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S2 Bell Work

S2 Bell Work. Term 4 2017-2018. S2 BW#1 11/3/2019 Copy and underline cognates and words that you know.

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S2 Bell Work

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  1. S2 Bell Work Term 4 2017-2018

  2. S2 BW#1 11/3/2019 Copy and underline cognates and words that you know. • Tal ha sido el paciente Sufrimiento de estas Colonias; y tal es hoy la Necesidad que las obliga a modificar sus anteriores Sistemas de Gobierno. La Crónica del actual Rey de Gran Bretaña es una Crónica de repetidas Injurias y Usurpaciones, todas ellas dirigidas al Establecimiento de una Tiranía absoluta sobre estos Estados. Para probar esto, expongamos los Hechos a un Mundo sincero.

  3. Copy. • Such has been the patient Sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the Necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The History of the present King of Great-Britain is a History of repeated Injuries and Usurpations, all having in direct Object the Establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid World.

  4. S2BW#2 12/3/2019 Copy, write the part of speech, translate, and define: • Paciente • Adjective • Patient • Bearing pains or trials calmly or without complaint. • Latin patientem "bearing, supporting, suffering, enduring, permitting," present participle of pati"to suffer, endure." • Related: • La paz • (n) Peace • Impaciente • (aj) Impatient • Coherente • (aj) Coherent • Logical and consistent • La estructura narrativa de la novela no es muy coherente. • The narrative structure of the novel is not very coherent.

  5. S2BW#3 13/3/2019 Copy, write the part of speech, translate, and define: • Sufrimiento • Noun (m) • Sufferance • Patient endurance • From Late Latin sufferentia, “sufferance,” from sufferre "to bear, undergo, endure” from sub "up, under" + ferre "to carry"  • Related: • Sufrido(a) • (aj) Enduring, long-suffering • El (La) sufridor(a) • (nmf) Sufferer • El eclipse • (nm) Eclipse • A loss of significance, power or prominence in relation to another person or thing • Habrá un eclipse solar esta tarde. • There's going to be a solar eclipse this afternoon.

  6. S2BW#4 18/3/2019 Copy, write the part of speech, translate, and define: • Colonias • Noun (f) • Colonies • An area that is controlled by or belongs to a country and is usually far away from it. • From Latin colonia "settled land, farm, landed estate," from colonus"husbandman, tenant farmer, settler in new land," from colere "to inhabit, cultivate, frequent, practice, tend, guard, respect." • Related: • Colonizar • (v) Colonize • El (La) colonizador(a) • (nmf) Colonizer, colonist • Arcano(a) • (aj) Arcane • Mysterious or secret • En el arcano mundo de la diplomacia financiera internacional, esos sutiles cambios de terminología tienen su importancia. • In the arcane world of international financial diplomacy, these subtle shifts in terminology matter.

  7. S2BW#5 19/3/2019 Copy, write the part of speech, translate, and define: • Hoy • Adverb • Today • Now • At the present time • From Latin hodie “on this day.” • Related: • De hoy a mañana • (av) Any time now • De hoy en adelante • (av) From now on • Hoy día • (av) Nowadays • Dinámico(a) • (aj) Dynamic • Characterized by constant change, activity or progress • Su carácter dinámico mantiene a todos motivados durante todo el discurso. • His dynamic character keeps everyone motivated throughout the speech.

  8. S2BW#6 20/3/2019 Copy, write the part of speech, translate, and define: • Necesidad • Noun (f) • Necessity • Something that you must have or do. • Latin necessitatem "compulsion, need for attention, unavoidableness, destiny," from necesse"unavoidable, indispensable," originally "no backing away," from ne- "not" + cedere "to withdraw, go away, yield"  • Related: • Necesitar • (v) To need • Necesario(a) • (aj) Necessary • El neceser • (nm) Toiletry case or case of necessary items • La dificultad • (nf) Hardship • Severe suffering or deprivation • Tuvimos grandes dificultades cuando se nos acabó el dinero. • We experienced great hardship when we ran out of money.

  9. S2BW#7 21/3/2019 Copy, write the part of speech, translate, and define: • Obliga • Verb • Constrains • Obliges • To force or require someone or something to do something because of a law or rule or because it is necessary. • From Latin obligare "to bind, bind up, bandage," figuratively "put under obligation," from ob "to" + ligare "to bind" • Related: • La obligación • (nf) Obligation • Obligatorio(a) • (aj) Obligatory • Reflexionar • (v) To ponder • To think about something carefully • Reflexioné sobre la situación durante una semana, sin saber qué hacer. • I pondered over the situation for a week, not knowing what to do.

  10. S2BW#8 22/3/2019 Copy, write the part of speech, translate, and define: • Modificar • Verb • Alter • Modify • To change some parts of something while not changing other parts. • From Latin modificare "to limit, measure off, restrain," from modus "measure, manner" + root of facere "to make" • Related: • La modificación • (nf) Modification • Modificable • (aj) Modifiable • Emitir • (v) To emit • Give off, send forth, or discharge • Manny se sorprendió al aprender que la luna no emite luz. • Manny was surprised to learn that the moon does not emit light.

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