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Indiana Guard Reserve Columbus Regional Hospital Incident 13 - 21 June 2008. COL Hayes, LTC Bastain and MAJ Grigdesby. Background and Purpose.
Indiana Guard ReserveColumbus Regional Hospital Incident 13 - 21 June 2008 COL Hayes, LTC Bastain and MAJ Grigdesby
Background and Purpose • On 6/7/08, a 500 year flood hit the community of Columbus and its Regional Hospital sustained $130 million in damages. The basement of the hospital flooded to a depth of 9 feet. It had contained its pharmacy, pathology, radiology, laboratory, medical records, information technology, and food services / kitchen. The flood waters completely filled the basement in about 45 minutes. • Although there was no loss of life, the resulting hazards were presumed to be both environmental and biological. As clean-up operations continued through end of mission on 6/21/08, approximately $20 million in salvaged equipment had been staged in the hospital’s north parking lot. The IGR provided security for the hospital and these salvaged assets. The IGR presence fostered public safety by maintaining a secure perimeter and deterring theft of hospital assets. • This briefing was presented to Jim Bickel, CEO, and Martha Myers, Manager of Risk & Security for the Columbus Regional Hospital on Friday, 1800 hours 20 June 2008. • IGR Labor hours, miles traveled and the number of soldiers participating herein are final numbers. For purposes of the briefing, data was shared with the hospital as of 0900 hours 20 June 2008.
Who We Are The mission of the Indiana Guard Reserve is to maintain, organize, and train military forces capable of timely and effective response; in support of orders from the Governor under all conditions prescribed by the civil statutes of Indiana; to provide military assistance to civil authorities under conditions of disaster or emergency and to assume the state's responsibilities of the Indiana National Guard upon their mobilization into federal military service. The mission was expanded after 9/11/01 to include care and counseling for family members of the Indiana National Guard once they are federalized.
The Alert • The IGR was notified by Indiana Department of Homeland Security of the mission on June 12th. Joint Forces Headquarters gave verbal approval of the mission. • The IGR implemented the Incident Command System, designated a Commander and issued a warning order later that evening. • IGR Soldiers arrived during the morning hours of June 13th. The IGR was able to relieve the Indiana National Guard four hours earlier than it had expected, allowing its soldiers to continue its flood relief mission further south.
Who Came to Help • As of 8 am on June 21st : • 96 soldiers answered the call to assist you. As a volunteer organization, the IGR has no funding to pay its soldiers for their time away from work or to cover their incidental expenses. • 4,929 hours and 15,466 miles were driven by the IGR to help the Hoosiers in this community. • Each worked an average of 51 hours • Each drove an average of 161 miles round trip
Incident Chain of Command • COL Bernard J. “Bernie” Hayes, Incident Commander • LTC James E. “Jim” Bastain, Deputy Incident Commander • MAJ Harold W. “Hal” Grigdesby, Operations and Plans Officer • SFC Jerome M. Nowaczyk, NCOIC • SSG Wayne E. Loney and SSG Darrin J. Cox, Assistant NCOICs
Questions • How was the Guard called out to assist you? Can anything be improved in that process? • How did the Guard / IGR interface with you upon arrival? How might we become more effective? • What was the value of the IGR to your initial recovery operations? • Control of access for contractors and employees • Emergency medical responses • Surveillance of high dollar value salvaged items
How was the Guard called out to assist you? Can anything be improved in that process? Martha Myers: Your COL Pridgen made the request through the Bartholomew County EOC. I don’t know who had called the Marines and National Guard when they arrived on the scene June 7th.If he had not been in the right place at the right time, we probably would not have known to ask for the IGR. You need to get the word out on the process to activate the IGR.
How did the National Guard / IGR interface with you upon arrival? How might we become more effective? Martha Myers: The National Guard established its command post under a tent immediately opposite the ER entrance, which became the location for Hospital Security. We had no common radio communications with the National Guard, but we did meet with them daily.I thought the IGR’s transition with the National Guard went well. You had an opportunity to do a joint walk-through with them. And, you brought radios that allowed Hospital Security, the Indiana State Police and the IGR to all participate on the same radio network.You might consider adding one or two IGR MEMS trained individuals to the National Guard first responders to facilitate your transition with them and to provide them any other help.I would recommend that you all develop a checklist of things you require for logistical support. We had assets we made available to you for use later than we should have (the on-call surgeon’s residence, clean towels, surgical masks and latex gloves, etc.)
What was the value of the IGR to your initial recovery operations? Martha Myers: Your ability to be here from June 13th through the 21st allowed us time to get organized for our own recovery. We had disaster plans, but the extent of this disaster was far greater than anything we had imagined.The IGR will be replaced with our best employees. HR has been vetting our employee pool to find the best, most trustworthy people to replace you. You are already aware of the dollar value of the items salvaged so far. There’s much more still inside. I think this gives you some idea of how valuable the IGR has been to Columbus Regional Hospital in this crisis.
Adjutant General • We encourage you to provide feedback to MG Umbarger, the Adjutant General, on his soldiers (the Indiana National Guard and Indiana Guard Reserve). • Contact him atJoint Forces Headquarters ATTN: MG R. Martin Umbarger, Adjutant General 2002 S Holt Rd Indianapolis, IN 46241
IGR General Officers • Commanding GeneralMG F. Barry Green 17741 Prairie Baptist Rd Noblesville, IN 46060-6995 • Deputy Commanding GeneralBG Edward A. Bensman 7113 Lakeside Woods Dr. Indianapolis, IN 46278-1661 • Superintendent of the Training AcademyBG Raymond C. Phillips 6253 Kentstone Dr. Indianapolis, IN 46268