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Explore the history and principles of plant nutrition, types of experiments, and their environmental aspects in this informative presentation.

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  2. ENVIRONMENTALLY SOUND PLANT NUTRITION    1. History of agriculture and soil fertility 2. Basic principles and methods of soil tests (30 slides) 3. Principles and methods of plant analysis4. Types of Plant Nutrition Experiments5. Principles and method of nutrient balance 6. Plant nutrition and environmental aspectsof soil pH and lime status 7. Assessing of organic farming from the aspect of sustainable plant nutrition 8. The environmental aspects of plant nutrition9. Heavy metal load of agricultural production related to plants nutrition 10. The basics of environmentally sound plant nutrition advisory system : Evaluation of the database of Hungarian long-termfield NPK fertilization exeriments11. The structure of environmentally sound plant nutrition advisory system 12. Comparative evaluation of the environmentally sound plant nutrition advisory system, and its application in case of some farms

  3. 4. Types of Plant Nutrition Experiments KÖRNYEZETKÍMÉLŐ NÖVÉNYTÁPLÁLÁS

  4. Types of Plant Nutrition Experiments Hydroponic experiments Pot experiments Micro plots experiments Lysimeter experiments Field trials 4. Types of Plant Nutrition Experiments

  5. The principles and methods of hydroponic experiments 4. Növénytáplálási kísérletek típusai

  6. Hydroponic experiments Their beginning were at the second half of the 1880sBy then the plants essential nutrients were clarified.The source of the elements are water, air and soil.The main constituent of living plants is water.9/10 of the dry matter is made up of C (from the air), O (from the air and water), and H (from water).The remaining 1/10 of the dry matter is made up of other macro, meso and micro-elements. The amount of these elements often limits the crop yield. Sprengel (1926) and Liebig (1840) drew attention to this fact. Though Liebig has designated air as basic N source while biological N bond was not known at that time Ehelyett ezt írnám, hogy nem tudták, hogy csak nitrát és ammónium ion formájában tudja felvenni általában a növény a N-t.(it was not known that time, that usually plants can only take up N in a form of nitrate or ammonium –ion. 4.

  7. Composition of some culture medium at the begining of the research (In: Hoagland és Arnon 1950) Sachs (1860) concentration Knop (1865)concentration Pfeffer (1900) concentration saltg/l salt g/l saltg/l KNO3 1.00 Ca(NO3)2 0.8 Ca(NO3)2 0.8 Ca3(PO4)2 0.50 KNO3 0.2 KNO3 0.2 MgSO40.50 KH2PO40.2 MgSO40.2 CaSO40.50 MgSO40.2 KH2PO40.2 NaCl 0.25 FePO4 tracesKCl 0.2 FeSO4 traces FeCl3 traces 4.

  8. The nutrient solution experimenting background:Soil is a supplier of mineral saltsExperiment: the mineral salts are added independently of the soil.First attempts: Boussingault, in the early 1800s.He used quartz, sand, and coal as artificial soil and irrigated it with solutions of known composition.Since then, sand and other inert materials (eg. Perlite)have been used in the experiments.First Boussingaultresults confirmed experimentally the mineral theory, long before Liebig. 4.

  9. The composition of nutrient solutions based on Hellriegel and Prjanyisnyikov After Szokolov (In: Hewitt 1960) Prjanyisnyikov conc. Hellriegel conc salt g/l salt g/l NH4NO3 0.240 Ca(NO3)2 0.492 KCl 0.160 KCl 0.075 CaHPO4.2H2O 0.172 K2HPO4 0.136 MgSO4 0.060 MgSO4 0.060 CaSO4.2H2O 0.344 FeCl3.6H2O 0.025 FeCl3.6H2O 0.025 Hellriegel solution has pH 3.6, →7 itsavanyítást igényel? requires acidification. Prjanyisnyikov nutrient solution: physiologically neutral salts. The Solution pH is about 6.5, which increasesslightly with plant growth 4.

  10. The composition of Hoagland-Snyder (1933) nutrient solution, which is perhaps the most widespread standard Macroelements mg/litre Microelements mg/liter Ca(NO3)2.4H2O 1181 H3BO3 0.60 KNO3 505.5 MnCl2.4H2O 0.40 KH2PO4 136 ZnSO4 0.05 MgSO4.7H2O 493 CuSO4 0.05 Összesen 2315.5 Na2MoO4.4H2O 0.02 Microelements 6.1 FeCl2 5.00 Standard solution2321.6 total 6.12  4.

