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Welcome to Curriculum Night. Mrs. Brown & Ms. Reardon. Schedule. Behavior Study Habits & Grades Curriculum Testing Projects Our Website. Behavior. “Give Me Five” Friday Folders are to be signed over the weekend and returned on Monday.
Welcome to Curriculum Night Mrs. Brown & Ms. Reardon
Schedule • Behavior • Study Habits & Grades • Curriculum • Testing • Projects • Our Website
Behavior • “Give Me Five” • Friday Folders are to be signed over the weekend and returned on Monday. • Inability to follow classroom rules results in a mark in the Friday Folder. More than 5 marks for behavior in a nine week period constitutes an NI in the behavior portion of the report card and a loss of Principal’s Honor Roll and Honor Roll at the end of the year. • BEHAVIOR REPORT 1st Nine Weeks.doc • More serious behavioral infractions will be followed with a phone call home and/or a “trip” to the office.
Study Habits & Grades Homework: • Homework is not graded in 5th grade but is reflected in the study habits portion of their report card. • Homework will be given on a nightly basis with occasional weekend assignments and projects that will be completed at home. • Homework is considered late or unfinished if it is not in the designated area by the end of homeroom or if it is missing a name. Students will receive a mark in their Friday Folders for each homework assignment missed. A student with a missed homework assignment will have to report to Study Hall that day. More than 5 marks in the Friday Folder for homework in a 9 week period constitutes an NI in the study habits section of the report card and a loss of Principal’s Honor and Honor Roll at the end of the year. BEHAVIOR REPORT 1st Nine Weeks.doc
Study Habits & Grades cont. • Grades: • There will be at least one grade per week in each subject area. • The grading scale is as follows: A= 90 - 100 B = 80 – 89 C = 75 – 79 D = 70 – 74 F = 69 or below • Agendas need to be signed nightly. • Any grades that are 75 and below need to be signed and corrected. • “NI” in either study skills or behavior will result in the loss of awards at the end of the year.
Curriculum http://www.georgiastandards.org/ • Science (GPS): Electricity and magnetism, matter, cells, constructive and destructive forces that shape the Earth, classification of organisms, inherited traits • Health (QCC’s): Human Growth and Development classes are held when we return from December break. Permission slips will be sent home beforehand and the video is available for viewing. • Social Studies (GPS): Government, American history from Civil War to present day. Please use the online textbook as a resource. It is wonderful! • Math (GPS) The county has moved from math compacting to guided math. Students will be given a pretest on Mondays to place them in the appropriate math group. These small groups will work on either remediation, maintenance, or extension of the weekly standards being addressed. On Friday, the class takes a post test to assess gains and/ or any remaining needs. If your child is still struggling with a math concept we will continue to work with him or her as well as ask parents to assist in any way at home.
Curriculum cont. • Reading (GPS): Guided reading in small groups with text that is geared toward each child’s individual reading level. The county has adopted a new Language Arts Series for reading, writing, grammar, and spelling. • Language Arts (GPS): integrated throughout the curriculum. Writing:The writing focus changes every nine weeks. With a post-assessment at the end. We assess the students using the same format of the 5th grade state writing exam to help prepare them the best we can. Spelling: Spelling pretest is given on Monday. Spelling tests are on Friday. Throughout the week students will have independent class work and homework to assist them in learning their words. Vocabulary: Vocabulary words are taken from individual guided reading books. Students will be working on independent activities to reinforce the meanings of these words.
Field Trips • Atlanta Symphony Orchestra • Visit to Middle Schools in the spring • End of year field trip to be announced
Testing • Norm Referenced Test dates are October 4th – 11th • CRCT are the week of April 12th-21st - students must pass both the reading and math portions to move on to the 6th grade. - Passing scores ( Math 800 +, Reading 800 +) • Writing Assessment is March 2nd - changes to the writing assessment include: all on one day, no dictionaries, and various types of writing prompts are distributed randomly. • SRI and STAR- computer generated reading test given 3 times a year. • DRA-reading test given at the beginning of the year and end of the year to asses reading fluency and comprehension.
Projects for Fifth Grade • Research Paper • Family Heritage Project • The 20’s, 30’s, and 40’s in America ABC Book • Plant and Animal Cell models There are also classroom projects that each teacher may assign individually.
Our Website Students have access to our website to assist them with: studying for quizzes completing class work /homework accessing resources for projects checking homework assignments http://teacherweb.com/GA/MountainView/MsReardon/index.html
Thank You! We look forward to a wonderful year with your children! Sincerely, Mrs. Brown & Ms. Reardon