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PHYSICS 101 Preparation Class for Physics Laboratory. This tutorial is intended to assist students in understandin g. Significant Figures and Rounding Plotting Graphs for Free Fall E xperiment Writing Conclusion.
PHYSICS 101 Preparation Class for Physics Laboratory This tutorial is intended to assist students in understanding • Significant Figures and Rounding • Plotting Graphs for Free Fall Experiment • Writing Conclusion http://physics.dogus.edu.tr
The number of significant figures in a quantity is the number of trustworthy figures in it, the last significant digit in a measurement is somewhat uncertain (but still useful), because it is based upon an estimation.
A number is rounded off to the desired number of significant figures by dropping one or more digits to the right. Rules for rounding off are as follows • 1) When the first digit dropped is equal to or more than 5, we add 1to the last digit retained. • e.g. rounding 6.576 to 3 S.F. makes 6.58 • e.g. rounding 86.25 to 3 S.F. makes 86.3 • 2) When it is less than 5, the last digit retained does not change. • e.g. rounding 6.573 to 3 S.F. makes 6.57 • Round off the following numbers to 3 S.F. • i. 13.6 + 22.4 = ? • ii. 12.34 + 43.21 = ? • iii. 5.6 x 12.65 = ? • iv. 67.786 • v. 98.913
Findingtheslope slope
Analyzing A freely moving object moves with a constant acceleration towards the earth and it obeys the following kinematics equation: Slope
Random Errors: • A random error, as the name suggests, is random in nature and very difficult to predict. It occurs because there are a very large number of parameters beyond the control of the experimenter that may interfere with the results of the experiment.
Example: • You measure the mass of a ring three times using the same balance and get slightly different values: 17.46 g, 17.42 g, 17.44 g
How to minimize random errors? • Take more data. Random errors can be evaluated through statistical analysis and can be reduced by averaging over a large number of observations.
Systematic Errors: • Systematic error is a type of error that deviates by a fixed amount from the true value of measurement. All measurements are prone to systematic errors, often of several different types. Sources of systematic error may be imperfect calibration of measurement instruments, changes in the environment which interfere with the measurement process and sometimes imperfect methods of observation.
Example: • The cloth tape measure that you use to measure the length of an object had been stretched out from years of use. (As a result, all of your length measurements were too small.) • The electronic scale you use reads 0.05 g too high for all your mass measurements (because it is improperly tared throughout your experiment).
Howtominimize SystematicErrors? • Systematic errors are difficult to detect and cannot be analyzed statistically, because all of the data is off in the same direction (either to high or too low). Spotting and correcting for systematic error takes a lot of care. • How would you compensate for the incorrect results of using the stretched out tape measure? • How would you correct the measurements from improperly tared scale?
Conclusion Part: Conclusion is an importantpart of a laboratoryreport. Themainpurpose of theconclusionsection is tocomment on theresultsmentioned in thelabreportso it requiresmostcriticalthinking.
Discuss the significance of the experiment, think about what you learned!!!
When writing your conclusion; • Firstly, restate the purpose of experiment. Briefly state whether your data supported the purpose of the experiment - this would be your conclusion. Discuss whether or not the results supported your hypothesis. If they did not, discuss why not.
You can link the results to what you read in the literature, review or other sources mentioned in the introduction. But do not write procedure as your conclusion.
Suggestfactorsthatmayhaveaffectedtheexperimentaldesign;forinstance, randomandsystematicerrors. Discusshowthey can be eliminated in thefuture. Suggest any changes that can be made to the experimental procedure and how these changes might affect the data received in the lab.