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Good Morning / Afternoon. Whoa- April has gone SO FAST!!! FYI- There are only 10 more “A” Days 11 days of class before finals. Quote of the Day #10. “ The public is a ferocious beast: one must either chain it up or flee from it . ” --Voltaire. April 26 th. Outcomes
Good Morning / Afternoon Whoa- April has gone SO FAST!!! FYI- There are only 10 more “A” Days 11 days of class before finals.
Quote of the Day #10 “The public is a ferocious beast: one must either chain it up or flee from it.” --Voltaire
April 26th Outcomes Students will review the scientific revolution and its influence. Students will reflect on their own experiences to evaluate their accomplishments and their value. Students will begin to explore the enlightenment To Do List Review Scientific Revolution- Collect Homework-Written Assignment- “Shoulders of Giants” Go over our TEST // Grade Sheet Intro The Enlightenment // Notes “Listening to the Past” Voltaire
Announcements This WEEK: Monday:Baseball vs West @ Westurban Soccer vs McPherson @ Newman Tennis vs Bishop Carroll Tuesday:Soccer vs West @ Newman Golf @ McDonald Softball vs Bishop Carroll Baseball vs Bishop Carroll Tennis @ Collegiate JV Wednesday:Last All School Mass Diving vs South @ Northwest Thursday:Baseball vs Southeast Softball vs East Friday: Soccer @ Salina Central // JV Tennis GWAL //Track @ El Dorado
Homework • “On the Shoulders of Giants” • What was the point?????? • Let’s review the test • 150-139 A- 3 3 • 138-127 B- 5 8 • 126-114 C- 7 3 • 113-105 D- 2 3 • 104 F - 1 4
ReviewCauses of the Scientific Revolution. 1. Rise of new universities allowed for philosophy to emerged The inquiry influenced every major discipline 2. Science emerged as a branch of Philosophy – then was divided (math, astronomy, and physics) 3. Renaissance stimulated science- People looked for great works of the ancients- math 4. Navigational problems stimulated science / math Nations worked for solutions to improve sea travel, find long-lat stimulated the creation of instruments-clock, microscope, telesc
ReviewConsequences of the Scientific Revolution. • Rise in a new group of people • International science community- • Shared knowledge • Continual advancement • Highly competitive • New Scientific Method • Very different than old way of gaining knowledge • Conclusions based on proof, not tradition or sacred text • New way of thinking • These ideas DID NOT make their way to applied sciences • DID NOT radically change the way people lived.
Timeline of the Scientific RevolutionYou should all have your own copy of this 1300-1500 Renaissance stimulates development of math Early 1500s Aristotle’s ideas on movement and universe still dominant 1543 Copernicus publishes On the Revolution of the Heavenly Spheres 1572, 1577 New Star & Comet create more doubts about traditional astronomy 1546-1601 Tycho Brahe- creates mass of observations 1571-1630 Johannes Kepler- creates 3 laws that support Copernican theory, & demolish Aristotle’s beliefs 1589- Galileo Galilei- named professor of mathematics 1610- Galileo studies moon with telescope & writes on experience 1561-1626 Francis Bacon- advocates experimental (inductive-general to spec) 1596-1650 Rene Descartes- discover analytical geometry (deductive-using rul) To about 1630 All religious authorities oppose Copernican theory About 1632 Galileo tried by papal inquistion 1622 Royal Society of London founded- brings scientists together 1687 Isaac Newton publishes his Principia, synthesizing existing knowledge To late 1700s Consequences of scientific revolution primarily intellectual
The Enlightenmentthe New Way of Thinking • Scientific Revolution changed the way people thought. Ushered in a new period – the Enlightenment • The Enlightenment -an 18th-century intellectual movement in Western Europe that emphasized reason and science in philosophy and in the study of human culture and the natural world. ( reached it maturity about 1750) • Yet, period of 1687 (Newton) to 1715 that tied science with society
The Enlightenment • People began to think that the methods of studying natural science could/should be used to examine all aspects of life. • All things submitted to Rational, Critical, Scientific way of thinking- • Society, Politics, and Religion • Laws of human society could be discovered • With this info, there was an ability to make progress and improve these areas (STOP—THINK ABOUT WHAT THAT MEANS)
The Enlightenment • As an age, the Enlightenment • Was thoroughly secular- • rejection of religious tradition. • Revived & Expanded the Renaissance ideals • Individualism • Humanism • Secularism • Profound influence on thought- culture- upper class.
