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“Patents”. A Product of Creativity in Bloom Tracy Palovich 2011. A project of the AIPLA. Who can Invent?. YOU!. So...how do you “invent”?. Set a goal, dream, imagine! Write it down! Experiment, develop, modify and construct your invention. It’s a SECRET!. What is a Patent?

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Presentation Transcript

  1. “Patents” A Product of Creativity in Bloom Tracy Palovich 2011 A project of the AIPLA

  2. Who can Invent? YOU!

  3. So...how do you “invent”? • Set a goal, dream, imagine! • Write it down! • Experiment, develop, modify and • construct your invention. • It’s a SECRET!

  4. What is a Patent? • Is it just a piece of paper? • Your “invention”. Mine Mine Mine Mine

  5. Why would anyone want a patent? • So an inventor can use or sell his/her invention and no one else can. • How long can you stop other people?

  6. Why do we want people to eventually use our inventions? Someone may make your invention even better!

  7. Would there by any reason NOT to patent your invention????

  8. What can be patented? • Utility: process (method), machine, manufacture, or composition • Design: ornamental design for an object • Plant: new variety • OR • Any new and useful improvement

  9. What are some cool patents?

  10. What have kids invented?

  11. What have kids invented recently?

  12. How old do you have to be?

  13. Recent kids’ inventions

  14. Questions? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

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