  11. Salt index of the most important nutrient salts (NaNO3=100) (Benton, 1983) NH4NO3= 104 (NH4)2SO4= 69 NH4H2PO4= 34 NaNO3=100 K2SO4 =46 (NH4)2HPO4=29 Ca(NO3)2 = 52 CaSO4 = 8 CaHPO4= 15 4.

  12. Rating of the nutrient solutionsaccording to the electrical conductivity data (Benton, 1983) EC Salt content Plant response Solutions mmhos/cm % below 2 below 0.1 missing not salty 2-4 0.1-0.15 at sensitive species slightly salty 4-8 0.15-0.35 unfavourable middle salty 8-16 0.35-0.70 for salt tolerant plant very salty over 15 over 0.7very few plants can tolerate extremely salty 4.

  13. The effect of nutrient solutions with different concentration on the dry weight of winter wheat shoot (15 plants / treatment)(Sz. Nagy és Kádár, 1991) Remark: The composition of standard Hoagland-Snyder solution is: N: 252; P: 37; K: 282; Ca: 240; Mg: 60 mg/L. 4.

  14. Nutrient solution experimentsThey are suitable for the studying the importance of certain nutrients and for testing deficiency and toxic symptoms Nutrient uptakecan be more clearly studied without the effect of the soil biological and chemical nature.   Here you can really control the plant feeding, since the soil does not compete for nutrients against the plant.The composition of the culture medium is monitored. . 4.

  15. Principles and methodsof pot experiments 4.

  16. It does not replace, but rather completes the field trials. 4.

  17. Classical pots applied by Wagner (1883) and Mitscherlich (1929, 1930) , which are used nowaday as well. The pots are made of double-bottomed tin enamel, which can hold approx. 6 kg of sand .Plates were placed under the pots to catch the water flow.  The sand is to be cleaned and sterilized. The sand was washed with hydrochloric acid and water followed by the sand annealing. Clean river sand is appropriate for exploratory experiments without washing.The ventilation of bottom is provided by a perforated glass tube , the water capacity is set to be around 80%.The experiment was carried out similarly with soil. . 4.

  18. Relationship between the weight of the pot and the weight of yield Salim (1986) found that when the weight of the soil increased in order to 1, 2, 5 kg / container, there was an 20-30 % rise in the 60-day maize shoot, and 60-80% rise in the shoot of alfalfa and 75-day wheat.The weight of the roots, however, has not changed. 4.

  19. Advantages : It is much more cheaper and feasible , than field trials It is more exact and reproducible;It is able to indicate the minimum order of nutrients and soil nutrient supply (exhaustive);- Finally, the soils in the pots represents the average soil sample and the sampling areaat the same time, the two expressions are the same here.

  20. Pot experiments are suitable for example. testing a new fertilizer species . (a), (b)Relationships between the total and neutral NH4 citrate-soluble P content of soil and the mass of spring barley at tillering. (c), (d) relationship between the total and neutral NH4 citrate-soluble P content of the soil and the P uptake of the plant. Acidic sandy soil, Nyírlugos (al Csathó et., 2007)

  21. Disadvantages:Results in practice can not be applied directly.Reason:Due to the limited soil / root ratio the use of the nutrients are stronger;Due to optimum water solubility the nutrients are provided in the soil better than on the field;- The fertilizer effects are much more pronounced, because of the optimum of other factors and the limited volume of soil. 4.

  22. Changes in relative Cd content of plants in plot and field experiment treated with the same Cd doses. (GRÜN et al. 1987) Cd content of soils, mg/kgRelatíve Cd-content of plant, % * greenhouse Field Potato Rye edény bush, shoot straw seed Megj: A Cd adagokat jó lenne még feltüntetni, a talaj és növény adatok kicsit egybefolynak. The Cd content of plants in the pot experiment is expressed as a percentage of the plant Cd content in the field experiment . Field Cd content in the plant = 100%Similar differences can be observed in the plant nutrient concentrations as well. 4.

  23. Principles and methods of field micro plot experiments 4.

  24. It isa transition between the small-plot field experiments and pot experiments.Microplots: 1-2 or a few m2Small plots: 20-100 m2However, the conceptual differencebetween the two methods arises not from the size of the plots. 4.

