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State of Georgia Online Service Catalog for IT/Telecommunications Services Training Presentation. Agenda. GETS Portal and Services Catalog Registration Create a Request Copy/Edit a Request Check Status Cancel a Request Create a Solution Request. Gaining access to the Services Catalog Tool.
State of Georgia Online Service Catalogfor IT/Telecommunications ServicesTraining Presentation
Agenda • GETS Portal and Services Catalog Registration • Create a Request • Copy/Edit a Request • Check Status • Cancel a Request • Create a Solution Request
Gaining access to the Services Catalog Tool • Self register on the GETS Portal (instructions in this preso) • Your id is provisioned to access the Services Catalog Tool from the GETS Portal • An initial spreadsheet (called a Boarding Template) will be sent from each agency with this information • Your id will be granted the appropriate authorities for the Services Catalog Tool (i.e. requester/approver) • This initial information will be sent from each agency
For Help on the Services Catalog/OrderNow! Tool(online service catalog is also known as OrderNow!) • From 05/01 through 06/01, Call your current Service Desk and they will transfer you to the OrderNow Help Desk OR call the OrderNow Help Desk directly: • 1-800-543-9281, option 2, option 2 or 630-568-2911 • Monday – Friday (US Eastern Time) 7:00am-4:00pm • After 6/1, please contact the Consolidated Service Desk - 1-877-482-3233 (1-877-GTA-3233)
To add/update/delete access to GETS Portal / Services Catalog • Each agency identifies a SuperUser who is authorized to make changes to GETS Portal / Service Catalog Tool Users and Approvers • On 05/01 and until further notice, the SuperUser sends a note to GTABO@us.ibm.com, subject line: “GETSPORTAL_SERVICECATALOG ACCESS” identifying the changes required • When completed, the SuperUser and the affected users will be informed
GETS Web Portal Registration • How do I register for an IBM ID to use the GETS Portal? • Each user pre-registers for the GETS Portal. • An agency representative/super user* provides GTA with a list of user names (in a Boarding Book template) who may access the GETS Portal and who are authorized for specific Services. • The User ID (usually the office email address) on the Boarding Book must match what users enter when they pre-register. (case sensitive) • Go to the GETS Portal Sign-in page to pre-register: https://www-01.ibm.com/services/connect/portal • Click the register now link at top of screen and you will be presented with the My IBM Registration page • Complete all fields marked with an asterisk ( * ) and click Continue. • Type in your User ID that was submitted by your agency (we are suggesting this be your office e-mail address, in lower case) • Select a password. See password rules below. (Keep your password in a safe place to ensure that you will be the only person who will know it.) • Answer the required questions marked with an asterisk ( * ) and click Submit. • Once you click submit, you will see a screen thanking you for registering. At this point, close your browser and do not continue. • You will receive a confirmation email with “Welcome to the GETS Portal for The State of Georgia” in the subject fieldwithin 2 – 3 days from the time you register. • Your setup is now complete.
GETS Web Portal Home page https://www.ibm.com/services/connection Sample data
For Help on GETS Portal • From 05/01 through 06/01, call your current Service Desk and they will transfer you to the Portal Help Desk or call the Portal Help Desk directly • 866-407-7572 (They will answer “Services Connection Help Desk”) • 24/7 • After 6/1, please contact the Consolidated Service Desk1-877-482-3233 (1-877-GTA-3233)
Service Catalog Sign In Screen At the Service Catalog Sign In Screen, log in using your assigned Login ID and Password. Click on “Submit”. Note: When you log in for the first time you will be asked for a new password.
You may click the Forgot your password? link for a new password to be sent via email.
If a password has expired or has been reset, the following screen displays after you log on to OrderNow!. • Password rules • Minimum length was set in the business level definition. It will not be less than eight characters. • Maximum length is 12 characters. • Passwords are case sensitive. • At least one numeric or shift numeric character is required, but not in the first or last position. • Passwords must not contain more than three consecutive identical characters from a previous password. • Passwords must not contain more than two consecutive identical characters. • Your Logon ID cannot be part of your password. • Passwords cannot be reused. • To change your password, • Type the expired or reset password in the “Old password” field. • Type a new password in the “New password” field. • Retype the new password in the “Verify password” field. • Click Save to change the password.
Service Catalog Welcome Screen Any new information to the tool or updates on process or product information is displayed here. Make sure to always view this information before using the tool.
Service Catalog Home Screen To create your Request follow the steps below: Step 1. Click on “Shop catalog”
Step 2. Click on the category of the item you want. Shop Catalog Screen
Step 3. Choose from the list of products in that category by choosing the box next to the item you want and then clicking on the “Add to cart” button. Product Selection Screen
This screen displays your current cart contents. Here products can be deleted or quantity can be changed. Step 4: If you need to change the quantity of the product being requested, enter the new quantity amount here and click on “Update quantity” at the bottom of the screen. View Cart Screen – to change quantity
Step 5. If no other items are needed for the Request, click the “Checkout” button at the bottom of the screen. Note: If you need to remove items; click on the box next to the item and select “Delete items”. This will update the Request. View Cart Screen – to delete items or place Request
Request Contact Information Screen 1 This screen displays the basic information needed for tracking your Request. The Contact Information will be populated automatically with your name as contact. Step 6. Add any general or shipping comments as needed. Step 7. Click “Next” when complete.
