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Understanding Health and Diseases: Types, Prevention, and Control

Learn about communicable and non-communicable diseases, how they spread, prevention methods, vaccination importance, and factors affecting health.

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Understanding Health and Diseases: Types, Prevention, and Control

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  1. A presentation by Mrinalini Nayak STD V th C Health and diseases

  2. DISEASES AND ITS TYPES • A disease is an illness that effects the health of a person . It is a condition that does not allow the body to function properly . There are two types of diseases:- Communicable or infectious diseases Non-communicable or non-infectious disease

  3. COMMUNICABLE DISEASES • These are diseases which can spread from one person to another very easily . These diseases are due to microorganisms called germs. They cause diseases because :- germs enter the body and increase in number . As they grow and reproduce ,they cause damage to our body cells. They can be only seen under a microscope. These germs spread through direct contact, through air , food water or insects.

  4. Types of microorganisms • VIRUS:- measles , AIDS, common cold, viral fever , polio , conjunctivitis, chickenpox , dengue

  5. BACTERIA:- cholera , tetanus , tuberculosis, typhoid , pneumonia.

  6. PROTOZOA;-malaria, amoebic dysentery

  7. FUNGI:- ringworm, food Poisoning

  8. SPREAD OF COMMUNICABLE DISEASES • Communicable diseases can spread Through many ways like :- Through direct contact Through air Through contaminated food and water Through animal and insect bites

  9. HOW TO CONTROL SPREAD OF INFECTIOUS DISEASES . • Keep the surroundings clean . Maintain clean habits. Maintain healthy eating habits.

  10. Do not let water stagnate in or around the house. keep the house well ventilated. Consult a doctor immediately in case of an animal bite.

  11. VACCINATION • Vaccination is a process of injecting dead or weakened germs [vaccine] into the body of a healthy person in order to develop immunity against a deadly disease . We can prevent some diseases by giving vaccination. Vaccination can be given between the age of 0-10 years .

  12. NON COMMUNICABLE DISEASES • A Noncommunicable Disease is a disease that is not spread through contact. • Are caused by how people live, conditions they are born with, or environmental hazards. • Are not spread by contact because most are not caused by germs. Instead they are the breakdown in body cells and tissues.

  13. TYPES OF NON INFECTIOUS DISEASES • Chronic Diseases • Degenerative Diseases • Diseases Present at Birth • Diseases Resulting from Lifestyle Behaviors • Diseases Caused by the Environment • Nutritional deficiency diseases

  14. 4 factors that increase your chances of having high blood pressure • Eating a large amount of salt • Being overweight • Feeling extreme stress for long periods of time • Having a family history of high blood pressure Alcohol Tobacco Exercise STRESS Eat Healthy

  15. Thank You

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