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P CYGni. Avery Luna. P Cygni. P Cygni is about 6300 light years away. This star is roughly 76 times as big as the sun. P CYGNI. P Cygni is buried deep into our Milky Way. It 6000 light years away. In year 1600 it flared to third magnitude. ENJOY. Fun Facts.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. P CYGni Avery Luna

  2. P Cygni • P Cygni is about 6300 light years away. • This star is roughly 76 times as big as the sun.

  3. P CYGNI • P Cygni is buried deep into our Milky Way. • It 6000 light years away. • In year 1600 it flared to third magnitude.

  4. ENJOY

  5. Fun Facts. • In 1626 in the star faded dropping below naked eye visibility. • In 1655 it regained brightness. • But in 1662 the star faded again • In 1665 another outburst took place.

  6. P Cygni • This star is not a nova. • This star is surrounded by a faint nebula.

  7. PICTURES AND GRAPHS • Since 1715 P Cygnia has been a fifth magnitude star with only small changes in brightness.

  8. P Cygni has sometimes been called a “Permanent Nova”

  9. Star Temperature Scale

  10. http://jumk.de/astronomie/big-stars/p-cygni.shtml • http://www.astrospectroscopy.de/pcyg.htm • http://www.sierra-remote.com/Publications%20from%20SRO.htm • http://www.allthesky.com/nebulae/ngc7000.html • http://www.astrospectroscopy.de/pcyg.htm • http://casa.colorado.edu/~ginsbura/pcygni_public.htm THANK YOU!!!!!

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