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Periods of Christian Literature

Periods of Christian Literature. Edificatory Period 90-150 CE. I. Characteristics A. Written with purpose of devotional help and strength B. Were simple and informal in style C. Shows little knowledge of pagan philosophy D. Shows great reverence for Jewish Scriptures

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Periods of Christian Literature

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  1. Periods of Christian Literature

  2. Edificatory Period90-150 CE

  3. I. Characteristics A. Written with purpose of devotional help and strength B. Were simple and informal in style C. Shows little knowledge of pagan philosophy D. Shows great reverence for Jewish Scriptures E. They demonstrate a relatively “pure” Christianity

  4. Examples • Clement of Rome (96 CE)—written to the church at Corinth; emphasizes revelation of faith through Jesus, speedy return of Jesus, Jewish Scriptures respected • Epistle of Barnabas—claims to have been written by Barnabas of NT but internal evidence denies this, gives many mistakes regarding Jewish rituals; written against Judaism

  5. C. Ignatius—7 epistles written between 107-117 CE; importance in that they show ecclesiastical development with sacraments, clergy, relationship of grace and suffering, and doctrine of the church D. Shepherd of Hermes (140 CE)—very influential; baptism completes regeneration; shows Gnostic influence, shows a corruption of morality in the church E. Didache (Teaching of the 12 Apostles) (100 CE)—very important

  6. Apologetic Period150-200 CE

  7. I. Characteristics A. Writers trained in theology and philosophy B. Writings produced to define the faith C. Most important ones are addressed to Roman emperor D. Tried to answer charges of atheism E. Tried to picture Christianity as an ancient religion F. Makes use of Jewish Scriptures G. Set forth main evidence of Christ as prophetic H. Emphasize purity of Christian life and teaching

  8. II. Example Justin Martyr (150 CE)—wrote Apology, divided into three parts; truths of the Christian gospel and proper teachings. His Dialogue with Tyrpho the Jew was divided into three parts, refutes opinion of Jews regard law; Christ was God incarnate, and OT predicted the coming of Jesus

  9. Polemical Period150-250 CE

  10. I. Characteristics A. Writers are 2nd generation Christians B. Alarmed at increasing “error” in the church C. Recognized authority of “catholic” church D. Allegorized some Scripture E. Tried to make opponents looked ridiculous

  11. II. Examples A. Iranaeus (130-202 CE)—know for five books against heresy; wrote mainly against the Gnostics and Marcion; forms first canon of Scripture as now recognized; emphasized apostolic succession B. Hippolytus—wrote against Montanism C. Tertullian—some regard as greatest theologian of period; very strict morally, wrote against paganism, forms of Gnosticism, and Jews, wrote in Latin rather than Greek D. Cyprian (200 CE)—moderate toward the lapsi; hierarchical view of bishops, apostolic succession, importance of Bishop of Rome

  12. Systematic (Scientific)250-335 CE

  13. I. Characteristics A. Part of Alexandrian school— allegorical method of interpreting Scripture B. Platonic in nature C. Very systematic

  14. II. Examples A. Clement (160 CE)—taught that Greek philosophy was one preparation for coming of Christ; God is the “remote cause”; interpreted “fall” allegorically; stressed “free will” B. Origen—sought to moderate Greek thought and Christian teachings; taught interpretation of Scripture has 3 levels (1) simple-level for the simple-minded; (2) soul of Scripture or moral—had to do with ethical understanding; (3) allegorical; first to study Bible scientifically

  15. “Preserving” the Faith

  16. Judaism and Christianity

  17. I. Council of Jerusalem--ch. 15 A. First apostolic decree--ch. 15:19ff 1. abstinence from idolatry 2. abstinence from blood 3. abstinence from eating animals killed by strangulation 4. abstinence from immorality

  18. Tightening of Church Organization

  19. I. No single example of church polity in NT II. Ignatius—Bishop of Antioch—100-120 CE A. Wrote letters to the churches through the bishops B. Emphasized the “unity” of the church 1. Unity is found in the affairs of the church 2. Bishops were basis for unity

  20. C. The bishop had help through the presbyteroi—priests D. The bishop became the earthly counterpart of Christ E. Was first to use the word “catholic” III. Cyprian—wrote that there where there is “no bishop there is no church”

  21. Formation of NT Canon

  22. NT writers • Marcion (144 CE) • Iraneaus (Bishop of Lyons)—around 180 CE in his book Against Heresies • Canon appeared as it is now with Anthanasius in 367 CE • Council of Carthage gave final consent in 397 CE

  23. Development of the Creeds

  24. I. Earliest creed is simply “Jesus is Lord” II. The old Roman Symbol A. Evolves around 336 CE B. Would become the “test” of orthodoxy C. In the 7th or 8th centuries it became the Apostles Creed III. Nicene Creed in 325 CE