  25. In micro plot experiments there is manual tillage, seeding and crop care as well as in greenhouse experiments. However, the experiment is going on under natural conditions (humidity, temperature, light).This method can be suitable for example to examine the different forms of fertilizers or to do leaching tests, etc. The comparative analysis of numerous fertilizer types become fast and inexpensive requiring small areas. Every year, tens of thousands of these tests have been carried out in the Soviet Union in the '30s, at the beginning of the development of the fertilizer industry (Prjanisnyikov 1945). 4.

  26. In Hungary it is not widespread. 4.

  27. A The principles and methods of lysimeter experiments 4.

  28. There are even less "natural" conditions , than by micro plots.The lysimeter tubs are subsequently filled with soil, so the soil is not original, undisturbed (as in the greenhouse experiments) In the longer term, it may need a few years to the soil of lysimeters to gain "natural„ structure. 4.

  29. Setting up lisimeter experiments 4.

  30. The aim of lysimeter experiments is to monitor nutrient and water flow, and to describe leachingquantitatively. From this aspectthey can not be replaced, despite all their constraints.  The salts flow through the soil column with water into the collecting jars.The catch-pots are often placed on either side of an underground passage in the lysimetric shaft so that they are easily accessible and it results a convenient sampling. 4.

  31. The lysimeter station requires constant care, and generally assume an irrigated experimentation.The continuous experimentationrequires rather large manual labor and laboratory capacity, energy consumption, etc. We have to mention the edge effect as its theoretical limitation, which may occur not only in plants, but also along the walls of the tub at the entire soil profile as a drainage. 4.

  32. Principles and methodsof small-plot trials 4.

  33. Ever since humans engaged in the cultivation of land, they carry out observations and collect data.During thousands of years empirical observation and experience was the source of the agronomic knowledge.To our knowledge, scientific research, in the modern sense did not exist until the mid-1700s.Agricultural research is institutionalizedactually a century later, from the middle nineteenth century. Until the early 1800s, nor agricultural experiment stations, neither agricultural colleges in the modern sense with stringent requirements have been established.This is not contradicted by the fact that a landowner may set up their own vocational schools. (see e.g.. Georgicon Hungary.) 4.

  34. Attempts without causal knowledge, which ignore the local conditions slowly solidified the right and generalizable knowledge. Progress was really frustratingly slow, cumbersome and fraught with failure, as it happened blindly. The story of progress, was the history of the errors as well. The thinkers of antiquity really systematized observation and accumulated a lot of useful knowledge. However, they have hardly any ideaabout experimental method. Therefore, authoritariancould develop, which caused great damages for thousands of years. Field trials are essentialinthe study of the soil fertilizer requirement and soil fertility assessment. The majority of the agrochemical and plant nutritional knowledge, relates to the soil-plant system, and they are connected to field trials. 4.

  35. The classical works of agronomy and agro chemistry are often intertwined in field trials: Boussingault, Lawes and Gilbert, Kühn, Kristensen, Wagner, Engelhardt, Mendelejev, Prjanisnyikov, Cserháti, etc.The history, methodology and statistical evaluation of the field trials, can be followed in studies of such researchers as Lemmermann (1925), Mitscherlich (1929, 1930), Roemer (1930), Snedecor (1948), Cochran and Cox (1950), Fisher (1951) , Mudra (1952), Baule (1953), Scserba (1954), Bergmann (1958) and the like. 4.

  36. De Saussure (1765-1845) He experimentally proved the mechanism of respiration and photosynthesis.He demonstrated that carbon comes from the air while the plant ash and nitrogen originated from the soil.This knowledge has affected agriculture and soon it is started to use in agronomy.Ash analysis for example proved the fact that each element of the vegetable ingredients can be found in the humus. 4.

  37. Boussingault (1802-1882) He created the first experimental station in 1834 in the French Alsace. He carefully planned his field experiments related to fertilization and crop rotation.In addition, he set up his own laboratory in his farm.He was the first, who proved that legumes can take up nitrogen from the air.He did not applied small plot experimental technique in the modern sense with replications. 4.

  38. Still Boussingault can be considered as the father of the field experimentation because:- He linked field experiments with soil and plant testing and introduced the concept of nutrient balances. Thus he made the field experimentation become a scientific technique.- He conducted long-term investigations He recognized that the role of the time factor is very important in agronomic and soil fertility studies. Scientific results can be only drawn of many years of scientific studies. 4.

