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Thinkers of the Scientific Revolution

Thinkers of the Scientific Revolution. Nicolaus Copernicus (aka Nicholas Copernicus). 1473- 1543 Polish priest and astronomer who shook the foundations of Europeans beliefs Challenged Ptolemy’s system

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Thinkers of the Scientific Revolution

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  1. Thinkers of the Scientific Revolution

  2. Nicolaus Copernicus (aka Nicholas Copernicus) 1473- 1543 Polish priest and astronomer who shook the foundations of Europeans beliefs Challenged Ptolemy’s system Based on mathematics he developed a heliocentric theory that placed the earth as the 3rd planet rotating around the sun Major work: The Revolution of Heavenly Bodies

  3. Tycho Brahe 1546- 1601 Danish astronomer Meticulously recorded star data for 20 years Chartered the irregular path of a comet which disproved Ptolemaic theory Didn’t fully accept heliocentric theory Massive collection of data helped future scientists

  4. Johann Kepler 1571- 1630 Mathematician who developed the first theories of motion Was Brahe’s assistant and used Braher’s data to come up with the theory that planets moved in ellipses His first Law of Motion stated that the planets moved in elliptical orbits His second Law of Motion stated that the planets sweep through an equal are of space in an equal amount time

  5. Galileo Galilei (1564- 1642) First to use a telescope to look at the heavens, with it he saw Jupiter’s moons, and the craters on the moon Works: Starry Messenger= got him in trouble with the Spanish Inquisition, which had warned him not to openly support Copernicus Dialogue on the Two Great World Systems= stated this was a work of fiction to placate the Church. The Church didn’t fall for it and forced him to recant. He spent the rest of his life in house arrest Theory of Inertia= stated that things in motion remained in motion unless acted upon by another force– implied God is not necessary to move planets Considered the first modern scientist Developed the Scientific Method of experimentation Was one of the mechanists (how, NOT why)

  6. Isaac Newton (1642- 1727) Published The Principia= described three laws of motion In the absence of force, motion continues in a straight line The rate of change of the motion is determined by by the forces acting on it Action and reaction between two bodies are equal and opposite Law of universal gravitation= applied the concept of gravity to both heaven and earth Supported observation and experimentation Helped further develop the Scientific Method

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