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AP Biology Review

AP Biology Review. Mr. Brandon Boswell b randon.boswell@browardschools.com Cypress Bay High School 18600 Vista Park Blvd. Weston, FL 33332. Background. Undergrad: Philosophy & Biochemistry Masters in Epidemiology Adherence to Antiretroviral Therapies

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AP Biology Review

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  1. AP Biology Review Mr. Brandon Boswell brandon.boswell@browardschools.com Cypress Bay High School 18600 Vista Park Blvd. Weston, FL 33332

  2. Background • Undergrad: Philosophy & Biochemistry • Masters in Epidemiology • Adherence to Antiretroviral Therapies • HHMI (Howard Hughes Medical Institute) Cohort • Inaugural Fellow (2008) @ University of Florida • http://bit.ly/1dKeAA5 • http://www.cpet.ufl.edu/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/The-Pathogen-Virtual-Investigation-and-Identification-of-Emerging-Pathogens-by-Brandon-Boswell.pdf • Translational Medicine Institute (2011) @ UF • http://www.cpet.ufl.edu/Bench/Action.html • http://www.cpet.ufl.edu/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/Investigation-of-the-Effects-of-an-Inquiry-based-Version-of-AP-Lab-6b-on-Students%E2%80%99-Knowledge-of-the-Methods-Utility-and-Application-of-Biotechnology-Techniques-by-Brandon-Boswell.pdf

  3. AP - Background • AP Summer Institute (2007, 2008, 2009, & 2012) • Nova SE, BCPS, NCS, and Stanford University • AP Annual Conference (2008 & 2012) • 2012 AP Fellow Grant recipient from College Board • AP Biology review at 2012 US DOE National Science Bowl in Washington, DC • 2012-2013 AP Biology Test Item Contributor

  4. D-Day: 5/12/14 Source: https://apstudent.collegeboard.org/apcourse/ap-biology/about-the-examSource 2: https://apstudent.collegeboard.org/takingtheexam/ap-calendar#examDate

  5. 63% Pass AP Biology Exam (2013)

  6. AP Biology 2013 Source: http://www.collegeboard.com/student/testing/ap/biology/dist.html?biology

  7. The Exam Source: https://apstudent.collegeboard.org/apcourse/ap-biology/about-the-exam

  8. Calculator for AP Biology? • ONLY 4-function calculator (with square root) • May bring up to 2 calculators • Can be used throughout The Exam Source: https://apstudent.collegeboard.org/apcourse/ap-biology/calculator-policy

  9. Section 1 • Part A • 63 Multiple-Choice • 4 answer choices • Understanding and Application • Answer EVERY question • No point penalty for incorrect answers • Part B • 6 Grid-In questions • Calculations • Enter answers in a grid on the answer sheet Source: https://apstudent.collegeboard.org/apcourse/ap-biology/about-the-exam

  10. Source: http://apcentral.collegeboard.com/apc/public/repository/AP_BiologyCED_Effective_Fall_2012_lkd.pdf

  11. Grid-Ins Source: http://apcentral.collegeboard.com/apc/public/repository/AP_BiologyCED_Effective_Fall_2012_lkd.pdf

  12. Reading Period (Section II) • 10 min. • Questions ONLY, No response sheet • Read each Free Response Question (FRQs) • Determine which questions OR parts to answer first • Separate into 3 categories: • Clear • Translucent / Moderate • Unclear Source: https://apstudent.collegeboard.org/apcourse/ap-biology/about-the-exam

  13. Essay • Multiple parts • If you do not understand a part, don’t worry. • 3.5 of 10 • Outline form = 0 points • Outlines will NOT be read by graders • “Only material written in the space provided will be scored.” • “Labeled diagrams may be used to supplement discussion, but a diagram alone will not receive credit.”

  14. Section II • Long Free-Response • 2 questions • Multipart (3 – 4) • Time: 40 min. (20 min. per question) • Short Free-Response • 6 questions • Time: 39 min. (6.5 min. per question) Source: https://apstudent.collegeboard.org/apcourse/ap-biology/about-the-exam

  15. https://secure-media.collegeboard.org/ap-student/pdf/biology/ap-2013-biology-free-response-questions.pdfhttps://secure-media.collegeboard.org/ap-student/pdf/biology/ap-2013-biology-free-response-questions.pdf

  16. https://secure-media.collegeboard.org/ap-student/pdf/biology/ap-2013-biology-free-response-questions.pdfhttps://secure-media.collegeboard.org/ap-student/pdf/biology/ap-2013-biology-free-response-questions.pdf

  17. Free Response Review How many Short FRQs are on the AP Exam? How long should each Short FRQ take? Which questions will be given to you during the Reading Period?

  18. Source: http://apcentral.collegeboard.com/apc/public/repository/AP_BiologyCED_Effective_Fall_2012_lkd.pdf

  19. Source: http://apcentral.collegeboard.com/apc/public/repository/AP_BiologyCED_Effective_Fall_2012_lkd.pdf

  20. Review • What does each of the 2 Sections of the AP Exam contain? • If you are not sure of an answer to a multiple choice question should you answer it? • How many minutes for each long FRQ?

