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Explore ways to enhance Intech publication through localized versions, improve content, promote ISA Transactions, and increase awareness among members. Share insights on maximizing member benefits globally.
Intech Value and propositions Eoin Ó Riain District Webmaster, Newsletter editor and Publication chair
Intech Value and propositions • BK Godbole (ISA Int Mah. Section) – isabmbkg@vsnl.com • Ian Verhappen (Edmonton Section) – verehappen.ian@syncrude.com • Don Frey (Twin Cities Section – VP Elect Pubs Dept) donfrey@cloudnet.com • Agusto Perei (Dist 4) – august.perei@mol.com.br • Vitor Finkel (D4 VP Elect) – vfinkel@attglobal.net • Edward Vodopest (Richland - VP Elect Nom) – evodopest@att.net • Eoin Ó Riain (Ireland - Dist 12) – eor@read-out.net
Intech Value and propositions • Intech: this was discussed at length informally before and during the meeting. The comment was made that the editorial was fine but limited. The emphasis appeared on the “gee whiz” new stuff, interesting but debatably useful to a large number of our members. More application should be given to more practical applications and/or technical content. It was also mentioned that although the journalistic and editorial skills were excellent perhaps more emphasis could be given to employing somebody on the editorial team who had actual hands on experience. Top class journalism but little I. S and A. experience. This would perhaps give the publication a more authentic feel.
Intech Value and propositions • Actual value of InTECH • Primary member benefit! • Thinner and Thinner • Content • Ideas for true globalisation to improve & internationalise InTECH content? • Develop local versions of InTECH?
Intech Value and propositions • Develop local versions of InTECH? • Mexico, Brazil, India experiences: all non-US Districts but D12? • What is the problem? • Language • Lack of cultural cohesion
Intech Value and propositions • Develop local versions of InTECH? Current thinking - printing a «basic version» transmitting an electronic copy of this for printing locally Editing of local input Printed as one issue • Discuss
Intech Value and propositions • ISA Transactions • The hidden jewel • Do we know about it???
Intech Value and propositions • ISA Transactions: There was a feeling that there was little or no awareness of this publication. Perhaps more imaginative and persistent advertising might be useful to increase sales of this among members
Intech Value and propositions • Directory: The CD was discussed and its importance to non-North American members. The necessity of a good search engine on this directory was also considered vital.
Intech Value and propositions • Action • Report to PUB department • Go / No go for a District InTECH • Promote Knowledge Centres