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Warm Up- A Side

Delve into the intriguing life and presidency of JFK, exploring rumors, his charismatic image, and political impact. Discover the true essence behind the Camelot era and JFK's enduring legacy, from his captivating TV presence to the controversies that followed. Unravel the mysteries surrounding JFK's term, his relationship with Jackie, and the shadowy sides of his presidency. Through a series of key moments and reflections, gain insights into JFK's profound influence on American politics and culture.

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Warm Up- A Side

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  1. Warm Up- A Side Write down 3 things you have heard about JFK (Rumors). Which of those Rumors do you think is true? Write down 2 things you would like to find out about JFK. It has been said the Kennedy Presidency resembled “Camelot.” What do you think this means ? (if you don’t know, fake it)

  2. The Aura of Camelot The Kennedy Presidency

  3. I. JFK and Jacky

  4. JFK and Jacky • John Fitzgerald Kennedy and Jacqueline Lee Bouvier- (Kennedy) • Son of Joe P. Kennedy – Expected sons to be in politics • Very “public” first couple (married 1953)- appealed to baby boomers. • Age 29 elected to House of Reps (Mass.) 1947-1953 • 1952 ran for Senate and won, re-elected in 1958 • Never lost an election

  5. I. JFK and Jacky Answer on the “A Side” • Why do you think Americans Identified with the Kennedy’s?

  6. II. 1960 Presidential Campaign

  7. II. 1960 Presidential Campaign • Reputation for openness/responsiveness to constituents • As senator ordered office door to be open • Senate Voting record was liberal and idealistic • The Roman Catholic issue • Claimed strong belief in separation of church and state on television. • Lyndon B. Johnson was his Running Mate • “We stand on a New Frontier.”

  8. II. 1960 Presidential Campaign • Why would some Americans have and Issue with a Catholic President? • What do you think Kennedy meant by “A New Frontier”?

  9. III. T.V. Debate- Nixon v. JFK

  10. III. T.V. Debate- Nixon v. JFK • 1st televised election • Kennedy showed great on T.V.- is • Repubs neglected Americans – old, young, minorities, poor • Warned of coming recession • Claimed we were behind the soviets in military strength • Slogan- “Lets get this country moving again.” • 4 x 1 hour debates vs. Nixon- 70 Mil. viewers • JFK killed Nixon with charm, poise and good looks • Nixon did not show well on T.V.- Old and 5 O’Clock shadow • Tight election –JFK won • Kennedy 49.7%. Nixon 49.5% (popular vote) • 303-219 electoral votes

  11. III. T.V. Debate- Nixon v. JFK • Why do you think it is important for a president to look good on TV? • How did the televised TV debates help JFK?

  12. IV. Inauguration, 1961

  13. IV. Inauguration, 1961 • Youngest (43) and 1st Catholic President • Only served 1037 days in office. • Inaugural address • foreign affairs (world peace), • strengthening military • “common enemies of man” • ….tyranny, poverty, disease and war itself. • Ask not what your country…..

  14. IV. Inauguration, 1961 • In his inauguration, JFK made the famous remark…And so my fellow Americans: Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country. 6. Why do you think he said that and what do you think he meant?

  15. V. 1st T.V. President

  16. V. 1st T.V. President • T.V. very popular in America • 1950 76%, by 1963 92% had TV's • JFK used T.V. like FDR used Radio- Weekly broadcasts • New Frontier program unleashed on T.V. • Economic Development, Civil Rights, Space Race • Tax Cuts & Civil Rights measures passed after his death • Aggressive Foreign Policies • Alliance for Progress- social and economic reforms to S. Am. • Peace Corp- young Americans volunteer to help poor nations • Stepped up military spending • Bay of Pigs- failed attempt to overthrow communist Cuba • Soviet Blockade of Cuba- missiles • Movie -Missiles of October

  17. V. 1st T.V. President • JFK won the ’60 Presidential Election by a narrow margin. 7. How did T.V. help him to become more popular at home and abroad?

  18. VI. The Celebrity President

  19. VI. The Celebrity President • Camelot- Fairy tale of King Arthur • Young, attractive, sophisticated, stylish • Jackie .. Youthful Glamour and elegance to white house and presidency- fascinated American Public • Extreme Home makeover on White House (Jackie) • 160 paintings donated by • Steamed wallpaper • Filled WH w/ writers, artists, actors and intellectuals • T.V . Special with huge ratings • Dark side of JFK • Affairs- Judith Campbell and M.M. • Media knew all of this it but left it alone.

  20. VI. The Celebrity President 8. Why do you think the media chose not to reveal the dark side of JFK? Judith Campbell Marily Monroe

  21. VII. The Kennedy’s Political Legacy

  22. VII. The Kennedy’s Political Legacy- New Frontier • Hired a talented and young administration • From both parties • The “Best and the Brightest” • Robert McNamara • Douglass Dillon • McGeorge Bundy • Brother- Bobby Kennedy • Brother Bobby as Attny General- • Protected Civil Rights leaders and MLK • Took on organized crime (Hoffa) • After JFK death resigned and won Senate in New York • Next Kennedy in line for Pres. • Also assassinated 6/5/68 in Los Angeles (SirhanSirhan)

  23. VII. The Kennedy’s Political Legacy- New Frontier 9. Do you think it was wrong for JFK to hire his inexperienced brother to be the Attorney General?

  24. VIII. JFK and Civil Rights

  25. VIII. JFK and Civil Rights • Longtime advocate of Civil Rights Legislation • Civil Rights President • Crucial support from blacks in election • Supported voting rights bills and 24th amendment of 1962 (became law in ’64) (prohibited poll tax) • Appointed blacks to key positions • Thurgood Marshall- SC judge • Robert Weaver- Home Finance Admin • 1963- comprehensive civil rights package • Banned descrim. In employment and gov’t programs. • Guaranteed access to public facilities • Freedom Marchers- tried to stop for fear of congressional backlash

  26. VIII. JFK and Civil Rights 10. Why was Kennedy known as the Civil Rights President?

  27. IX. Kennedy and Space

  28. IX. Kennedy and Space • “New Frontier” in Space too • Beat the Russians into space • 1 month after Sputnik, Alan Shepard orbited the earth • Pledged man on moon by 1970 • $40 billion to send a man to moon • July 20, 1969 Apollo 11 lands on moon.

  29. IX. Kennedy and Space 11. Why was it so important to “beat the Soviets into Space”?

  30. X. The Moon Landing

  31. X. The Moon Landing • 200,000 miles away-3 day journey • Apollo 11 • Neil Armstrong and Edward E (Buzz) Aldrin • July 20, 1969- Watched on T.V. by Americans • Planted a flag and a Plaque- “Here men from the planet earth first set foot upon the moon, July 1969, A.D. We came in peace for all mankind” • 6 months after Nixon became president. • $35 Billion….but • Created New industries, product and jobs • Boosted national confidence and courage

  32. X. The Moon Landing 12. What effect did the Moon Landing have on the U.S.?

  33. Assassination

  34. XI. Assassination • November 22, 1963 • In Dallas, TX to shore up • Lee Harvey Oswald Charged • Oswald killed by Jack Ruby 2 days later • (Earl) Warren Commission investigates • 9 months • Concluded that Oswald acted alone, so did Ruby • 1979 House committee investigation used new technology to determine that more than one shot had bee fired at Kennedy and that Ruby was not alone either. • still unsolved

  35. XI. Assassination • You are not going to be able to answer this question, but I want you to try 13. Why did Oswald assassinate JFK? (make your best guess)

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