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Energy Efficiency & your home. Annie Batten Tom Whitehead Thames Valley Energy Efficiency Advice Centre. Energy Efficiency Advice .
Energy Efficiency & your home Annie Batten Tom Whitehead Thames Valley Energy Efficiency Advice Centre
Energy Efficiency Advice • Thames Valley Energy Advice Centre is part of the Energy Saving Trust. We are one of a national network of 52 energy efficiency advice centres bringing the domestic sector… • FREE • IMPARTIAL ADVICE • EXPERT
TVEC – Our aims • To advise and inform consumers about energy saving options • To offer sustainable energy services via discounts and benefits • To support local government and their partners in achieving sustainable energy successes
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Climate change Why save energy? • Help the environment - reduce impact on global warming • Save our forests • Save our arctic animals and thousands of others from extinction • An increase in fires droughts floods as the weather changes
Don’t let your home get away with it! The facts • Every UK household creates about 6 tonnes of carbon dioxide each year • Enough to fill six hot air balloons • The average home emits more harmful carbon dioxide than the average car.
How do you keep your house warm? • Range of ways to keep your home warm starting with.. • Free measures • Low cost • Medium cost • Expensive
Loosing heat, low and no cost measures • Where does your home loose heat? What percentage of heat is lost through different parts of the house? • Can you think of 7 – 10 no cost measures that will save you energy in the home? • What low cost measures can you think of to save you energy and money?
Where does your house loose heat? Roof loses 25% Windows lose 10% Walls lose 35% Floors lose 15% Doors lose 15%
Start small…things to remember No-cost measures • Turn off lights & TVs when not in use • Turn down heating and hot water thermostats • Don’t overfill the kettle • Only use the washing machine for a full load, or use the half load option if you have one • Don’t leave the fridge door open • Have a shower rather than a bath
Low cost energy measures Low-cost measures • Replace ordinary bulbs with low energy lightbulbs (CFLs) • Replace old hot water tank jackets • Insulate hot water pipes • Eliminate draughts with DIY draughtproofing
Medium cost measures • Install heating & hot water controls • Thermostatic radiator valves • Draughtproofing windows and doors professionally • Insulate your loft • Insulate your walls
More expensive measures • Replace your old boiler • Replace your windows • Replace old appliances You could save up to £100 per year if you have no insulation at present
Don’t let your home get away with it! The solution • The average household could save around £200 a year by taking energy efficiency measures. The statistics • Nearly £5 billion is wasted on energy in the UK every year – enough to give every man, women and child £84 a year.
Bigger savings… Energy Efficient appliances • Old appliances could be wasting up to £45 per year • By replacing any old appliances with A-rated equivalents could save you £45 for a fridge-freezer or £15 for a washing machine • Look out for the Energy Efficiency Recommended logo….
Greener Energy • The easiest way to opt for “greener” energy is to sign up with a “green” tariff offered by most fuel companies • If you’re really keen you could install technologies such as solar water heating • Solarsavers can help you find local solar water heating installers • Clearskies is a government grant scheme which can help with the cost of renewables
Greener transport • Try walking or cycling for shorter journeys • Use the bus or train • Try car sharing • When you next buy a car, consider a smaller engine (if buying second-hand) or a car with lower emissions (if buying new) • Campaign for better cycleways, footpaths or public transport services • Think about why you’re travelling; do you need to travel at all? • Try working from home
Energy Quiz…… • What does DEFRA stand for? • At what temperature should you set the thermostat for hot water? • What percentage of Greenland is covered by its ice sheet? – 50%, 75%, 85%? • In what decade was the 1st documented use of a solar powered oven? • What percentage of heat from an open fire is lost up the chimney? • What is an SSI? • Where was the first Earth Summit held in 1992? • The melting and retreat of the Artic icecap is affecting which animal? • In the Northern Hemisphere, due to global warming climate zones are moving but north or south? • Nitrogen Dioxide, Carbon Monoxide and …….. Are in gas emissions from cars and contribute to global warming? • GB has 80% of Northern Europe's most ancient trees, T or False? • How many different ways are there to pay for your electricity?
Energy Quiz • Where were the earliest known windmills? • How long are the blades of the largest wind turbine in operation? • Where and when was the first use of Geothermal electricity? • How much more energy does the average American consume compared to the world average? • Recycling Aluminium cans saves what % of energy compared to producing them from virgin material? 20% 55% 95%?