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English 51

English 51. Monday, April 15, 2013 Melissa Gunby. Free-write/Warm-up.

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English 51

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  1. English 51 Monday, April 15, 2013 Melissa Gunby

  2. Free-write/Warm-up • What is an opinion that you hold that is generally unpopular with your friends, family, or society? For example, I don’t really think there’s anything wrong with an equally balanced polygamous relationship, but that view is not very popular in society today. What is the opinion that is unpopular and why do you feel that it is not accepted by others?

  3. Introduction to Argument Chapter 5 (p255)

  4. Facts and Opinions • Very quickly, without spending too much time thinking about it, read through the statements presented in the exercise on page 256. Label each one as a fact (F) or opinion (O).

  5. Facts vs Opinions • A fact is something that can be measured or verified in some way. • An opinion is someone’s feeling on a matter.

  6. Facts and “Facts” • Just because a fact is a fact doesn’t mean it’s correct. Remember that for centuries it was a “fact” that the world was flat.

  7. Activity: evaluating Ads • I’m going to show some of the ads from the Superbowl 2013 broadcast. • With a partner, complete the worksheet provided for any of the ads we review.

  8. Evaluating Evidence and Shaping Your Argument • Something we have to figure out is not just how to sort out facts from opinions, but how to decide whether or not they can be trusted.

  9. Activity! • I have sixteen screenshots of websites, and need sixteen volunteers. • I want you to evaluate your source and put yourselves in order from most reliable/authentic to least reliable. Then, we’ll discuss how you came to that organization and why.

  10. Discussion

  11. Writing an Argument Essay • Four things to remember: • Don’t make up your mind about the issue ahead of time • Don’t fall for the fallacy of “common sense” • When examining an issue, sort out the facts from the opinions • When “facts” contradict each other, consider who has produced the contradictory “facts” and which side has the greater weight of “facts”

  12. Arranging Your Argument 1 Issue Multiple Issues • Introduction • Arguments in favor • Arguments against • conclusion • Introduction • Arguments in favor • Arguments against • Arguments in favor • Arguments against • conclusion This outline does not indicate the paragraph divisions, only the sequence of the argument

  13. See where I was going with your superhero debate last week?

  14. Essay Assignment • I was originally going to assign the essay on page 337. • However, I want to give you a bit more freedom with this assignment. • You may choose any of the essay assignments from chapter 5 to work from. • Requirements: • 3-4 pages • Use evidence from the readings in your selection for support • Dates: • Rough/rough/brainstorm/outline due at conference • Peer review draft due Monday 4/29 • Final draft due Monday 5/6

  15. Brainstorming/Organizing • Let’s play with a topic so we can think about organization and brainstorming. • You may use your phones or whatever access to the internet you have to look up information if you wish. • Question:

  16. Yes No

  17. End of the semester schedule • Wed: Midterm 2 – practice final • Next week: Class cancelled for conferences: bring a draft of your argument essay with you. • Monday 4/29: peer review argument essay • Wed 5/1: in class writing • Mon 5/6: Argument essay due • Weds 5/8: reflective memo due • Last day to drop with a “W”: 4/19/13 – FRIDAY!! • Final exam: Monday, May 13 8-10:50 am • Final essay (pg 419) due at this time

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