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Chapter 29 vocabulary

Chapter 29 vocabulary. vestis. vestis f. clothing. fumus. fumi m. smoke. libertus. liberti m. freedman. adstantes. adstantium m. bystanders. finis. finis m. end, boundary. mendicus. mendici m. beggar. elegantissimus. elegantissima elegantissimum most elegant,

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Chapter 29 vocabulary

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Chapter 29vocabulary

  2. vestis

  3. vestis f. clothing

  4. fumus

  5. fumi m. smoke

  6. libertus

  7. liberti m. freedman

  8. adstantes

  9. adstantium m. bystanders

  10. finis

  11. finis m. end, boundary

  12. mendicus

  13. mendici m. beggar

  14. elegantissimus

  15. elegantissima elegantissimum most elegant, very elegant

  16. rixa

  17. rixae f. quarrel

  18. celerrimus

  19. celerrima celerrimum fastest, very fast

  20. eripio

  21. eripere eripui ereptus take from

  22. concurso

  23. concursare concursavi concursaturus to run about

  24. aufugio

  25. aufugere aufugi to run away, escape

  26. recumbo

  27. recumbere recubui to recline, lie down

  28. delecto

  29. delectare delectavi delectatus to delight, amuse

  30. ipsius

  31. of himself, of herself of itself

  32. a servis ferebantur

  33. were being carried by slaves

  34. summa celeritate

  35. with greatest speed

  36. portatur

  37. is (being) carried

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