  25. Further Attempts of “Defining” the Faith

  26. Novationism—250 CEWhat to do with the “lapsi

  27. I. Should those who desert the church during persecution be re-baptized and allowed to rejoin the church? II. Novation said “No” III. The more liberal positions of the bishops prevailed—they were allowed to rejoin IV. Donatism—in 312 CE—wanted to excommunicate the lapsi

  28. Trinitarian Controversy

  29. I. Arius—presbyter of church at Alexandria who saw a difference in Jesus and the Father—his position would lose although he has had followers through the years II. Athanasius of Antioch was trinitarian A. He would oppose Arius and Eusebius B. Arius emphasized heterousios C. Eusebius emphasized homoiousian

  30. III. Decision made at Council of Nicea in 325 CE A. Would no settle the controversy B. Popes would alternate between Arianism and Trinitarianism IV. Council of Constantinople in 381 CE proclaimed that the Son and the Spirit were of the same essence of the Father

  31. Christological ControversyWhat is the Nature of Christ?

  32. I. What is relationship between humanity and divinity? II. Appolinarious said Christ had 3 parts A. An animal body—flesh B. A human soul C. The Divine Logos D. Jesus this is 2/3 human and 1/3 God

  33. III. Nesorius of Antioch came to conclusion that there was a “fusion” of the two natures—his claim would become the orthodox view IV. Cyril of Alexandria said that in the incarnation the fusion is so great that it become depersonalized—thus in reality only one nature, Jesus had no human personality

  34. V. The Council of Ephesus in 431 CE declared Nestorius a heretic and Cyril was banished. The term “mother of God” was given to Mary VI. The Council of Calcedon in 451 CE declared Jesus was one person with two natures VIII. The 3rd Council of Constantinople in 680 CE declared Jesus was one person of two natures and two wills—the human will was always in submission to the Divine Will

  35. Anthropological-Soteriological Controversies

  36. I. First strictly “western” controversy II. Two major parties—Pelagius and Augustine III. Pelagius, British, early 5th century CE A. Said sin did not taint human nature B. Emphasized “free will” C. Humans can choose “not to sin” D. Fall of Adam was an isolated mistake— has no effects on others

  37. IV. Augustine—born in 354 CE A. Emphasized “original” sin B . With fall of Adam, all humanity has fallen C. Humans have same flesh as Adam through human reproduction VI. Council of Orange in 529 CE supported Augustine

  38. Development of Pertrine Primacy

  39. I. Because of Roman prominence, the church at Rome assumed a role of importance and the Bishop of Rome would increase that importance A. In 96 CE Bishop Clement wrote his first letter to the church at Corinth and ordered the church to seek peace within itself B. Victor I (189-198 CE) ordered the convening of local synods in the East and West to debate the Easter celebration—he attempted to excommunicate those who did not agree

  40. C. Bishop Stephen I (256 CE) demanded that North African churches not require baptism during Decian persecution D. Bishop Dionysus in 260 CE called Dionysus of Alexandria to account for using heterdox expressions regarding the Logos

  41. II. Some bishops would write concerning the primacy of Rome A. Ignatius (110 CE) of Antioch in his Epistle to the Romans wrote that the Roman church was “presiding in love”—affirming a special primacy of faith for Rome B. An inscription found on the tomb of Bishop Abersius of Hieaboles dated 180-220 CE said that Abersius was called to Rome by the Holy Shepherd

  42. C. Iranaeus (135 CE) writing against Gnosticism wrote of Rome’s “plentitude of power” since she had dual apostolic foundation through Peter and Paul D. Cyprian (254 CE) in an epistle regarded the Roman church as the “chair of Peter and principle church from which issues priestly unity

  43. III. Council influences with regard to primacy of Roman bishop A. In Canon 38 of the Council of Constantinople in 381 CE and Canon 28 of the Council of Calcedon in 415 CE there is mention that the bishop of New Rome “should be given precedent of honor over Old Rome B. In 343 CE the Synod of Saardia declared bishop of Rome the “highest court of appeal” for whole church in matters of discipline

  44. IV. In 493 and 495 CE Bishop Gallicius said that it was the office of the Roman church to judge other churches and was not to be judged by any human tribunal V. In the 6th century Emperor Justinian spoke of the Bishop of Rom as “the first and chief of all priests of God”

  45. The Work of Jesus

  46. The Nature of Humanity

  47. SIN

  48. Two Major Views

  49. A. Peglagian view 1. Immediate creation of soul free from sin in God 2. Adam’s sin only an evil example 3. Imputation is of personal sin only 4. Sin is a violation of rules and standards

  50. B. Augustinian View 1. Natural headship of Adam 2. Organic unity of race—sin comes seminally 3. Immediate imputation of sin at birth 4. Whole race is condemned

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