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Welcome to Year 4! This is an overview of our class routines, homework, reading, times tables practice, and upcoming topics in maths and literacy.
Welcome! • Welcome to everyone and I hope all the children have now settled in to Year 4. • Class routines- all bags in cloak room, can have 1 pencil case and everyone has own tray. • Toast 20p per slice. • Lunchtime from 12.15pm so lunch usually at 12.30pm. • Class timetable -morning break at 11am. • Worship 10.15am.
Routines- Homework/Reading/Spelling • Spellings –given out every Monday in homework diaries and tested on the following Monday. Words taken from our RWI spellings books so children are already familiar with the words each weekand will practise at school too. • Reading- Encourage your child to read every night. Please sign your child’s diary every time they read. Books will be changed at least once a week at school. The reading of books from home or independent reading is also great and please write in the diary if you are reading a book from home. • Homework – Homework out on a Wednesday, due back on Monday/Tuesday. Maths and literacy homework once per week. Discuss the homework task with your child and ensure the homework is completed to a good level. Please let me know if there are any problems. • Times tables – Please encourage your child to practise their times tables at home. The maths homework for the week may often involve times tables recall or activities. • Please sign homework diary each week, feel free to write any notes about homework or other issues.
PE – Thursday afternoon. Please make sure full kit is in school (pumps inside/trainers outside) • Woodwind – flute lesson on Wednesday afternoon. All children have been assigned a flute and will start bringing them home before half term.
Reading in Year 4 • Reading will be part of homework every week. The children should continue to try and read for a short period every night. Children should read to an adult and independently. Please ask your child questions about the book they are reading. They will also read 1:1 at school. Reading books should be changed at least once a week. • Guided reading – Guided reading groups once per week. Encourage children to help each other, discuss the text, respond to questions and using the text to answer accurately. Follow up group activites to secure understanding
Times Tables By the end of year 4, all children should be able to recall the multiplication and division facts for multiplication tables up to 12 x 12. • Times tables –x2,x5,x10,x3,x6,x4,x8,x7 x9,x11,x12 will be a focus in mental maths starters during numeracy lessons. • 118 Times Tables challenge per week. • Times tables facts recall. • Times tables homework. • Please practise recall of times tables at home. • Education city – lots of great times tables activities/games/songs.
Addition and subtraction Children should be able to use the column method foraddition and subtraction of 4 digit numbers. Children should confidently add and subtract simple 3 and 4 digitnumbers mentally (jotting or number lines) Year 4 Maths Multiplication and division Multiply 3 digits by 1 digits using the grid method and the formal written method. Divide using short division. Times tables up to 12 x 12. Number and place value Children should be confident workingwith 4 digit numbers including decimals to one decimals place. Fractions and decimals Equivalent decimal fractions for tenths and hundredths. Recognise common equivalent fractions. Geometry (Properties of shapes/position and direction) Plot coordinates on a 2D grid and translate shapes up/down/left/right. Statistics Solve comparison, sum and difference problems using information presented in bar charts, pictograms, tables and other graphs. Measurement Estimate, compare and calculate different measures, including money in pounds and pence.
Year 4 Literacy Film and Play scripts Fantasy Fairy Tales Explanations Folk Tales Debate Poetry Stories with a Theme Newspaper Reports Information Texts Persuasive Texts Reports Novels Story Writing (Plot based)
SPAG Non-negotiables for writing Year 4 • In all of my writing I must: • use commas to mark clauses • use commas after fronted adverbials • inverted commas and other punctuation for speech • use was and were correctly • use paragraphs to organise your writing • joined up handwriting
Our vision • “Let your light shine before people so that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven” Matthew 5: v.16