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The Election of 1828

Explore the significant events surrounding the election of 1828, Andrew Jackson's rise to power, controversies, and opposition. Also, learn about the Cherokee Nation, foreign observers, and Tocqueville's observations on American life.

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The Election of 1828

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  1. The Election of 1828 .

  2. Rise of Jackson • Andrew Jackson - 7of10 • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=phWJtTkDwxY • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_jm42AS9tko • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2SJbwydQXYk • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6CdYr8I9grQ

  3. The Atlantic • What are the parallel between the election of 1824 & the election of 2016? • Who won the election of 1824? • What was the controversy? If the electoral college does not give a candidate the majority who decides the outcome of the election? • What are the main differences between the candidates and the elections? • What is a populist?

  4. Opposition to Jackson • Whigs

  5. Georgia Gold Rush 1820s

  6. Indian Removal https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2SJbwydQXYk • The Supreme Court and the Indians • Treaty of Holston, 1791.

  7. Appeal of the Cherokee Nation 1830 Participation Assignment 8 • When is the document written? Who is the author? Who is the intended audience? • How are the Cherokee different from other Native Americans? What kind of agricultural practices have they adopted? • What reasons do the Cherokee give for rejecting the idea of moving them beyond the Mississippi River? • write your own thesis statement. • http://www.cherokee.org/AboutTheNation/History/TrailofTears/MemorialoftheCherokee.aspx

  8. Foreign Observers Alexis de Tocquervile Lorenzo de Zavala 1831 Journey to the United States of North America • 1835 Democracy in America

  9. Questions for discussion • What are Tocqueville’s main observations about life in America during the 1830s? • Are these observations still relevant today? Why? Why not?

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