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HR Annual Report to Council of Governors

HR Annual Report to Council of Governors. 20th January 2010, Item 10 By Lynn Lane, Director of HR. Overview. Context Staff pledges/Engagement Progress in 2009 - HR/OD Strategy - Management and Leadership Development - Clinical Developments - Occupational Health

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HR Annual Report to Council of Governors

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  1. HR Annual Report to Council of Governors 20th January 2010, Item 10 By Lynn Lane, Director of HR

  2. Overview • Context • Staff pledges/Engagement • Progress in 2009 • - HR/OD Strategy • - Management and Leadership Development • - Clinical Developments • - Occupational Health • - Health & Safety • - Equality and Diversity • - IT Projects/ESR • Future Challenges

  3. NHS Staff Pledges Lets remind ourselves of the NHS Staff pledges:- The NHS will strive to • Engage staff in decisions that impact on them and the services that they provide • Provide all staff with well designed and rewarding jobs that make a difference • Provide all staff with personal development, access to appropriate training for their job and management support in order to succeed • Provide support for staff to keep themselves healthy and safe

  4. Quality Staff = Quality Care • Increasing body of evidence linking engaged workforce to quality care and improved outcomes • Health Commission research on Staff Survey 2008 • The future operating framework “NHS 2010-2015 from Good to Great “ and staff engagement • McLeod report “Engaging for Success” July 2009 • Boorman report- Health & Wellbeing Nov 2009

  5. 2008 New HR function in place Workforce planning rollout & skills development Induction of all new staff reviewed Learning & development expanding provision ESR/Roster-Pro benefits realisation programme 2009 HR/OD Strategy agreed Equality & Diversity and OD function established Single equality scheme Integrated workforce, service and financial plans Refocus of Learning & Development ESR/Rosterpro Developments The HR progress in 2009

  6. HR/OD Strategy - 2009 and future • Engaging and developing the current workforce • Leading and managing organisational change • Leading and mobilising staff • Workforce plans fully aligned with financial and service plans • Effective HR performance management • Developing new roles to extend skills, fill the medical gap and meet the reduction in nurses resulting from all-graduate profession • Ensuring training we provide is service led and fit for purpose as we work through the recession, (e.g. service redesign/improvement)

  7. Key Achievements - 2009Management & Leadership Development • Leadership and Management programmes improved • Developing Leaders - Ashridge programmes • RDE praised for its staff development opportunities (Matrix Kitemark) • Exemplar of best practice - Assistant Practitioners • Managing and Leading Change • Customer Care • Value added Appraisal

  8. Future Plans – 2010Management & Leadership Development 2010 plans include; :- • Management training to focus on people and change management, and service improvement. • Talent Management/Succession Planning • Developing in-house apprenticeships • Expand new Assistant Practitioner roles throughout the Trust. • Simplify and streamline Appraisal • Service Re-design – Developing skills

  9. Key Achievements – 2009Clinical Developments • Reviewed Corporate induction for all staff • Developing mentors across the Trust • Pre-Registration learners induction review • Effective use of staff time by providing E Learning modules for relevant staff groups • Trust wide Essential Learning Group and Competency Group

  10. Future Plans – 2010Clinical Developments Plans for 2010 • Develop the Advanced Practitioner guidance and role • Further redesign of corporate induction to reflect corporate image • Induction is a key enabler for staff engagement and retention • New employees’ first major communication with organisation. • Examine opportunities to combine essential learning • Implement E learning as a method of blended delivery

  11. Key Achievements – 2009Occupational Health • Successful pilot of OH physiotherapy service • Health and Wellbeing group reviewing Boorman recommendations • Successful Stress Awareness Week • Successful implementation of Swine Flu Immunisation programme • GMC Guidance on access to medical reports implemented

  12. Future Plans – 2010Occupational Health • Develop Boorman recommendations • Renew focus on absence management • Continue Swine Flu immunisation programme • Review Service offer

  13. Health & Safety - 2009 • Health and Safety Action Plan – progressing well and most actions delivered by month 9 • HSE visit February to the Sonography Unit to learn how the RD&E support staff with repetitive strain injury • Pilot staff physiotherapy service praised • HSE visit 16/17 June - RD&E as an exemplar site

  14. Equality and Diversity - 2009 • Single Equality Scheme published • Training Strategy Developed – over 33% of staff trained this year in equality and diversity • Re-accredited as Mindful Employer - Positive About Mental Health • Continued consultation with all policies assessed for equality and diversity impact • Application to become an NHS Employers Equality Partner • Action plan for 2010-2011 being implemented

  15. ESR - Electronic Staff Record • Part of national programme (February 2006 wave one) • Nationally recognised as an exemplar site now for using the full system • Integrated HR Information System • Better information and understanding about the workforce • Improved control of risks • Managers & employees take ownership • Can’t hide behind processes, better audit trail • Opportunity to review processes

  16. Rosterpro • Electronic Rostering system • Links to ESR • Reduces paperwork • Releases time to care!

  17. Future challenges • NHS 2010-2015 from Good to Great. - Preventative, People centred, Productive • Financial challenges • Performance Through People • The McLeod report, Engaging for Success • Boorman – Health and Well-being Review

  18. 2010 Operational plan- Challenges • NHS 2010-2015: from Good to Great. • Quality, innovation, Productivity and Prevention “QiPP” Agenda • No inflation increase on Acute tariff- pressure • Moving to community provision and prevention • 70% of operating costs spent on staff salaries • Change, productivity and engagement

  19. Engagement, health & productivity Research conducted demonstrates that organisations who are successful in engaging their staff are generally • more productive • better at engaging with customers • less prone to absenteeism • less likely to be involved in job accidents Trusts that do well at Health & Wellbeing • have higher patient satisfaction • have reduced MRSA infection rates • likely to be ahead on Health Check scores

  20. Local staff engagement 2008 staff survey - First whole Trust survey Priorities • Using flexible working options • Well structured Appraisals and PDP • Support for Managers • Work related injury and stress • Violence bully and harassment • Improved staff engagement and wanting better communication with managers and across the Trust as a whole Leverage for continual improvement in staff engagement

  21. Next steps • Dec 2009 staff survey – Second whole Trust survey • Over 51% response rate with result in February 2010 • Proposal for a Staff engagement strategy being explored which includes Staff Conversations – • A tried and tested methodology which engages and mobilises staff to come up with creative solutions to challenges in the workplace, both Trust wide and at directorate level. • Three themes are usually focussed on:- • What gets in the way of us working as well as you would like to? • what would make us feel really proud? • what should we prioritise changing together?

  22. Recap • Where have we come from? • Continued focus on quality • The challenges • Engaging staff in the challenge • Good to Great

  23. Questions and comments Thank you for listening Do you have any questions or comments?

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