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Task Management improves work flow efficiency by organizing tasks and ensuring better services for clients, with increased productivity and reduced errors. Learn about the purpose, objectives, roles, and responsibilities of Task Management.
WELCOME Task Management McDowell County
Task Management’s purpose is doing more work with less workers by organizing your work flow. • Task Management’s objective is giving the client better services at a higher efficiency rate. Clients actually get their benefits quicker using the TM system. • Task Management’s objective is ensuring that Case Workers can have more time to complete reviews and applications by balancing their time. The Case Worker actually has more time to spend with the client and to process each case. This objective ensures less errors and more quality services that the client is receiving. Purpose and objectives
We called Raleigh and had all cases transferred to one district number. • This helps the case management • align with the due dates for each • month by program category. • Key all of your applications to one district number. This also helps the align the applications by due date. Roles and Responsibilities
We set up an two Outlook group calendars: one for applications and one for reviews. Each task team will use the specific group calendar to put any information needed to process, such as: 5097’s, timely and adequate terminations, update a case, check for UIB, etc… • The Outlook “cues” them when a 5097 is due, or if an application’s 45th day is due, etc… Roles and Responsibilities
Every day you will be assigned a task list to complete, you are responsible for completing all of those cases. If you work ahead on your assigned tasks, that is okay, as long as you finish your assigned task for the day. You are assigned the minimum amount of cases to do; you may work ahead of schedule as desired. Everyone backs up each other when there is an overflow of clients into the office/or calling into the office. Customer service is our main goal for task management. Last Week of the month: Both Tasks teams will help each other to make sure they are on task/finished. Both Tasks teams will work on Quarterly/Monthly reports/Case Management Reports, late reviews, and applications for the last five days of the month. When a person is out sick or on vacation, the review/application tasks will be divided up with remaining workers to complete. EACH MONTH, THE TASK TEAMS WILL CHANGE ON THE SECOND WEEK OF THE MONTH (AFTER THE PROCESSED REVIEWS ARE KEYED). THE APPLICATION TEAM WILL BEGIN WORKING UP THEIR REVIEWS FOR THEM TO KEY THE FOLLOWING MONTH. This ensures that a worker is keying their own review that they worked up. Roles and Responsibilities
Calculations for assigning tasks with the Unit: We currently have 8 case workers in Family & Children Medicaid. Application Forecast: 103 Pending applications/100 processed applications per month=203 monthly 50 applications per worker monthly/13 per week/3 per day =4 case workers Reviews: Processing: 399 per month/99 per worker/per 5 days=20 per day. Working Up: 399 per month/49 per week (10 days) /10 per day. =4 case workers Roles and Responsibilities
Task Management creates team work for a more efficient work flow. • Task Management creates a cycle that everyone contributes to get the end result. • Task Management measures your progress by monitoring tasks keyed, per day. This helps you know which areas you are weak in (such as keying skills, processing reviews/applications, relating policy and applying it to procedures, etc…. • Case workers have ownership of creating and learning a new process as they go. Instead of a client having a case worker, they now have a team managing their benefits. Areas For Growth
Relationships. Let the team take a Myers-Brigg assessment and compare it with other co-workers. This assessment helps workers understand the different types of personalities. Discuss how different personalities can work together, regardless of their differences. • Accountability. The team will learn to respectively but consistently hold people accountable for delivering. • Respect. Be respectful of other co-workers on your team. Everyone has a voice, and has a chance to be heard. • Risk planning. Plan for the unexpected. What would happen if “mayhem” happened here…or there… • Communicate, Communicate, Communicate! Make sure others understand what you are saying, and define expectations. Explore options to avoid conflicts. Learn to disagree respectably, and negotiate for the end result. Team Building Exercises
Any questions? • Discussions? • Suggestions? • Please email me at: trish.fields@mcdowell.nc.gov • or call me at: 828-659-0629. Best Practices
It is my hope that any County that implements Task Management in their Agency will communicate what works, and what does not. This can save other Counties time and hard work. Recommendations
THANK YOU by: Trish Fields/Family & Children Medicaid