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Learn about polymers, their properties and applications, including the process of polymerization, types, and examples of polymers like polyethylene and PVC. Discover the advantages and disadvantages of using plastics and explore the concept of thermosetting versus thermosoftening polymers.

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  1. Polymers

  2. Polymer This name hints at how polymers are made Many + Parts PLASTICS This name honors plastics useful property of being easily molded Latin: Plasticus, that which can be molded

  3. Polymer • Polymers are made up of many many molecules Poly- means "many" and -mer means “unit”

  4. Polymers: Introduction If a Monomer = A then Polymer = A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A- Ex: C=C + C=C + C=C-C-C-C-C-C-C monomer monomer monomer polymer (plastic) Note: • Only one product • Occurs with alkenes

  5. POLYMERISATION A process in which small molecules called monomers join together into a large molecule. There are 2 basic types ADDITION : made from alkenes using an Addition reaction. And all the atoms in the monomer are used to form the polymer CONDENSATIONmonomers join up the with expulsion of Small moleculesnot all the original atoms are present in the polymer

  6. POLYMERISATION OF ALKENES ADDITION POLYMERISATION The equation shows the original monomer and the repeating unit in the polymer ethene poly(ethene) MONOMER POLYMER n represents a large number

  7. Polyethylene. Polyethylene. It is the most common plastic you see. It is used for bottles, buckets, jugs, containers, toys, even synthetic lumber, and many other things.

  8. There are two types of polyethylene polymers (plastics). HDPE, called high density polyethylene, with long straight chains as long as 20,000 carbons (shown here). It is hard. The other LDPE has many branching chains and is soft

  9. HDPE

  10. Polymerisation of Ethene https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sk6h4oaArE0

  11. Another polymer, which is almost the same as polyethylene, is PolyVinyl Chloride or PVC. The difference is that every other hydrogen is replaced with a chlorine atom (green sphere).

  12. POLYMERISATION OF ALKENES ADDITION POLYMERISATION • Chemical Properties • Fairly inert. This means it is resistant to chemical attack and • 2) it is non-biodegradable. • 3) VERY large molecules so they have a lot of INTERMOLECULAR forces…..what property does this give them?

  13. POLYMER PROPERTIES • Plastics are all solid at room temperature, why? These molecules are VERY large so intermolecular forces are huge. so polymers are solid at room temperature. The carbon–carbon covalent bonds are strong and there are so very many, so plastics are NOT chemically reactive. The physical properties come from weak intermolecular Forces, but here are many of these too, thus plastics melt but ay a fairly high temperatures Ex: 150 0C (polyethene). Unless they are cross bridged (we talk later) 2. Why do plastics melt rather than react?




  17. Polymerisation of Propene https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nz1ucI6gCIg

  18. Thermosetting V Thermosoftening Polymers Thermosetting Polymer Thermosoftening polymers  can be reshaped when heated up again. Polymer chains are not linked • cannot be reshaped. • If heated it will burn, not re-melt • polymer chains joined by cross-links

  19. NATURAL POLYMER Cellulose made of chains of the sugar, although not by addition reactions

  20. Plastic can be bad

  21. Plastics Uses and Problems • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eZiBAkbCR0E

  22. Disadvantages of Plastic • Most plastics are non-biodegradable. • 2) During combustion toxic fumes are released. • 3) Plastics are made from fossil fuels which are non-renewable

  23. Burning some plastics is bad (CH2CHCl)n + O2 CO2 + CO + HCl + H2O PVC pipes are safe until it burns. The chlorines in the PVC combine with the hydrogen atoms in the PVC to form hydrogen chloride gas (HCl). When this contacts water in lungs or mouth, it turns to hydrochloric acid (HCl(aq)).

  24. Advantages of Plastics • They are cheap and easy to make. • They don’t oxidize (rust). • Plastics are resistant to chemical attack • They are easy to mould into shape and colour • They last a lot longer than many metals • .

  25. Biodegradable Plastics Instead of using fossil fuel derived monomers for polymerization, Starch from foods (corn starch or potato starch can be used, they can polymerize and form plastics as well as ethene or propene. Advantage: pollution control as these will rot in less than a year Disadvantage: using food when the world still has hungry people is grossly unethical. These plastics do not work as well

  26. Plastics How They are Made https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JararyOXa0Q

  27. Quiz http://www.bbc.co.uk/education/guides/zxm39j6/activity

  28. STOPPING POLYMERIZATION REACTIONS • How can the polymerization reaction end or be stopped? • Run out or reactants (monomers) • ii) 2 free radial monomers combine head to head • iii) Addition of chain terminating agent such as nitro benzene • IV) Oxygen impurities is often a chain terminator, The growing chain will react with molecular oxygen, producing an oxygen radical, which is much less reactive. • V) The radical chain reacts with a hydrogen the chain, as it does above with oxygen • INITIATION, free radical formation via a catalyst benzoyl peroxide • PROPAGATION, the reaction keeps going when the ethene forms a free radical upon collision with benzoyl peroxide • TERMINATION 5 ways

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