  39. Liebig (1803-1873) Although he did not carry out field trials, he had a decisive influence on their spread.He synthesized the early scientific results (chemistry, biology) at that time and the agricultural science became an applied science due to his work.Liebig’s work was such an important turning point in agriculture as the coming of Jesus in the Christian life - says Salmon and Hanson (1970).The novel views of Liebig (1840) sparked a heated debate. His followers as well as his opponents tried to prove experimentally their point of view. Liebig established laboratory and taught in Giessen, he drew attention to the importance of agricultural research. 4.

  40. The Experimental Station in Rothamsted for example established in 1843 close to London on the estate of Lawes (1814-1900).One of Liebig’s students, Gilbert (1817-1901) conducted the experimental work . Among the nine long term experiments set between 1843-1856 , eight experiments has been still going on in a more or less unchanged form as the "Rothamsted Classical Experiments."The Rothamsted Research Center today is also the Mecca of scientists in the field of agrochemistry , and it is a major source of soil fertility and agrochemical-knowledge.The experiments are set according to Boussingault in France , so they were not small plot repetition experiments yet. 4.

  41. The world's oldest long-term fertilization experiments: the classiclong-term experiments in Rothamsed, United Kingdom: Broadbalk: 1843-; Hoos Barley : 1852-; Alternate Wheat and Fallow: 1856- ; Exhaustion Land: 1856-; Park Grass: 1856-; Classic fertilization experiments in Rothamsted.Left: Broadbalk, 1843-; right: Park Grass Experiment, 1856-. 4.

  42. 12 years after the founding of the station Lawes and Gilbert drew the following important conclusions (Tisdale and Nelson 1966):1. Economic plants need phosphorus and potassium, but the nutrient amounts in the plants’ ash is not equal the fertilizer requirement of the plants, as it was assumed by Liebig too. 1. A gazdasági növényeknek szükségük van foszforra és káliumra, de a növényi hamu összetétele nem kritériuma a növény által igényelt mennyiségnek, mint ahogy azt Liebig mechanikusan feltételezte. (Tehát a tápelem-igény és a trágya-igény nem ugyanaz.)(Itt a magyar szöveget pontatlannak érzem, ami a zárójelben van azt emelném ki, ez viszont nem ugyanaz, mint ami előtte le van írva így is fordítottam le inkább) 2. The atmospheric ammonia-N can not cover the non-leguminous plants N requirement, as it was assumed by Liebig. The legumes surplus N is derived from the air, as it was demonstrated by Bousssingault. (The mechanism was still not known, since the rhizomes and the activities of N-fixing bacteria were also unknown.)3. The positive effect of fallowing is often due to the accumulation of N-compounds in the soil and the mineralization of humus substances. The theory of Liebig (PK) and Boussingault (N) is to be merged.4. Soil fertilitycan be sustained applying merely fertilizers.

  43. The US's oldest classical long term fertilization experiment.The Morrow Plots, Urbana, Illinois. Set: 1876. 4.

  44. Rothamsted 1843 (England) Grignon 1875 (France) Illinois 1876 (USA) Halle 1879 (Germany) Askov 1894 (Denmark) Moszkva 1912 (Russian) 4.

  45. Hungary's oldest long term fertilization experiment: The Westsik experiment of crop rotation in Nyíregyháza. Set: in 1929 4.

  46. Megjegyzés: Ezt a japán ppt-ről vágtam be, de nem értem miért nem soil pH-t vagy acidity-t ír a soil reaction helyett a fordító

  47. The establishment of the first agricultural experiment stations:1850s, 1880s.The set of trials is state responsibility."Setting up such experiments with large numbers exceeds the power of individual. Consequently it is the state task to provide the possibility for adult males to devote their time and talents fully to the research of nature, contributing to the benefit of agriculture and the general well-being." (Thaer, 1752- 1828) 4.

  48. Hungary:There is a well developed state network of research institutes with a single branch of agriculture.The Cserháti schoolCserháti, S. Kosutány, T. (1887) The Principles of fertilization.Cserháti, S. (1900) General and special crop production.Cserháti was skeptical toward the field trials. Every year large parcelexperiments were set on new locations - Heterogenity 4.

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