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Scattered Houses Hotel (SCHH) Introduction & Background

Explore the innovative concept of Scattered Houses Hotel (SCHH) discussed during the 3rd conference 2015 with a focus on historical building preservation. Learn how most beautiful villages of Palestine are adapting to this concept to attract tourists and promote cultural exchanges.

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Scattered Houses Hotel (SCHH) Introduction & Background

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  1. MBVP – Network Most Beautiful Villages of Palestine شبكة اجمل قرى فلسطينScattered Houses Hotel “SCHH “

  2. Introduction & Background In the 3rd conference 2015 , concept of “ scattered houses hotel SCHH “ was discussed in some details with some video views as examples from some countries , there was also a site visit to an Italian village Locorotondo concerned in such houses . Conclusion was to adopt this concept by networks of most beautiful villages to a chief two goals , first one to innovate & rehabilitate old and historical buildings as part of cultural heritage preservation of centers of historic cities , second to use these houses for attracting tourists and visitors to stay and use it during their visit .

  3. Keeping in mind that these SCHH can be used as : bed rooms , restaurants , set rooms , coffee & drink cafeteria , accessories shop , traditional and handy craft tools &antiques , etc…. Services come out from these scattered houses form this type of hotels which will host tourists and visitors , this kind of hotel will give chance for tourists and local people to be more close to each other , which means simple and fast way of exchanging culture , habits , ideas & thoughts and discussing global issues such as peace , human rights and terrorism. MBVPalestine are very interested in SCHH , because most of our villages have old and historic buildings which can be innovated to be used

  4. as SCHH , on the same time preserve it from demolition , main obstacle is financing issue especially innovating of these buildings are very expensive , but there are some institutions work on these buildings , the “ center of cultural heritage preservation CCHP “ is a leader organization in innovating old centers , most their work in Beithlehem area , mainly in Beithlehem city also in Beit sahour & Battir , they worked also in Sabastia , Deir Istiya and Berqueen , CCHP belong to ministry of tourism & Antique , other institutions also work in Palestine , most finance of such projects come from Europe countries and USAID .

  5. villages of MBVP not only have historic centers , but also have :very beautiful landscape , famous in domestic foods & sweets , friendly & peaceful people , sunny most days of the year , having a wide variety of handy craft :- national cloths- antique – accessories , carvings of olive wood , glass& ceramic tools etc …

  6. Consortium to operate and manage Scattered Houses HotelIn Palestine

  7. BackgroundAmong the goals of MBVPalestine is to get use of innovated old and historic building in centers of villages and consistent with recommendation of 3rd conference October 2015 , MBVP have joined FOP project ( Future of Our Past ) at the end of 2015 , the owner of this project is SGI ( Italian geographic no- profit organization / University of Salento – Italy ) , the finance side is the European Union under program “ Heritage preservation of historic centers of cities in Mediterranean basin Beithlehem city in Palestine is included in this program , to innovate 12 old houses .

  8. in Beithlehem city , localal partner of SGI are DarAlkalema DAKLM ,who are responsible in implementing project starting with signing contract with owners of building to innovate their old buildings without any charges but DAKLM will direct the usage of their buildings for 2-3 years as SCHH , at the end of this period owners will sign with DAKLM a contract to continue using buildings as SCHH , DAKLM will take part of net income of using buildings by tourists , SGI will direct tourists to SCHH through internet desk in Italy connected directly with a local desk under control of DAKLM the project is delayed due to many local and finance issues and they started with 8 houses

  9. Dar ALKalema Offices & collegeBeithLehem

  10. FOP director & staff during their visit to Sabastiya Palestine – June 2016

  11. FOP staff in restaurant of SCHH in Beit Sahour

  12. which will provide 12 beds at the end , while the goal of this project is 50 beds , so SGI asked MBVP to participate in project by joining beds of buildings of Beit Sahour and battir ( within Beithlehem area ) to the project when innovation of 8 houses finished , there are 32 beds in Beit Sahour and 12 in Battir . Actually these houses are forming the core of SCHH in Palestine .Consortium to operate & manage SCHH MBVP and SGI have signed MOU during visit of SGI staff to Palestine in June 2016 , which is actually the start agreed date of innovating the 8 houses of FOP project between SGI & DAKLM , this MOU is the declaration of SCHH in Palestine and entry point to form a consortium

  13. from :- MBVP , DAKLM , SGI and owners of houses to operate and manage all mentioned houses , SGI will direct tourists through desk in Italy connected to desk in Palestine to be located in DAKLM premises , officer from MBVP will control this local desk , DAKLM & MBVP will take 10% of income from tourists and visitors while remaining will be taken by owners , under their duty they will insure reservation for tourists , buses , program of visit ( preset and declared to tourists before they come) . DAKLM seems to be not encourage .

  14. MBVP SCHH Project MBVP have informed SGI that we will continue with the MOU with SGI for all ready houses in MBVP villages ( ( 32 beds in Beit Sahour , 12 beds Battir , 12 beds in Sabastiya , 50 beds in Zababdeh and any new innovated sites ) . Up to date a final decision is not taken yet . Waiting completing innovation of houses by DAKLM , if DAKLM will not accept this consortium MBVP will continue on this SCHH .We hope to start our SCHH project by the beginning of new year 2017 , many villages of. MBVP have started innovating and rehabilitating of their old centers .On the other hand , MBVP have talks with CCHP

  15. and municipality of Beithlehem to apply the concept of SCHH on all the old innovated houses in BeithLehem city as they are operating and managing these houses by agreements with the owners , they like this way especially they are facing some problems in attracting tourists directly from their home countries to Beithlehem city . There are some dozens of innovated houses in Beithlehem city which are used to host tourists and used as restaurants, coffee & drink places , antique and public handy craft materials etc…MBVP plan to create SCHH in Palestine whether these houses belong to villages of MBVP or to other places such as Beithlehem , we are looking to join Hebron as it is the first city in glass and

  16. ceramic handy craft making , Hebron before few months is chosen by united nation organization literal global city .Hebron also is the first city in Palestine in hand made leather cloths and many shoes factories , copper antiques , and accessories .The old centre of Hebron is one of most ancient places in the world where Al Ibrahimi mosque is places (prophet Ibraham first stay after his long journey from Iraq to Palestine 5000 B.c ) .

  17. Due to bad political and economic situations and occupation , municipalities are facing real problem in going on in SCHH due to shortage of money , but at the same time they are very concerned to continue looking forward to have support from related institutions especially from Europe countries and union . In conclusion , SCHH is a big step in achieving goals of conference especially for Palestine and Palestinian people who are looking to liberate from occupation , to have independent state to live in peace , in good economic and secure situation like all people of Mediterranean Basin

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