This screen is for all Request specific information. References are chosen from a drop down list. Step 8. The Agency and Agency code will default based on your user id. Pick the ship-to code description and the Account codes will be limited to what is associated to the ship to code description. Scroll down to make remaining selections. Request References Screen 1
Request References Screen 2 Step 9. Ship-to address will default based on the ship-to code that was populated above. It can be changed, if necessary. Fill in the ship to contact name. the Billing Address and Contact are defaulted fields.
Request References Screen 2 Step 10. Equipment Address will default based on the ship-to code that was populated above. It can be changed, if necessary. Fill in the Equipment Contact Name Step 11. Click the “Next” button when done.
Request Approval Screen Step 12. Approvals Chains are set up for you prior to the Request being sent to IBM. You will need to click on the drop down to choose your first approver. After this choice, any other approvers are pre-programmed in to OrderNow!. If you have no approval chain, skip to Step 14 Step 13. Click on “Next” at the bottom of the screen
Request Summary Screen 1 Step 14.This screen shows you a confirmation of your Request. If you need to update any of the fields, click on the appropriate field to edit. Scroll down to view the rest of the screen (see next slide). Note: To print the Request, Click on the “Print this page” button.
Request Summary Screen 2 Step 16. If you are ready to process the Request, click on “Order Now”. If you want to save your request and process later, you could click on “Save request” and return to it later. If you want to save request as a template to reuse for other Requests, click on “Save as template” and name the template.
This screen shows that your Request has been sent for approval and displays the system generated “OrderNow” Request status can be checked using this number. It is also optional to save this Request as a template to be used for future requests by naming the Request in the OrderNow! name field and clicking on the “Save” button. Request Save Result Screen
To create additional Requests with the same reference field information use the copy Request feature in the tool. To do this follow the steps below. Step 1. Click on the “Request” button on the toolbar (rather than Shop Catalog) Service Catalog Home Screen
Request Actions Screen Step 2. Click on “Copy request”.
Copy Request Screen This screen helps you choose which Request you want to copy. Step 3. Click on the “Request type” drop down and choose either “Request” or “Template”. Select Req# for Filter by field. Step 4. Enter the Request # you want to copy or enter the wild card “%” sign to pull up all Requests. Step 5. Click on the “Search” button to pull up the Request(s).
Copy Request Screen This screen will show you the request you chose or all requests you have created. Step 6. Click on the underscored “Req#” you want to copy.
Copy Request Screen You will now be in the Copy Request Screen. Step 7. Click on the “Go” button if you want to copy/edit this Request.
View Cart Screen This will take you into the Request itself and allow you to make any changes needed.
Request Summary Screen Step 8. Once you finish your updates and are at the Request Confirmation Screen, click on the “Service Catalog” button at the bottom of the page to submit the Request
Request Save Result Screen This will create a new number and send your Request through the appropriate approval process.
Service Catalog Home Screen To check your Request status, follow the steps below. Step 1. From the Service Catalog Home Screen or any other screen, click on the “Status” button.
Status Screen Step 2. Click on the “Open status center” button.
Status Center Screen 1 Step 3. Type a search variable in the “Search for field type value” such as the Req#. If you are not sure what Req# you want then you can use the wildcard “%” to see all the Requisitions created if your “Field type” is “Req #”. Step 4. Select a “Field type” from the drop down list. If you don’t choose a “Field type” it will automatically default to “My requisitions”. If you want to search for a specific Requisition choose “Req #”.
Status Center Screen 2 Step 5. You can narrow your search results by choosing a status, otherwise use the default of “any status”.
Status Center Screen Step 6. Click on the Request you want to view. You will see the status of the Request under the status column.
Requisition Detail Status Screen The system will pull up the details of that Request. You can click on the “Specifications” button to view the specs of the product or the “References” button to view all of the references for that Request.
Order Detail Status Screen You will only be able to see “Order Status” for a Request if the Requisition (pre-approval) has been turned into an actual Order (approved and sent to IBM). If the Request has been approved and is an official ‘Order’, you will see the next screen.
Order Detail Status Screen If your Requisition has been received by IBM and turned into an Order you will be able to view Order Status. Step 7. Click on the “Order Status” button. This will show you the following screen. If a Purchase Order has been created for the Order you will see a status of “Sourced” and a “PO Sent” date. Step 8. Click on the line # to view the details of that line item.
Order Line Detail Screen This is the order line detail screen. You can view the purchase order # that was created for the item. Step 9. Click on the PO#. Step 10. Click on References to see the Maximo Service Request #. (Maximo is IBM’s tool to handle Service Requests and will be available on 06/01/09).
Purchase Order Screen From Step #9, you will see this screen showing the details to the Purchase Order. This will show you when the purchase order was created, the supplier it was sent to and when it was sent along with the Requested Delivery Date. All ship-to Information will also show on this screen.
Order Line Detail Screen - References From Step #10, This is the order line detail screen showing the Service Request # that was assigned by Maximo. The Maximo Service Request # indicates that the Request has been sent for implementation and being tracked in the IBM Maximo tool. This number may be used to request implementation status from the Service Desk. Maximo will be available on 06/01/09.
Acquisition History Screen If you wanted to view the history of the Request you would need to click on the “Acquisition History” button and it would show you this screen. You can view the history of when the Request was created, approved, mailed, opened, sourced and shipped. This would also tell you if you were waiting for an approval who has the Request to approve.
Service Catalog Home Screen Requests that have not been approved and sent to IBM can be canceled by following the steps below. Only the Requester or an Approver is able to cancel a request. Step 1. From the Service Catalog Home Screen, click on the “Request” button. Note: You cannot cancel a Request if it has already been approved. The only way to cancel approved Requests is to send an e-mail to the IBM CSR group (gaitcsr@us.ibm.com)