Influential people of the Enlightenment • Bernard de Fontelle (1657-1757)- ADD • Spread the ideas of the enlightenment • Wrote Conversation on the Plurality of Worlds • Novel that incorporates enlightenment ideas • Created a conflict with Religion- • skeptical of absolutes • Cynical about organized religion in general • Unique from previous authors, who exalted GOD • Created doubt about religious unity, truth
Influential people of the Enlightenment • Pierre Bayle (1647-1706)- ADD • French Huguenot- skeptic- despised Louis XIV • Concluded: • NOTHING can be known beyond all doubt • Humanity’s best hope is open-minded toleration • As information from exploration supported his ideas. • China, India, America, & Africa all had different beliefs • Europeans looked at truth and morality in relative terms
Influential people of the Enlightenment • John Locke (1632-1704) –ADD • What do we know him from before????? • Explored how people thought and learned • Descartes had said people born with certain ideas (nature) • Locke insisted all ideas are born out of experience (nurture) • Human mind is blank- (Tabula rasa) • The Mind is filled by environment- experiences/beliefs • Social Institutions- are what influences the person (STOP—THINK ABOUT WHAT THAT MEANS)
Enlightenment WritersQuick Review- think of the impact • Bernard de Fontelle * • Spread ideas of Enlightenment, very skeptical • Pierre Bayle • Humanity’s best hope open minded tolerance • Truth and Morality are relative at best • John Locke • Human mind is blank, influenced by society
Quote of the Day #10 “The public is a ferocious beast: one must either chain it up or flee from it.” --Voltaire
Review Questions • Philosophes- A French Word- what does that tell us about the enlightenment Philosophers who challenged everything- meaning of life, God, Human nature, good and evil, and cause and effect. They were social elites who sought to influence other social Elites- who were referred to as the “public”
Influential PhilsophesNot all of these are in your book • Jean le Rond d’ Alembert (1717-1783) • Difference between “truly enlightened” & “noisy multitude • Common people were doomed to superstition & confusion • Baron de Montesquieu (1689-1755) • Satirical writer-wrote when it was illegal to challenge the govt • The Persian Letters- challenged European Institutions • The Spirit of Laws- dismayed by absolutism-it was tyrannical • Focused on a division of power shared by classes- NOT for everyone • Francois Marie Arouet- (Voltaire) 1694-1778
Review Questions(Voltaire) • Who was he? • Raised in a middle class home • Educated, very intelligent, witty, even sarcastic • Sharp wit got him into trouble multiple times • Challenged injustice and unequal treatment-among nobles • Satirical writer who challenged Catholic Church, Christian theology, religious intolerance. • Was a deist- believed God created ALL, then stepped away- influence many of the enlightenment How does this fit with the rest of the Enlightenment thinking?
Listening to the Past • Let’s quickly reread this again Not so sure that everyone got it.
Influence of the EnlightenmentDue Friday • Find a Current Event on • Religious intolerance • Challenges to Christian theology • Moral Relativism • The Public- the noisy common multitude • The elite- as having the answers for society
Current Event Format Please bring in the article Full MLA citation- author, “title”, source date Paragraph Summary- what is the main idea of the article? what’s the point of the author? Paragraph Connection- How does your modern article relate back to our chapter??
Homework • Please finish you’re opening act • Be sure to have read 515-520 • Listening to the Past • Current Event “Due Friday”