ceperimus ceperitis ceperint audivero audiveris audiverit audiverimus audiveritis audiverint N.B. –ero ending on 1st person singular;KEEP THE –ERINT for 3rd person pl, to distinguish it from the PERFECT -ERUNT
TRANSLATING THE PERFECT TENSES PERFECT: I loved, I HAVE loved; he loved, he HAS loved PLUPERFECT: I HAD loved ---all forms need the word “HAD” FUTURE PERFECT: I WILL HAVE loved– all forms need the words “WILL HAVE”
Lay-out of the 6 Tenses • Always start with the principal parts to get the proper stems: amo, amare amavi PRES amo, amas, amat… PERFECTamavi, amavisti, amavit IMPEF amabam,amabas… PLUPERFamaveram, amaveras… FUTURE amabo, amabis,… FUT. PERFamavero, amaveris… First 3 tenses use the PRESENT STEM from the INFINITIVE Last 3 tenses use PERFECT STEM from the 3rd Principal part.