  21. Course Content Hour 2

  22. Source: http://apcentral.collegeboard.com/apc/public/repository/AP-Biology_Txtbk-Correlations_Feb2012.pdf

  23. Source: http://media.collegeboard.com/digitalServices/pdf/ap/1_Curriculum_Framework_for_Pearson_Campbell_Bio7e_1.14.11.pdf

  24. Source: http://www.ap-bio.com/APBio_Correlation_CB_Starr12.pdf

  25. The Four Big Ideas • Big Idea 1 - The process of evolution drives the diversity and unity of life • Big Idea 2 – Biological systems utilize free energy and molecular building blocks to grow, to reproduce, and to maintain homeostasis • Big Idea 3 – Living systems store, retrieve, transmit and respond to information essential to life processes • Big Idea 4 – Biological systems interact, and these systems and their interactions possess complex properties Source: http://apcentral.collegeboard.com/apc/public/repository/AP_BiologyCED_Effective_Fall_2012_lkd.pdf

  26. Hierarchy of Understanding • Big Ideas (4) • Enduring Understanding (17) • Essential Knowledge (55) • LEARNING OBJECTIVES (149)

  27. Source: http://apcentral.collegeboard.com/apc/public/repository/AP_BiologyCED_Effective_Fall_2012_lkd.pdf

  28. Big Idea 1 - Evolution • Enduring understanding 1.A: Change in the genetic makeup of a population over time is evolution. • Enduring understanding 1.B: Organisms are linked by lines of descent from common ancestry. • Enduring understanding 1.C: Life continues to evolve within a changing environment.

  29. Big Idea 2 – Molecular Biology • Enduring understanding 2.A: Growth, reproduction and maintenance of the organization of living systems require free energy and matter. • Enduring understanding 2.B: Growth, reproduction and dynamic homeostasis require that cells create and maintain internal environments that are different from their external environments. • Enduring understanding 2.C: Organisms use feedback mechanisms to regulate growth and reproduction, and to maintain dynamic homeostasis.

  30. Big Idea 2 – Molecular Biology • Enduring understanding 2.D: Growth and dynamic homeostasis of a biological system are influenced by changes in the system’s environment. • Enduring understanding 2.E: Many biological processes involved in growth, reproduction and dynamic homeostasis include temporal regulation and coordination.

  31. Big Idea 3 - Genetics • Enduring understanding 3.A: Heritable information provides for continuity of life. • Enduring understanding 3.B: Expression of genetic information involves cellular and molecular mechanisms. • Enduring understanding 3.C: The processing of genetic information is imperfect and is a source of genetic variation.

  32. Big Idea 3 - Genetics • Enduring understanding 3.D: Cells communicate by generating, transmitting and receiving chemical signals. • Enduring understanding 3.E: Transmission of information results in changes within and between biological systems.

  33. Big Idea 4 – Biological Systems • Enduring understanding 4.A: Interactions within biological systems lead to complex properties. • Enduring understanding 4.B: Competition and cooperation are important aspects of biological systems. • Enduring understanding 4.C: Naturally occurring diversity among and between components within biological systems affects interactions with the environment.

  34. Source: http://media.collegeboard.com/digitalServices/pdf/ap/bio-manual/CB_Bio_Full_Manual_2012.pdf

  35. Overview of Labs • Student-Driven or Student-Directed • My goal: Guided Inquiry • Main drawback: Time Intensive • Overview and recommendations are provided in the “Lab Manual” • Your teacher may choose to do equivalent investigations rather than those in the “Lab Manual”

  36. Big Idea 1: Evolution • Lab 1: Artificial Selection • Follow a plant population as you select for certain traits • Quantitatively monitor the population phenotypic frequencies • Lab 2: Mathematical Modeling • Computer based quantitative simulation of population evolution or stasis utilizing Hardy-Weinberg equations • Lab 3: Comparing DNA Sequences • Use NCBI’s BLAST (Basic Local Alignment Search Tool) to investigate evolutionary relationships between provided genetic sequences

  37. Big Idea 2 • Lab 4 – Diffusion & Osmosis • Surface Area & Cell Size – gelatin & phenolphthalein • Predict relative molarities of colored solutions • Plasmolysis – plant cells in hypertonic solutions

  38. Big Idea 2 • Lab 5 – Photosynthesis • Floating disks & photosynthetic gas production

  39. Big Idea 2 • Lab 6 – Cellular Respiration • Use a microrespirometer, peas (living organism), and measure O2 consumption under different conditions

  40. Big Idea 3 • Lab 7: Cell Division (Mitosis and Meiosis) • Onion Root tip cells (Chi Square) • Visual investigation of HeLa cells • Soridaria images & Meiosis • Lab 8: Bacterial Transformation • I intend to do the old version, but update the analysis • Lab 9: Restriction Enzyme Digest of DNA & Gel Electrophoresis

  41. Big Idea 4 • Lab 10 – Energy Dynamics (I will avoid this one) • Lab 11 – Transpiration (Not on AP Exam?) • Guided Inquiry - Fruit flies & Water bottles • Lab 12 – Animal Behavior • Made for Open inquiry • Lab 13 – Peroxidase (Enzyme) Activity

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